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Posts posted by Redskullhead49

  1. Its been a while since ive posted in this website. But i just wanna let everyone (whoever reads this message xd) know that im still playing sm. I thought the game died. I came back and earned a bunch of premiums "Distance shredder & Spartan Carnage". Good stuff, and also FInally BEAT tier 5! And somehow got to the top 500 In raids!

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  2. After Finishing the first mech with its new drone. Second mech finally gets an upgrade. It may not have the best stats now. But it will eventually, and ill replace the frantic with Night eagle, cuz i need the range. Plus frantic damage is luck based, so me with bad luck in the game, needs a good weapon to rely on

    Screenshot_20230619-200830_Super Mechs.jpg

  3. Buff my Physical Drone drops. Throughout the entire year i have been playing. I have managed acquired 0 physical drones. The ones i got are either garbage (Void/hurlbat) or just common/rare drones that cant become mythical. Im begging for a physical drone right now. Just so i could go back to rank 10

  4. 40 minutes ago, ---Soul Burner--- said:

    I think that both are awesome but if they have a comparison which would u choose? I also confused lets see who wins Falcon or Cockpit Piercer                                                                                 Comment your answer.                                           here 👇

    Falcon light and mostly for damage. Piercer for less far range and reduce opponent's resistance. Really depends on the mech, my vote goes to falcon, it has less weight and does more damage

  5. Sorry Zark... Your just not good enough... This Bulldozer chin looking torso looks better... But is it good to replace? Fractured Heat armor (Mythical) replace with Zarkares? I think its good.. For me its a fair replacement 

    Super Mechs_2021-05-01-06-14-25.jpg

    Super Mechs_2021-05-01-06-14-30.jpg

  6. On 4/27/2021 at 10:34 PM, Spam said:

    Do you have spare legendaries? Because claw isn't very good rn, and beating a claw user is just a matter of taking their weapons out of range. 

    i know, I Claw is unable to move and has a big disadvantages. Just make sure that your mech have both further and close range.. I beat most claw users because they use only further range weapons, i keep coming close and make their weapons out of range.. I Max my Massive stone feet first. If your a claw user. You must have a double teleporter and a big energy capacity to use it

  7. After all the time i played super mechs. I always have this question.. Is there a Divine Advanced Repulser? I never seen one. I never see it glows in game.. I always wonder what damage it does when its at divine and does it glow when you use it like any other divine weapons...

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