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Repulser needs reduce weight .


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1 hour ago, TALΩS said:

Repulser weight  is 18 ! which is very very big ! ...this item needs to be 2 weight .

1) This would be better as a meta suggestion thread with a vote.

2) No thanks.  It's already very light weight, in my opinion.  Maybe recommend a new item that is even lighter but has backfire (in the tradition of broken blizzard dissolver, etc.).  That would go better in a new item thread.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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Yes but ...guys ...this isnt even a weapon ...no damage ...nothing ...only pushing !!!
make it 5 , make it 9 or something ....18 is simply huge !

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@SawzAll  I am speaking about a weapon that have no damage and only pushing and its weight is muuuch !!! 
Now....your reply that technically makes damage because deals 1 damage point I am sorry ....but doesnt really saws a serious reply !
You are playing with the words !
and this isnt the purpose of this thread 

Edited by TALΩS (see edit history)

" Socializing with people alters a person's character... especially when one does not have a character. "

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6 hours ago, TALΩS said:

@SawzAll  I am speaking about a weapon that have no damage and only pushing and its weight is muuuch !!! 
Now....your reply that technically makes damage because deals 1 damage point I am sorry ....but doesnt really saws a serious reply !
You are playing with the words !
and this isnt the purpose of this thread 

Not at all.  With all due respect, it is called Repulsor because that's its job: it repels (pushes) enemies.  I like it the way it is.  It's not designed ot do damage, technically, though I imagine it does only because of how this game's programming works.  If it was called Advanced Annihilator or Advanced Massacre, sure, it would need a buff or a rename because clearly it isn't very powerful.  But its main and only job is to repel enemies.  I've used them and I like them for certain applications.

Clearly they are useful the way they are because some META use them.

I'm sorry you don't agree, but that's simply how I see it.  You asked on "META Suggestions," and so that's my suggestion: it's fine the way it is.

The only reason (like I already said elsewhere) I'm replying is because you're causing me notifications by quoting me and referencing my name.  So I'm replying to defend myself from your false allegations.  If you don't want to talk to me, just stop causing me notifications.  It's pretty simple.

I mean no one any harm.  I just don't agree.  And with all due respect, honestly, META Suggestion threads are supposed to have polls attached.  That would make it easier: I can vote rather than reply.

Disagreement is not hatred.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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