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Intro:Corrosion Ejection Blash


Arena Buff•••LvMax(All)
Legendary Lv1-(40)
Break Resist(All):-4
Back:My mech(2),Enemy (1)

Mythical Lv1-(50)
Break Resist(All):-7

Bonus Divine


Design By Yukiya.
Used software:Adobe(Light room(Photoshop))

Thank You!

Edited by Yukiya18_JPN (see edit history)
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Pro-Tip :  most people on the forum use dark mode, black text on a dark background is a nightmare to read, present yourself in away that people are interested, not a pain to read.

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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@ykiua18_jpn favour you know war hammer take of the hammer and leave the fists im thinking of a new weapon their called platinum fists 

Can only be gotten legendary to divine

attack damage:290 max lvl 380 dmg 

knock back:3

physical weapon 

1-3 range

Energy use:18 legendary 28 divine

Heat cost: 18 legendary divine 30

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