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16 hours ago, Duc said:


Leg are good to max but do not go beyond L40 for now. Torso is worthless and won't be good to spend gold on it. The axe can work for now but do not upgrade beyond L40 or L30 if is epic as starting point. Both top weapons are basic at starting the game. You can max better the rocket but keep it lower at Level 30-40 for now. You do not have regeneration or cooling or caps for energy and heat reserves. The other side weapon is ok to L30-L40 for now till get better weapons in the future. Now, energy and heat modules are in real need with the torso at this point. Do not waste gold in that torso.

Also, screen capture all your arsenal and post the image and forum members might help on your starting point. First for sure, grind gold as much possible and start to save till people can help you out. Just ask. 

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