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Atusiff's Archive Thread


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Week 9:

Unclaimed boxes: +5 Fortune boxes (296), +1 S tier box (9), +1 R3 box (40), +12 Premium Packs (37)

-2.6K tokens, -700K gold

Inv: +1 maxed item (quad core booster)

+1.4K arena coins (10K)

Week 10:

Unclaimed boxes: -13 Fortunes (283), +1 S tier box (10), +1 R3 box (41), +15 Premium packs (52), +1 Premium box (11)

-1.4K tokens (7.1K), +1.6M gold (20M)

+200 arena coins (10.2K)

Cleared 3% of 3v3 campaign (81%)


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Week 11: Unclaimed boxes: 0. I opened all of them

-2.3K tokens (4.8K), -12.2M gold (7.8M)

+800 arena coins (11K)

+5 new myths (Molten Vest, Broken Blizzard Dissolver, Fractured Basalt Dissolver, x2 Damamged Armor Dissolvers)

+5 new max items (Overload Preventor, x2 Charge Engine, Platinum Grappling Hook, Rock Recoiler)

+14 new divines (TerrorBlade, x2 Quad Core Booster, x3 Overload Preventor, Defence Matrix, Combined Storage Unit, Massive Lava Feet, GrimReaper, Rock Recoiler, Selfish Protector, x2 Charge Engine)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Week 13: oops i forgot to do week 12 🤣

-2.3K tokens (2.5K), -600K gold (7.2M)

+2.1K arena coins (13.1K)

+4 maxed items (x2 red rain, OHB, OEMP)

It's been a month since i worked on campaign eeee

Edited by Atusiff
how do i get rid of the spoiler i didnt want it (see edit history)

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10 hours ago, Atusiff said:

Week 14: bought the res drainer offer

-2.4K tokens (100), +2.9M gold (10.1M)

+800 arena coins (13.9K)

+1 myth item (Damaged Armor Annihilator)

Cleared 7% of 3v3 campaign (88%, finally did some campaign)

Nice, gold is coming back. Looking cool.  I think the offer was good. Those parts are hard to get. 👍

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  • 3 weeks later...

Week 20: been too long, don't remember what exactly has happened between last time or before, so I'll just give a general overview.

10.2M gold, 2.7K tokens, still level 250 (10 months later)

Inv: 121 max items, 63 of which are divine

Arena shop still maxed, 15K AC, still no base, always above 100 AP

Campaign: 100% 1v1, 100% 2v2, 92% 3v3 (gave up on that as it was too hard)

Still in WLGang though less active so I have a copilot

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3 weeks backs it is hard to remember. 🙃

Gold is been stable. Seems you used some for some weapons. Yeah, My L250 still looking boring and tired of.😡 Nice tokens stash.👍

WOW, 121 max out items is a lot. 2X WOW for divined items. I think my max is 21 in OKI. 🤦‍♂️ I do not get many relics and no much time on clan.

Giving up on Campaign...🤣. Yep, you will have to spend tokens to revive and better not for now for your future offers. I haven't play mine in very long time. I do not even remember what I was fighting last time. 🤣

Getting tired of the game? Less active...... Sad. Too many old players like you slowing down. Getting too old no longer young kids. 🤣 I like the song Girls Girls Girls but better the video.....Motley Crew😍 Ah, so good to be young back at University on those days.🤣

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