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SawzAll 2-Shot Spartan Carnage


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@SawzAll , I see you’re still on the campaign for a 2-shot Spartan Carnage. Let’s have a match on Killin’s Workshop to test out your theory.

Your dual Spartan Carnage reduced to 2 shots and whatever secondary weapons you choose vs. my dual Night Eagles and Nightfalls.

Pick a time, so we can arrange a time we both can accommodate.

Edited by rc (see edit history)
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SawzAll, if you can’t test out your 2-shot Spartan theory with me in a match, then you can’t have much credibility in your own words.

What a shame. Words are only good if you’ve the faith to back it up.

I see nothing wrong with people discussing ideas. However, people also need to be able to take criticisms along with those discussions. It’s just the nature of those discussions. After all, you’re talking to other people with different views.

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7 minutes ago, rc said:

SawzAll, if you can’t test out your 2-shot Spartan theory with me in a match, then you can’t have much credibility in your own words.

What a shame. Words are only good if you’ve the faith to back it up.

I see nothing wrong with people discussing ideas. However, people also need to be able to take criticisms along with those discussions. It’s just the nature of those discussions. After all, you’re talking to other people with different views.

You don't find it ironic that you're complaining that people don't take other views into consideration but you're complaining about my views?

I don't know where or how you interpreted what I said about an IDEA about a WEAPON on a GAME to be a threat to you.

Here's a life hint: if you don't like my idea, ignore it.  This thread is about people sharing what THEY think will help fix the Frantic Brute.

There's nothing to "back up."  This is a brainstorming thread.  You're coming into a brainstorming session like a bull in a china shop.

If you want the free flow of information, then don't come in here and try to silence people.

Honestly, I laugh at issuing challenges over hypothetical nerfs because we can't test these out in the arena, so your challenge is both irrelevant and impossible.

And don't say "well I'll only fire my spartan at you twice."  I don't know you: maybe you are honorable and I can trust you to do that.  But given my OTHER experience on the arena, almost no one honors their word, so forgive my skepticism.

But even then, there was no challenge being issued to you, so why are you interpreting it this way?

If I want to test out a 2 shot spartan, I can use WU to test it.  That wasn't the point, and no one is challenging you.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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40 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

You don't find it ironic that you're complaining that people don't take other views into consideration but you're complaining about my views?

And that’s why I mentioned learn to take criticism here:

46 minutes ago, rc said:

However, people also need to be able to take criticisms along with those discussions. It’s just the nature of those discussions. After all, you’re talking to other people with different views.


43 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I don't know where or how you interpreted what I said about an IDEA about a WEAPON on a GAME to be a threat to you.

Lol! I’ve no idea where you leaped at a threat here. That’s the furthest thing for my mind.

I discussed it with you. Then, I asked you to confirm your theory with me in the arena. I wanted to see your words in action. Did I do something wrong with those actions?

44 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

Here's a life hint: if you don't like my idea, ignore it.  This thread is about people sharing what THEY think will help fix the Frantic Brute.

Exactly, you’re on a public discussion where everyone is free to “share” their thoughts. Welcome to the forum. It’s a place to debate ideas, etc.

45 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

There's nothing to "back up."  This is a brainstorming thread.  You're coming into a brainstorming session like a bull in a china shop.

If you want the free flow of information, then don't come in here and try to silence people.

Silence people? Please, I asked you to backup your words instead with some credibility.

46 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

Honestly, I laugh at issuing challenges over hypothetical nerfs because we can't test these out in the arena, so your challenge is both irrelevant and impossible.

Sure, that’s possible in Killin’s Workshop. For what I understand, people on the forum have fought each other on it.

If not for the Workshop, I actually have 2 Spartans and 2 Night Eagles to test out your theory in a friendly match in the arena. I can use either one.

That’s if you’re actually interested in testing out your theory with me instead of seeing my comments as an attack on you. You do seem very upset, or very defensive. I figured you’d be more interested in seeing if your idea has some validity to it.

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7 minutes ago, rc said:

instead of seeing my comments as an attac

I didn't read anything except the last paragraph.

You're the one who thought my comments were a threat. And you were the one who challenged me.

I never thought your comments were a threat. And your behavior, if anything, only made it even more clear that you're not a serious threat.

I called you out on your hypocrisy and you doubled down.

I'm not interested in talking to someone who can't participate in brainstorming without attacking people or feeling threatened.

But hey, I guess it was time to test out the forum settings.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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32 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I didn't read anything except the last paragraph.

And that’s where you went wrong. How can you say something meaningful if you don’t even know what’s being said?

34 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

You're the one who thought my comments were a threat. And you were the one who challenged me.

Just because I disagreed with you, it doesn’t mean I view your comments as a threat. If you can’t take criticisms, then you shouldn’t be in discussions that can easily turn into debates. Rest assured, there’ll be people who’ll contradict what you’ve to say.

35 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I never thought your comments were a threat. And your behavior, if anything, only made it even more clear that you're not a serious threat.

Then, I question why you even mention the word threat? It never entered my mind. However, you’re the one thinking it to have mentioned in the first place.

36 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I called you out on your hypocrisy and you doubled down.

And what hypocrisy are you talking about? Taking criticisms?

In fact, I welcome it. The question is, are you able to?

37 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I'm not interested in talking to someone who can't participate in brainstorming without attacking people or feeling threatened.

Once again, please, those are your words not mine. I’m not "threatened" by your words. And if people disagree with you by contradicting what you discussed, it’s called criticism. Learn the difference.

38 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

But hey, I guess it was time to test out the forum settings.

Hey, I guess if you can’t handle criticisms, I'd hate to think how you deal with criticisms in real life.

And here I thought we’d have a serious discussion about your 2-shot Spartan idea. Instead, it devolves in some angry tirade with you from the beginning.

What’s the point of your idea if you can’t defend it without resorting to a tirade? Do your ideas have any merit, or you just talking to yourself? I question why you even bother presenting an idea if you can’t take criticisms.

With your reactions towards me, I doubt anyone can take you seriously. We didn’t even discuss your 2-shot Spartan idea. All we accomplished was getting in a petty argument on how you felt attacked. What a big letdown. For all your words, it comes down to something so petty.

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