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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I do not know why the competition it is so weak. There are no longer top players around. Oh well, I will have to conform and get always all the rewards. I just want to share them. CHEERS
  2. it is not 194, it is 194million Ok. it is time to kill the top gunners because will hunt the low rankers due to the match maker will be looking for match's and will do the match's regardless ranks. be ready to knock them down.
  3. First of all, you should not provide information of your account here in the forum where people can see. Please remove the information and edit content deleting that part. Moderators can help to give you direction. They are around often checking to help. Right now connected
  4. Scary, if that mech chase me, I quit the fight. better lose than to say I was brutally killed. Cool
  5. it is all depend on the risk and reward according of your current need. No one can tell you about offers in reality because all apply to personal desires and goal in the game plus current status. I will say that if a player it is in the early stages on progress and need silver coins to enhance account in the ARENA SHOP, lazy farmer or limited time to farm to get gold and using14 premium packs to obtain in need of any kind of weapons possibility from legend but also limited in EPIC parts in needs like recoils, torsos, legs and few others it is ok. For a developed account unless want to risk with boxes to get premium parts not obtained so far, I will say it can pass and get more boxes with the 4k. Just think according been a pay to win and free to play ways. If is a free to play, how fast you can get tokens back to get at current tokens on hands. If the player, it is in a search to get a guaranty let say module it can pass to get modules offers and comes with packs as well. Sometimes we make jokes about offers but all offers are very important to the respective player status if want to spend tokens to advance in some ways a bit faster. For example, before we used to have the 500 tokens offers, those offers came with one energy and one heat basic module and maybe a few fuels and that was my first offer I got as free player from my achievement's tokens obtained completing those tasks and without it, I had no epic modules in my first mech and was a pain. Just be careful during development and do not think rushing to show off costing you making mistakes as many including me have done before learning the game.
  6. it is like do actually what you are doing and get some tokens or so for design ideas maybe for promotion or game itself future parts development, but the applicant will get explanation about it. I do not know the deal behind. Just apply and see what happen. Cool design above.
  7. next step. Another juicy offer.
  8. actually, looks super-duper weapons and match with your avatar. Maybe should apply here and get something.
  9. Nice growing. Hmm, I will say instead to get space, you can use some of the paint. Also, you have parts that you do not need unless for fun collection. You can eat 2 rusty, like 5 runners, few hollow, one energy and heat vest, and a lot more. Maybe go for L40 then transform and keep the new Myth in L1 till can make some space. I am working reducing inventory due to no room having 610. Then you can get focus having space in to max myth. Nice inventory. Due your other stuff. Update later. Waiting for it.
  10. Well said. Everyone needs some meaningful care with love.
  11. oh nice. interesting. Looking forward. Nice design by the way.
  12. I still want to join but right now I can't. There are some other changes at work absorbing my time. I can't play pvp as used time to time at work break time. Normally I am busy getting pages, calls, emergencies, checking all the time process status, send reports for meetings and others keeping me really busy and at home to keep working and getting calls at night because something broke and working in my days off etc. To be honest it is not easy. Trying to play simple 5 pvp I fall to sleep literally so I spend time with the kids in others stuff and my wife things. My kids stopped to play their accounts but actually they farm them not as before but keeping some progress and they barely play pvp in my accounts passing days or even a week missing Raid Day, no titan (I do titan every other week) and now not even farming so I am the only one now farming reason of the current progress, but it is less than before. They told me that will join some weeks ago but did not guessing because they are spending time with their cousins staying at home for their entire summer. Even they play time to time, they not even trying to rank up a bit to get rank box at least R5 so they mostly get R7 not even trying to win just goofing around with R7 mechs for data collection with some time-to-time modifications loosing often but also a bit tired to fight 3700, 3400 and else power mechs against their R7. I think they will join post summer at least for 5 wins or so and R5 by end of season. I am not sure what they want. I do not see them with desire as before to see their own accounts progress, so they do not care much about my own.
  13. Maybe in Discord. Before there was a Forum notification when Gato implemented but I do not see that now. There is an area for notification. Now, the notification used to pop. my account is working now. I can farm.
  14. you can play 2 accounts or else in the same PC or phone or else, but you need to log off one then log in to the other. If you try to open 2 accounts at the same time in particular using the same e-mail address, you will end up overwriting one and will have to say goodbye to that account forever. If you want to play 2 accounts at the same time, you have to use different units like one in a PC and the other in a phone. Having multiple account of the same one is illegal and there is software implemented to help prevent cheating. When I was new first time to log in, it happened to me, and my niece and we deleted the first account when trying to open her account by mistake.
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