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4000 token grind progress


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haha yes okis od6 topic with my token grinding progress

Alright everyone so today ive gathered all of you here for maybe a moment in sm that hasnt been done for the entire existance of sm.

Im gonna grind for 4000 tokens without spending any money  

This will require a lot of work and let me explain how its gonna go.

I did the math and to get 1000 tokens you need to spend around 7-10 weeks. (Without the small rewards like the 10 token from completing all the daily quests.)

I got half the way through with 200 tokens but i got a long way of grinding in the future.

Everytime i get tokens im gonna send a picture with the amount of tokens i got.20211128_003610.thumb.jpg.c7576ee4765102016207ecc7b3c53fc4.jpg

This is the beggining of this topic. Im gonna check just how long it is gonna take me to get 2000 tokens. (I didnt spend any money to those 2000 tokens btw.)

imagine i grind for a 4000 token offer for 7 months just to get sh!t drops

Day 1: (sorry for late edit.) Did the 100 token warrior quest. 

Current tokens: 2108

Edited by iSwarky (see edit history)

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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30 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

haha yes okis od6 topic with my token grinding progress

Alright everyone so today ive gathered all of you here for maybe a moment in sm that hasnt been done for the entire existance of sm.

Im gonna grind for 4000 tokens without spending any money  

This will require a lot of work and let me explain how its gonna go.

I did the math and to get 1000 tokens you need to spend around 7-10 weeks. (Without the small rewards like the 10 token from completing all the daily quests.)

I got half the way through with 200 tokens but i got a long way of grinding in the future.

Everytime i get tokens im gonna send a picture with the amount of tokens i got.20211128_003610.thumb.jpg.c7576ee4765102016207ecc7b3c53fc4.jpg

This is the beggining of this topic. Im gonna check just how long it is gonna take me to get 2000 tokens. (I didnt spend any money to those 2000 tokens btw.)

imagine i grind for a 4000 token offer for 7 months just to get sh!t drops


I mean, it has been done before, but if u watch ur 30 ads daily, u get 60 extra tokens, so that means 70 tokens a day+ 100 (I guess everyone gets at least 100??) from raid every week+ raid first clear rewards which are like, at least another 10 every week. So that means u can get 530 weekly minimum, if not even more.

If u add that there is a portal or quest on average every week or week and a half, then u can get around 150 tokens from those, so ur total becomes almost 700 tokens weekly, so it will only take u idk like 6 weeks or a bit less ot get to 4k tokens.

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54 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

haha yes okis od6 topic with my token grinding progress

Alright everyone so today ive gathered all of you here for maybe a moment in sm that hasnt been done for the entire existance of sm.

Im gonna grind for 4000 tokens without spending any money  

This will require a lot of work and let me explain how its gonna go.

I did the math and to get 1000 tokens you need to spend around 7-10 weeks. (Without the small rewards like the 10 token from completing all the daily quests.)

I got half the way through with 200 tokens but i got a long way of grinding in the future.

Everytime i get tokens im gonna send a picture with the amount of tokens i got.20211128_003610.thumb.jpg.c7576ee4765102016207ecc7b3c53fc4.jpg

This is the beggining of this topic. Im gonna check just how long it is gonna take me to get 2000 tokens. (I didnt spend any money to those 2000 tokens btw.)

imagine i grind for a 4000 token offer for 7 months just to get sh!t drops


It seems you can get 50 tokens a day from ads, and another 10 from daily quests? If you do the raid, I believe you should make at least 25... But only once a week. 445 a week sounds like a bit much though.

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