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Good mech Designs For beginners

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So, as you know, beginning mech designs are kind of important 'cause we (as in the people who have played the game for a long time and know a few things about mech design) need to help new people. so lets make a forum where they can get ideas to get a possibly better mech than the usual ones and also indicate bad torsos. i would like each one of you to post what is in your opinion the best design from the common to rare range. i would think it best if the mechs can be upgraded to the mythical and divine levels AS A BONUS. it would also be nice if you could also post the slot combinations. For those of you who have just joined the game and are reading this i am sorry but you need to do some things like Farming campaign or Spend tokens on packs (go for 355 token one, the 75 token one is just gonna give one card) I am going to kick this discussion of with a heat mech- nightmare with scorching feet. both can be divine leveled for a total hp of 1486 the scorching feet are a total of 428 hp ( For ascention to divine you need relics for which you NEED to open boxes ) at this point the mech already has a potential of 1914 hp without any modules. For modules i recommend overload preventor, platinum plating x 2, heat engine ,cooling mass boosters x 2, energy storage unit, energy production x 2, saviour resistance. it is hard to draw hp for all of these so i will take an aditional 1206 hp. totaling out at about 3120 hp, the mech is kind of good. for specials a teleporter, charge engine, any heat grappling hook. the mean weight of your mech is around 694 kg, add 2 corrupted lights which are pretty good in esscence creating a boiler. along with that add a meelee(your choice i would recommend a hammer or terror blade, unfortunately this you cannot upgrade) and dawn blaze. for top weapons i had to go with epic as there was no way i could use the royal launchers. for the top weapons go for savagery with burning shower or desolation and savagery. if it is not possible you can leave the top weapons slot open as the corrupted light has a lot of range. as a replacement for above mentioned weapons i will recommend royal launcher but please CHANGE it out the moment you have your hands on any good top heat weapons. only savagery is good enough but if you feel the need you can swap out the iron boots and add massive lava feet which have -60 weight reduction paired with 1008 still being fine and you have a good starter mech design with minor changes that can get into top leagues. also note that thi type of mech is heavily customiseable due to its high hp and good resistance.

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The build seems kinda good ngl but my problem is that in this specified build it is not possible without lava feet which are only available from rare. however thanks for added comment

also heat bomb is epic/legendary level right so it can't come in 

What beginners should understand is that it is hard to get torsos and legs that can upgrade from common to legendary, however it is more than better as such mechs when played with for a long time, give you an idea of all strengths and weaknesses of your mech. this is particularly useful when building the second mech for 2v2 as by then you would have an idea for what and what not to use in mechs. at this point i sound like a dad but this WILL help you when it comes to building mechs for serious uses. i remember struggling with balancing out my mech for PvP arena's 

Edited by Darkkillerultimatespeed (see edit history)
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On 7/25/2022 at 10:06 AM, Darkkillerultimatespeed said:

So, as you know, beginning mech designs are kind of important 'cause we (as in the people who have played the game for a long time and know a few things about mech design) need to help new people. so lets make a forum where they can get ideas to get a possibly better mech than the usual ones and also indicate bad torsos. i would like each one of you to post what is in your opinion the best design from the common to rare range. i would think it best if the mechs can be upgraded to the mythical and divine levels AS A BONUS. it would also be nice if you could also post the slot combinations. For those of you who have just joined the game and are reading this i am sorry but you need to do some things like Farming campaign or Spend tokens on packs (go for 355 token one, the 75 token one is just gonna give one card) I am going to kick this discussion of with a heat mech- nightmare with scorching feet. both can be divine leveled for a total hp of 1486 the scorching feet are a total of 428 hp ( For ascention to divine you need relics for which you NEED to open boxes ) at this point the mech already has a potential of 1914 hp without any modules. For modules i recommend overload preventor, platinum plating x 2, heat engine ,cooling mass boosters x 2, energy storage unit, energy production x 2, saviour resistance. it is hard to draw hp for all of these so i will take an aditional 1206 hp. totaling out at about 3120 hp, the mech is kind of good. for specials a teleporter, charge engine, any heat grappling hook. the mean weight of your mech is around 694 kg, add 2 corrupted lights which are pretty good in esscence creating a boiler. along with that add a meelee(your choice i would recommend a hammer or terror blade, unfortunately this you cannot upgrade) and dawn blaze. for top weapons i had to go with epic as there was no way i could use the royal launchers. for the top weapons go for savagery with burning shower or desolation and savagery. if it is not possible you can leave the top weapons slot open as the corrupted light has a lot of range. as a replacement for above mentioned weapons i will recommend royal launcher but please CHANGE it out the moment you have your hands on any good top heat weapons. only savagery is good enough but if you feel the need you can swap out the iron boots and add massive lava feet which have -60 weight reduction paired with 1008 still being fine and you have a good starter mech design with minor changes that can get into top leagues. also note that thi type of mech is heavily customiseable due to its high hp and good resistance.

It is good to see that the old players can join back and help the new commers even the recent not that old to improve. In the old forum, there was a very active support from you guys. Some keeps helping but some stopped to be in the forum, and some never joined or no like it. Regardless of META options and equivalents options like the great help from SawzAll and his progressive web page updates and ideas, will be nice to see all of them back helping to brand new players and peers plus making the forum more challenging on discussions about it. Point of view will be nice for the community regardless not everyone agreed but is a good stuff to have active and healthy forum. 

Will be nice to see all of those guests to join and be part. Sure, some should stop to be too rude for new commers making mistakes at the forum. Please be nice and address with curtesy and sure we need a little bit of spice and competition. Clans are now too boring without the competition as used to be. Now all mingles and sing the Kumbaya instead to use the fist. 🤣😘

Yes, I am guilty of charge on that one. I just like everyone. 😗🙃

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1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

🤷‍♂️good for arena

for mid ranks yes. It is a R7 mech maybe R6 playing well. Depending by the end of season can get R5 and get stuck so better stay lower unless last day to get a better box. You are balanced so is looking fine. Later you can add more plating and make some modules changes when get them. If you have those parts. max them no changes to make. Be stable and make then another mech for 2V2 stability. 

increase your arena shop shields when you can to add more resistance. If you do not want to invest gold keep it if not will drop the dual tele to single and add max protector epic version and L30 the part and might help. 

The option can be good for close fight. need to take in consideration night fall range. they will play against plus the game can set you up off losing a turn. Now, if you have frantic around, then use Frantic better option for lower ranks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/27/2022 at 7:23 AM, Fordekash said:

🤷‍♂️good for arena


On 7/27/2022 at 9:20 AM, OKI DOKI said:

for mid ranks yes. It is a R7 mech maybe R6 playing well. Depending by the end of season can get R5 and get stuck so better stay lower unless last day to get a better box. You are balanced so is looking fine. Later you can add more plating and make some modules changes when get them. If you have those parts. max them no changes to make. Be stable and make then another mech for 2V2 stability. 

increase your arena shop shields when you can to add more resistance. If you do not want to invest gold keep it if not will drop the dual tele to single and add max protector epic version and L30 the part and might help. 

The option can be good for close fight. need to take in consideration night fall range. they will play against plus the game can set you up off losing a turn. Now, if you have frantic around, then use Frantic better option for lower ranks. 

Agreed but i would be careful with long ranges because the drone turn is lost and there is only one long range cannon, personally i never preferred night eagle because its very hefty and most of the time not worth its weight but its good for huggers and medium ranges. i would prefer you add distance shredder for a better outcome  








I have a mech design for heat, we can also make it a hybrid but that's your choice as it is flexible

Screenshot (64).png

Edited by Darkkillerultimatespeed
i dont want the messages to merge (see edit history)
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17 minutes ago, Darkkillerultimatespeed said:


Agreed but i would be careful with long ranges because the drone turn is lost and there is only one long range cannon, personally i never preferred night eagle because its very hefty and most of the time not worth its weight but its good for huggers and medium ranges. i would prefer you add distance shredder for a better outcome  








I have a mech design for heat, we can also make it a hybrid but that's your choice as it is flexible

Screenshot (64).png

In this case is a tuff design.  

Your heat cap is too low and you're cooling it it worse for current weapons set including energy base.

The mech is in need of energy to use weapons except bomb, pizza cutter and drone. The mech it is more designed for mid-range even close range with legs, cutter and murmur can't help even primum hook.

First, pizza does have backfire and heat cost making impossible to be use with that heat cap and cooling.

Second, bomb not just affect the opponent, but because the power to overheat is high, you will cook yourself right in the spot and you do not have colling and cap to recover so you are dead.

3er, energy mech will stay away but will drain you and they normally does have decent heat caps so you are dead overheated and no energy to use the other weapons

4th, your side and top weapon depend on energy and won't recover after drain plus those weapons are heat weapons that will overheat you with the use of them. 


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How 'bout now 

Screenshot (66).png

Forget the heat bomb on the top

and replace hysteria with flaming scope

This is good i believe 

Screenshot (68).png

actually you can replace the drone for backstabbing protector

Thoughts on these mechs all of them have their names on them, i feel kind of bad for having made huggers now due to their rather close combat nature

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ngl lazy falcon on physical mech is kind of over powered and oki, could you balance out the above mechs and give me an idea of your mechs possibly R5- R1 ik its a lot but can you do it

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1 hour ago, Darkkillerultimatespeed said:

How 'bout now 

Screenshot (66).png

Forget the heat bomb on the top

and replace hysteria with flaming scope

This is good i believe 

Screenshot (68).png

actually you can replace the drone for backstabbing protector

Thoughts on these mechs all of them have their names on them, i feel kind of bad for having made huggers now due to their rather close combat nature

Screenshot (74).png

Screenshot (75).png

Screenshot (76).png

Screenshot (77).png

Screenshot (78).png

ngl lazy falcon on physical mech is kind of over powered and oki, could you balance out the above mechs and give me an idea of your mechs possibly R5- R1 ik its a lot but can you do it

Nearly no low rank are able to build those mechs because 3 fortress and lots of l-m

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  • 4 weeks later...

Y’a all interesting 

STARTUPS  , my advice for the new pilots that want to rank up super Fast is

 the physic built there strength makes them better and it’s easy rank 🆙 

physic mech have highest Hit points and there weapons the most  Damaging 

and accompanied with some good counters  it a sure winner .

mechs  heat and energy  built  Are most important there Items are valuable collectables you’ll  find them on the way up 

TOKENS as you  startup you need save All tokens for special offres especially 3000 tokens offer  DO NOT use tokens  for  stupid campaigns  you will waste them all !

BASE  First step Gold you’ll need all the 💰 

Have fun !




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  • 1 month later...

So here is a tip, for a person who played super mechs for a long time here is a good one :- don't sacrifice any epic/legendary item even if it is just till that level ( usually epics can go mythical and divine but anyway ) because it is not the only thing your upgrading because even if you have max leveled that torso who is going to work on the legs and drone. i have seen people do this far too many times but here is the second thing, don't have only one type of weapon/resistance/capacity type heavily or lightly because i have seen and been in situations where one enemy is just too hard/has too much resistance for one damage type in a match and usually in these cases a loss is guaranteed. my third tip is not to completely depend on a weapon to do main damage, This is serious because i have seen this happen more than enough times. each and every weapon that you have on your mech is important and requires to be on a good level. if you don't have it on a good level, you end up heavily depending on that one weapon which may be okay for lower ranks but is simply not acceptable in the 15 and higher ranks. my fourth tip is to go for a torso which has good resistances because you can always make up for lost HP in the form of legs and platinum plating, if you simply get the most HP build, you become extremely vulnerable to energy weapons and it gets NASTY when it comes to those EMP's and heat bombs. my fifth tip is to go for a more upgradeable build which usually comprises of epic/legendary items where a normal player would argue that mythical premiums like mpv,lpv,hpv are good, for getting them you have to grind for both rank and tokens and don't forget the luck part of it. for this reason i would recommend something like windigo anyway, have a great day or night 

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On 8/5/2022 at 11:13 PM, Darkkillerultimatespeed said:

Screenshot (64).png

This one isn't very good.  First, that drone is not good.  Second, usually you don't need Savagery.  Third, I thought this was for beginners: why are you building with heat monkey and triple fortress?  It feels a bit confusing.

On 7/25/2022 at 3:52 PM, Corvus said:




This one is not very good because 1) iron plate is almost not worth it for the weight and 2) this leads to a range 3 "hole" where you may need to spend a movement due to being at range 3 with only one weapon (corrupt light) left.  It would be easier to just do double corrupt light, which is still newbie friendly.  Also, I don't recommend savior resistance for the arena (use for campaign instead).

Here's my take on beginner friendly.  All of these have no premium items, so they are very accessible.

Wanna-be avatar boiler:




(You can do dual malice if you want.)

Heat Damage:


Basic physical non-premium:


Like I said, none of these use premiums (ignore the utility ones and imagine using non-premium).

Some guidance for new players as well, since we run a padawan clan:

  1. I don't use savior resistance in the arena and I don't recommend it.  If you get a max protector and you have a monkey torso, use that.  I did the stats tons of times and, if you have absolutely no premium resistance, monkey torso beats other non-premium torsos.  If you get a LPV or MPV and then a defense matrix, use that over monkey.  Or LPV/MPV + max protector + platinum.
  2. The builds above are just patterns.  You can modify them slightly.
  3. I will never recommend dual frantic.  It's low effort, cheap, and everyone hates it for a reason.  Spartan + frantic is tolerable.
  4. If you are playing the arena and energy and boiler mechs keep kicking your butt, the solution is to upgrade your modules.  We all went through this, just suck it up.
  5. Repulsors are like wasting a turn.  They are rarely effective, and depending on them will get you destroyed in the arena.  They're mainly for scope builds in my opinion.  Decent builds will have teleport, hook, charge, etc. so don't depend on repulsors if you have other weapons that do decent damage to range abuse other mechs.
  6. Again, these are patterns.  For instance, yes, I know face shocker and heat point are not necessarily the best drones.  But for heat and energy, the top 3 drones are all premiums.  For example, if you have windforge, use that over face shocker (more drain).
  7. I prioritize winning versus heat and energy over winning against physical because you're more likely to run into heat, and adding energy means you're probably good against 2/3 of the mechs you will see in the arena.
  8. As for the wanna-be avatar boiler, if you pay attention to what you're doing and use good tactics, it is an excellent mech until you get to top ranks, but even then, it's still useful in RAID (the pieces of it) and campaign missions (I farm 2v2 lost valley and final bosses on insane using the more META version of the Avatar boiler).
Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/21/2022 at 6:04 AM, SawzAll said:

This one isn't very good.  First, that drone is not good.  Second, usually you don't need Savagery.  Third, I thought this was for beginners: why are you building with heat monkey and triple fortress?  It feels a bit confusing.

This one is not very good because 1) iron plate is almost not worth it for the weight and 2) this leads to a range 3 "hole" where you may need to spend a movement due to being at range 3 with only one weapon (corrupt light) left.  It would be easier to just do double corrupt light, which is still newbie friendly.  Also, I don't recommend savior resistance for the arena (use for campaign instead).

Here's my take on beginner friendly.  All of these have no premium items, so they are very accessible.

Wanna-be avatar boiler:




(You can do dual malice if you want.)

Heat Damage:


Basic physical non-premium:


Like I said, none of these use premiums (ignore the utility ones and imagine using non-premium).

Some guidance for new players as well, since we run a padawan clan:

  1. I don't use savior resistance in the arena and I don't recommend it.  If you get a max protector and you have a monkey torso, use that.  I did the stats tons of times and, if you have absolutely no premium resistance, monkey torso beats other non-premium torsos.  If you get a LPV or MPV and then a defense matrix, use that over monkey.  Or LPV/MPV + max protector + platinum.
  2. The builds above are just patterns.  You can modify them slightly.
  3. I will never recommend dual frantic.  It's low effort, cheap, and everyone hates it for a reason.  Spartan + frantic is tolerable.
  4. If you are playing the arena and energy and boiler mechs keep kicking your butt, the solution is to upgrade your modules.  We all went through this, just suck it up.
  5. Repulsors are like wasting a turn.  They are rarely effective, and depending on them will get you destroyed in the arena.  They're mainly for scope builds in my opinion.  Decent builds will have teleport, hook, charge, etc. so don't depend on repulsors if you have other weapons that do decent damage to range abuse other mechs.
  6. Again, these are patterns.  For instance, yes, I know face shocker and heat point are not necessarily the best drones.  But for heat and energy, the top 3 drones are all premiums.  For example, if you have windforge, use that over face shocker (more drain).
  7. I prioritize winning versus heat and energy over winning against physical because you're more likely to run into heat, and adding energy means you're probably good against 2/3 of the mechs you will see in the arena.
  8. As for the wanna-be avatar boiler, if you pay attention to what you're doing and use good tactics, it is an excellent mech until you get to top ranks, but even then, it's still useful in RAID (the pieces of it) and campaign missions (I farm 2v2 lost valley and final bosses on insane using the more META version of the Avatar boiler).

yes i think i agree with you my friend

So i have an idea for a new player friendly boiler. both torso and legs are available from common and flaminators are from rare. it does require a bit of balancing as it differs from person to person. also note that this thing absolutely requires fortresses to work. also note dual corrupt light is kinda hard to deal with in terms of range so i recommend a melee to go with it. for my perspective until epic go with epic iron bark ( the shotgun ) and then go for a hammer. also try to go for basalt dissolver to try and get the resistance down. but in its pure form it can work. also the entire thing has a lot of tolerance so you can go for any type of weapon in those slots ( corrupt light is VERY heavy ) but i would recommend against something like a heat bomb or reckoning or any kind of weapons that are heavy and/or require you to take damage. for heat bomb you could tweak the modules but strict NO for reckoning because that thing is 83 kg (nearly 100). and also i would recommend you watch out for flame throwers and try not to get to sniping range. stay between 3 - 6 range. pls try balance this because i can't as people's play styles differ

Screenshot (119).png

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