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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I played many history games, but I never remember the names. Hard to know now post recent changes. Well, I do not play others now. I just play this if have some time few items.
  2. Nice video accounts. Sad you were unable to get your own boxes. Cool to be able to hear your voice. Sounds from Venezuela.
  3. if no motivations, just take a break. take note of your passwords, usernames and ID of account just in case even forum entry. If you are bored, makes me a favor, if you see OKI and OD.FARM, kill them. They are my kids fooling around. Sometimes you can set a goal to achieve. Make a thread of progress and look for that a goal then creates another after that one. I make my own all the time and that keeps me advancing.


    generally speaking, on the 17 of every month but can change sometimes due to events. Average mid of every month. I use that one to increase boxes reserves but I wait every month now to happen.
  5. cool. Very rare to see a clan to be serious about the old days with TITAN, WAR, WINS and Clean clan.
  6. love them, seen them in concert. when I was a kid, my father purchased a cassette from the first album back in 76-77. Was cool. My older brother wanted to dominate the cassette for himself. Then I got the long play record few months after that. The got the second release back in 78 and then years later 85 I think 3er stage. Later the 4th but cd. I saw them last time in Boston.
  7. I give wins, I use Bro, never used nigga and no reason to do so, don't sell accounts neither want someone else account. Wins-never intended to play for wins so I do not mind. Even when I played for R1 I gave the wins to top players every week to let them stay on ranks in all clans not omitting one. Bro- In the military base some black community members used a lot with me when I was young. So, time to time I use the term or friends. Nigga- that is for black community to use between themself. Keep things in the proper place and respect. Sure, it is more a USA thing. Do not use that in USA because you can even be killed for it. Even between black community they are careful normally to be use more between people that know each other for some time. Sometimes can be offensive between them. Selling account- Annoying in the game from my starting day. Those are normally acc hackers.
  8. Nice. Max that baby. Few good modules. work on them.
  9. good question. My accounts close often during farming in the recent weeks.
  10. nice future furniture. By the way, the trash can in the window, looks like mine
  11. No clue. Sad to know about the warning.
  12. I remember the SilverMan killing me so many times.
  13. Because I farm all the time, I just keep using OD6. Someone before made a list of the best spots for the farming for enemy destruction having the be best number of enemies per fuel shot. Sad all of that is gone around. Sometimes when I want to make it a bit faster to collect the tokens, I use OD7. OH, Quest destroy enemy’s. New clan name
  14. para ti tambien.
  15. yes. it is just the Zarkares with different cool look. When released was decent to use as the Zark was but that was way back when I started in my first 6 months or so. Sure, Monkey was the King not having the current shields. Even today, Monkey can be great in the hands of some top players using it as counter. Sadly, can't say the same for Saber but looks cool. Sure, I like Monkey looks from start.
  16. sounds fun. I saw the offer when I started to play.
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