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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. Makes sense though. With -591 resistance, only that would be do able. Might as well try a move with falcon with an opponent of -1000 resistance. Might get +2000 damage.
  2. I am who I am of who I am, yet not Sam I am of Pam I am.
  3. They are alright for a new player. Though, don't waist gold on items that stop at common, rare, epic or legendary. Only upgrade items that reach mythical. I see you have two, correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Welcome to the WINDIGO club. Those who maxed Windigo 1st can join. Windigo was also my 1st.
  5. being weird is awesome, so you should try it sometimes
  6. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
  7. to take a dump in his diaper...
  8. Depends on your acct. If you are a new player, then buy premium packs and hope you get something. Premium boxes are wack. The smartest thing you can do is save fore special limited time deals, and read the thread about it if that offer is worth it or not. You get a lot of info there.
  9. wouldn't want to be ya.... Because he has nothing else to do. That obvious.
  10. Yeah, I would say this would be the answer. Happened to me when I had an old phone. After I bought a new one, all went back to normal.
  11. No. Even if I have Billions of ASC, I would not waist them on this. But, that is just me. I rather insurance if more were added. Hmm.... Have no idea what that is. Never heard of it until, now. No comment on this.
  12. This was my idea back in TS forum. Don't know if I brought it here. I think I brought it up before base was established. Anyway, I am still for it, yet not gonna happen. I seriously would come back to the game and do this. Now here is my idea. - Once you had implement a weapon into the base mechs, they cannot be uses in other events, unless removed from base mechs. So, example if you have a Maxed Mythical Rock Recoiler on a buggy, you can not use it Arena Builds, Titan, war, campaign, or raid. Using items on base builds, decreases inventory number. Say you have inventory 220 and you use 6 items on base mechs, those six items are deducted from inventory which is 214, until taken off they go back to inventory. - Base upgrading: Every base starts at lvl 1. At lvl one, you use one build at that lvl upgrading base mechs and items gets you closer to be able to upgrade to the next lvl. Every 10 lvls requires a certain amount of HP to be ment, before upgrading. There are 30 lvls for a 1v1 base. To go to a 2v2 lvl base, starts at lvl 31. For a 3v3, starts at lvl 61, and reaches max at 1v1 90. I can get into more detail, yet this can even out for everyone. lvl 1
  13. This is the only one I would say this one should change. Though change the build on a weekly bases, that way you can get any build.
  14. I would just advise Alex to make beginner account not have BASE. Once they reach lvl 100, then they have the option to enable it or not. Give an explanation of what it is at lvl 90, where a message will pop up at that lvl saying, "You are Close to reaching lvl 100, where you will have an option to switch your account to base." Then have a little explanation of what it is. Once switch, can't go back . That would take a load off their back. Yet, no one takes my advise serious.
  15. That is wrong. You have to collect tickets, unless it change. I did it before, and it said to collect tickets That is either hacking or a bug. I see what you mean.
  16. while constipated in the restroom...
  17. Did yesterdays portal, to see what I can benefit from it... ThaThat Not much, yet that's all I got, even though I already had those perks On a side note, also got this from a mix box, don't remember from where... And here what I got on my 2nd acct..
  18. Day 111, waiting for SM crew to make something worth coming back in the game.
  19. of a McDonald's Happy Meal that...
  20. TOO many ads pop up like crazy, on the windows ap. They even pop up twice in one go of the portal.
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