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Supermechs lore: whats the story?


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49 minutes ago, TREDOG said:

Supermechs has always been super vague on its story. What we know it that the octopus robot attacks on what we know it earth, and we fight it with robots. But where did the enemy come from?, What do the buildings and ruins mean in the backround?, Post your ideas and lore!

Well. If you remember the end where octavious says... "I'll be back..."

Well, just look at Alexander. He has Octavious torso and he is friendly so our worst enemy became our best friend. Aswell he has came back for take revenge of the previous enterprise, doing now a good job for make what supermechs used to be, a great game.


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So we all know that there was an alien invasion from the beginning of our accounts. But if you pay attention to the art in the background, we see some if the old legacy models in ruin. This means that supermechs didn't just get rebooted but in the story it was showed as a whole generation of mechs getting destroyed. It really makes you think how all the legacy mechs got turned to rust. 

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I seen quite a few legacy torsos and esecialy wepons and drones. Even if you jump in the right spot, you can see even more stuff. The buildings like the citys and the post apocalyptic stuff might feed into that too.

9 hours ago, CyberRodrigo said:

Well. If you remember the end where octavious says... "I'll be back..."

Well, just look at Alexander. He has Octavious torso and he is friendly so our worst enemy became our best friend. Aswell he has came back for take revenge of the previous enterprise, doing now a good job for make what supermechs used to be, a great game.


It would be cool if gato games created beffyer lore for sm

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1 minute ago, Hoplon said:

It would be cool if the new torsos that looked like the legacy ones are actually retrofits of the ones salvaged from the past.

Like they have a damege skin, and have like rust and the glass is broken. I dig it

Just now, TREDOG said:

Like they have a damege skin, and have like rust and the glass is broken. I dig it

It would just be a skin. It would be annoying to have only legacy items in that format. Call it survivor skin 

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