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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. This still has not been added. I was the 1st to bring this up in the old forum. I brought it up many times. I even brought it up with Alex. I got no reply there. Your idea is the same as my idea, but the numbers are different. Common to rare: 1 common plus 2 other common = 1 rare Rare to epic: 1 rare plus 3 rare = 1 epic epic to legend.: 1 epic plus 4 epic = 1 legendary Actually, the smart thing to to is to up them to epic, and that is it. You would be wasting them
  2. Thanks @Alexander.... I don't play much, yet awesome....
  3. Okay, this is totally not right... There few reasons that this if not right. One main reason that this is not cool, is because some have to leave because they lost track of time or ask to do something for the one they live with and need to turn or quit. Other reasons is because you have those beggars asking for a win. "Can you please let me win". So, if I give a win, I'm not sitting through the whole battle. The one who stays in battle, already benefits by upping their rank....
  4. JamAnime


    I don't think @Alexander does that anymore.
  5. Hmm................................. okay, I googled the word... Didn't know...
  6. Wow how did you know? Are to stalking me? False Next person will buy me a PS5.
  7. True.. I have seen both, and own both.... Next person has just came home 10 minutes ago.
  8. True..... Next person will give me their credit card info....
  9. I doubt it is the android. I think he is referring to the windows app. That always give one token add a day to no token adds a day.
  10. yes you do. Max rare kits and use then for Mythical also. Be smart on using them. Try not to waste a small gap with a max rare that can be filled with a smaller item. For instance and example: you use 10 rare lvl 20 kits and still 3000 to fill that gap. Use some items or a lvl 5 kit. Don't waste a lvl 20. Yea I know that way also. I just do it the easy way...
  11. If you have base, then you use power kits. If not, just buy silver boxes. Though I doubt new players get the silver... The way I used to do it is: To up a Epic to legendary: two lvl 20 power units To up a full rare power unit: Three common lvl 10 power unit and a lvl 5 common power unit Also, to up a legendary and Myth item, use high lvl kits and some common and rare items to fill that gap that way you don't waste a power unit. You can also use epic items if you want.
  12. False... I'm drinking water in California. Next person lives in California.
  13. False.... Next person left supermechs game, and just enjoys forum chat.
  14. Yep.... It actually is better If you are out for a little more than 2 days, you get more than having to check every day.
  15. If there was already stated, then sorry. Went on the acct today, and saw that the Base Mine was change to 75k max. Awesome @Alexander. Get 300k now. Be cool to be 100k, yet 75 is better than 25k... Awesome...
  16. Well, it is a great offer, yet know that you will get horrible drop rates in those boxes. I would buy it, if I was playing.... Another thing Alex should do: On these special deal day, have a 50% off in buying tokens. Though, ain't gonna happen.
  17. There goes 50 down the drain. Did you use your Stimulus on it?!!!
  18. Well, of course. This can actually be added later down the line, with more items coming. Unless there is another huge do over, as in rebuilding your acct back up.
  19. Hey, it's better than what I draw... I suck at drawing. It looks cool. I will always praise those that draw and post here. Good or bad.
  20. Hmm, I guess it is okay I still wouldn't spend that much. If it were 1 Million gold and 2000 tokens, then that be a hook on for me, maybe. I would buy it if it were $39.99. I like to spend low, and get a beneficiary of it. I must have read wrong or it was edited out, but I'm positive that I read that today was not post to be today's deal, in a week.... I guess I might have lost it.
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