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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. For that to exist, it have to be tokens to buy the items. The minimum would have to be 250 for one item.
  2. How about we just make it that trading to my accounts is the only trading in the game. End of discussion PS. You have no idea how bad trading can hurt the game. Here is an idea. I have two rank 5-3 accounts. Both have more than 30 full myth items. One account is my main, and the other is my 2nd. Though, both are equal in terms of battle. If I decide to trade all my full myth items to my main, I will be dominant in the game taking over rank 1, easy as one two three. I could even have one account have making myth and trading with my main. oh, and don't think, "But, there can also be trading with the rank of items, only." I can argue everything you throw at me. Just an idea, I have 3 more email accounts. If trade were added in the game, I can easily make those three account make about 3 maxed items in one week. I would not even waste time on the base.
  3. I just have one image to post about what comes to my mind about your teacher
  4. but peanut butter and pickles...
  5. The next person who request trade has to buy me a Christmas or Birthday present.
  6. Yet, in reality, this would happen...
  7. Last time i checked, it is Monkey torso, just the image is change. I had this torso, already. The 1st time I saw this, I wanted it. That was long ago...
  8. Yep... you are Darkstare's brother....
  9. Zakaraz sucks now.... Might want to change it.
  10. 50 was the max you can get daily, when I would watch ads and play. It shouldn't be more than that a day. Though, I still don't know.
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