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Merry Christmas!



Hi Pilots, 


We wish you all a very merry christmas from SuperMechs!


To celebrate, we have a couple of gifts for you. 


As some of you may have seen in your notification, everyone is able to collect a free christmas box. If you didn't get the notification, you can also collect it here


On top of that, there's another special treat for those who follow us actively. You can collect a free Snowball Perk - make sure to pass the link on to your friends as well!



Collect them soon as they'll expire in a few days. Enjoy the game and again, merry christmas!


Recommended Comments

Ight, whoever can build the best overall mech on workshop unlimited.. well, wins. I have nothing to give and I will test of your builds fairly. If any of you can make a overall build that has at least 5 l-m items and ISN'T a counter, then submit your mechs. Make an overall energy build, physical build, or heat build. Let's see who has the most amount of mech building skills. This will also help you put together a better arena mech, so yea. I will try to post some of my mechs in this here forum, but I dunno, I'm lazy. Now do your best, no reward, but just try your best. I want to see what this community's got. 🙂

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Late merry Christmas Alexander! I just wanted to say that I didn't receive the box for some reason... is it not available on android? 

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1 minute ago, deathclaw6 said:

Late merry Christmas Alexander! I just wanted to say that I didn't receive the box for some reason... is it not available on android? 

Well some players doesn't get it, including me and it's already exits

Not actually

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On 5/28/2021 at 3:04 AM, SC2A said:

Well some players doesn't get it, including me and it's already exits

Not actually

just reload the site (if your on a computer ) then you'll get the box

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