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Cheater/Smurf Problem



its kinda impossible for anyone to enjoy the game at rank 17-15 with the massive amounts of smurfs, cheaters and spammers, kinda makes pvp boring and less active.

I can only name a few but here is what i got soo far: Lil Acren™, Maestrov, snake, RTX Titan, Deku.

a 15 member clan full of only these cheaters: Loveless!!!

And a disgusting image of these guysScreenshot_20231219_214434_SuperMechs.thumb.jpg.dd06bc397a26d806eed25da7fbecd010.jpg

Edited by RoguePeak338
more gross info (see edit history)
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Smuft is farm in ARENA.

3 hours ago, RoguePeak338 said:

its kinda impossible for anyone to enjoy the game at rank 17-15 with the massive amounts of smurfs, cheaters and spammers, kinda makes pvp boring and less active.

I can only name a few but here is what i got soo far: Lil Acren™, Maestrov, snake, RTX Titan, Deku.

a 15 member clan full of only these cheaters: Loveless!!!

And a disgusting image of these guysScreenshot_20231219_214434_SuperMechs.thumb.jpg.dd06bc397a26d806eed25da7fbecd010.jpg

These players will probably use the payment (tokens) as free ones.

Edited by Yukiya18_SM (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, RoguePeak338 said:

its kinda impossible for anyone to enjoy the game at rank 17-15 with the massive amounts of smurfs, cheaters and spammers, kinda makes pvp boring and less active.

I can only name a few but here is what i got soo far: Lil Acren™, Maestrov, snake, RTX Titan, Deku.

a 15 member clan full of only these cheaters: Loveless!!!

And a disgusting image of these guysScreenshot_20231219_214434_SuperMechs.thumb.jpg.dd06bc397a26d806eed25da7fbecd010.jpg

idk why but in my 3 year experience i have never seen a single hacker or i just didn't know that they were hacking 

I have questions:

How do you understand that someone is hacking ?

how do these hacks work ?

why their nicknames are yellow?

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I had the same complaint about smurf issue in ranks above 15 weeks before and someone told me they technically aren't doing anything punishable despite being complete assholes and I have to agree on that, community manager also disagreed on punishing smurfers so yeah, the only solution to get rid of smurfers is to farm everything in campaign to improve your mech and you won't see any smurfers after a certain point.

In my experience I have never seen a single hacker or cheater above r15, so there might be something wrong about your statement, but apparently there's actually few cheaters somewhere in r10-r5 and I hope Gato will do something about it

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2 hours ago, m01 said:

I had the same complaint about smurf issue in ranks above 15 weeks before and someone told me they technically aren't doing anything punishable despite being complete assholes and I have to agree on that, community manager also disagreed on punishing smurfers so yeah, the only solution to get rid of smurfers is to farm everything in campaign to improve your mech and you won't see any smurfers after a certain point.

In my experience I have never seen a single hacker or cheater above r15, so there might be something wrong about your statement, but apparently there's actually few cheaters somewhere in r10-r5 and I hope Gato will do something about it

What does the word smurf mean ?

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3 hours ago, LORD CHAOS said:

What does the word smurf mean ?

Smurfers are the players that runs low rarity unupgraded torso and legs with maxed weapons to abuse matchmaking for easy wins against newbies, they almost always appear with duo Frantic and Recoiler which makes them even more annoying


2 push-ups a week for Smurfers


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18 hours ago, m01 said:

Smurfers are the players that runs low rarity unupgraded torso and legs with maxed weapons to abuse matchmaking for easy wins against newbies, they almost always appear with duo Frantic and Recoiler which makes them even more annoying


2 push-ups a week for Smurfers


thnx for explonation

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On 12/20/2023 at 11:32 AM, RoguePeak338 said:

its kinda impossible for anyone to enjoy the game at rank 17-15 with the massive amounts of smurfs, cheaters and spammers, kinda makes pvp boring and less active.

I can only name a few but here is what i got soo far: Lil Acren™, Maestrov, snake, RTX Titan, Deku.

a 15 member clan full of only these cheaters: Loveless!!!

And a disgusting image of these guysScreenshot_20231219_214434_SuperMechs.thumb.jpg.dd06bc397a26d806eed25da7fbecd010.jpg

If you are having this problem, maybe I could help you with that. 

I know facing smurf could be annoying sometimes but let me assure you that playing arena isn't mandatory for low rank (atleast for me). I was facing the same problem as you but with a bit more farming in campaign, you can upgrade your mech even better. It is not like you are hardstuck rank 15 or whatever, you can still "quit" when you facing one of those players. 

The smurfer usually camping on rank 17 - 15, but you can still find players that have the same mech as you, you just need luck. And ranking up in low rank is not that hard, you just need I believe 3 or 4 to rank up.

Recap, if you dont find yourself having fun in arena, maybe just dont play arena at all, just finish the daily and call it the day. Farm campaign, get more boxes and start upgrading your mech.

Not a SuperMechs staff, just a Community Moderator.

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13 hours ago, bumbum said:

If you are having this problem, maybe I could help you with that. 

I know facing smurf could be annoying sometimes but let me assure you that playing arena isn't mandatory for low rank (atleast for me). I was facing the same problem as you but with a bit more farming in campaign, you can upgrade your mech even better. It is not like you are hardstuck rank 15 or whatever, you can still "quit" when you facing one of those players. 

The smurfer usually camping on rank 17 - 15, but you can still find players that have the same mech as you, you just need luck. And ranking up in low rank is not that hard, you just need I believe 3 or 4 to rank up.

Recap, if you dont find yourself having fun in arena, maybe just dont play arena at all, just finish the daily and call it the day. Farm campaign, get more boxes and start upgrading your mech.

yep. Sadly, the smurf's has been around maybe from the beginning of the game. When I started it was the same and was hard to cross the game keeping me trapped and losing all the time but stayed to test and figure out ways to play been weaker. 

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On 12/20/2023 at 8:11 PM, LORD CHAOS said:

idk why but in my 3 year experience i have never seen a single hacker or i just didn't know that they were hacking 

I have questions:

How do you understand that someone is hacking ?

how do these hacks work ?

why their nicknames are yellow?

Nah,It’s Smuft.


Edited by Yukiya18_SM (see edit history)
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