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INMAX 3 Recruiting


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soon the entire first page will be INMAX

INMAX #1 through #7.

All will be INMAX.

INMAX will be the bleeding heart at the center of a dying star.

The vast expanse of the great plains will be INMAX

the falling tear of a war widow will be INMAX

the smile on our children's faces will be INMAX

the crushing mondanity of modern self expression will be INMAX

INMAX shall be at the heart of an international conspiracy for global domination

INMAX will be the wrapper around your next meal

INMAZ will be the vacant stare in your mirror.

INMAX is the abyss, INMAX is the sun's life giving heat

All will be INMAX, all that is left is INMAX

all that came before and all yet to come to pass is INMAX

INMAX is INMAX RR is INMAX Supermechs is INMAX

endless 24/7 dizzying INMAX, ceasless grasping flashes of INMAX,. INMAX on television INMAX o n the radio its all INMAX there is nothing left but INMAX INMAX



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