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Hell Shadow

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your final goal is 4k tokens, not 1k, 2k or even 3k, makes the best out of the offers while you still can as a newbie with early access to beginner's resources.

Buckshot Frenzy [Burst Type: Third Cycle]SG - Children Of Anarchy enters full auto and reload drum mags instead of single shells, bolstering it's own Clip Size by ▲200% and all ally's SG - Class ATK Speed and ATK by ▲50%, consistent "meat shot" buckshot spreads will rewards Buckshot Frenzy Duration for another 1 second per shot, Buckshot Frenzy do bonus ▲35% D.M.T.R Code Based Damage against enemy shields and barriers .[CD: 115 Seconds][Active]
SG - Children Of Anarchy 「Squad Café Sweety」: SG - Children Of Anarchy fires Black Typhoon Shells with 50% more pellets per buckshot and passively boost all ally SG - Class with ▲25% bonus clip size when deployed at the cost of ▼25% reduced reload speed per reload cycle. 
[Passive] [Squad Synergy : SR - Efficient Slacker SR - Haymaker]

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3k or 4k offers depending on what you want

3k offers provide more than both 1k and 2k offers

4k offers give out the best possible offers that can at least be enough for your mech

Can't confirm any of these though, that's some basic information I've got.

I am going to put the CQR Front Grip and Stock/Grip on my M4, is that okay for you?

Loadout FN FAL, Desolator Heavy, Chainsaw, High Visibility Jacket, Leather Gloves, Vexeron Gloves Arm Wraps, Gas Mask.

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