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  1. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Well, this thread doesn't have many confetti fanarts, that's only in the confetti club, so enjoy the non-confetti fanart I guess.
    I guess, but mostly fanart is for fun, like when it all comes together and you get the feeling of accomplishment for finally finishing it, or at least that's how I think if it. 
  2. Like
    S_k got a reaction from DecepT.com in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Because I honestly think I would waste my time making fan art for supermechs considering that the game developers don't even bother to look at the balance changes we make to nerf or buff items in the game.
  3. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in What Do You Think Other Pilots Look Like?   
    What do you thing other pilots look like? Or how you thought they looked like. 

    I pretty much only made this topic because I wonder how other people think I look like.
  4. Haha
    S_k reacted to Senkowo in What Do You Think Other Pilots Look Like?   
    I'm pretty sure they look like humans, it's just a theory
  5. Like
    S_k reacted to Spam in Fanart Thread (With upvoting and downvoting!)   
    Sneak peek at a remake of an edit I made a year ago on the old forum(I forgot who made the original), it only looks almost done, but it's already taken 2 hours so I don't when I'll be done.

    it only took 30 mins
    to color it in

  6. Like
    S_k reacted to rc in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    After reading some people’s appreciations, I just realized I’ve always appreciated Wepwawet and bestplayer. I felt they added value to the forum, although I sometimes disagreed with them.
  7. Thanks
    S_k reacted to SawzAll in We Need Urgent Changes!!!   
    I don't like this poll.  It's not specific.
    If you had poked around in the forum you'd already see a lot of suggestions for new features, as well as item buff requests.
    Also, the difficulty with this poll is I have to select one of several options.  I think more than one of these is correct, but I can't vote that way.
    Please make this poll more robust so I can help you by being one of the voters.
  8. Like
    S_k reacted to rc in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Sigh... I quote you on what you mentioned to me earlier.
    I clearly articulated my definition for a 5-month grace period, and Gato’s ownership of this game, as follows:
    I'd appreciate it if you didn’t make me repeat myself.
    First of all, I want to make it clear I bear no ill feelings towards Gato or Alexander.
    Also, I want to give you credit for listing all the stuff Gato did. I should have mentioned it all for thoroughness. I was incorrect for not to mentioning it all. Not that I ever thought Gato didn’t do anything, although I was hoping for something more profound.
    In regards to profound, in my opinion, the best that Gato did thus far is the minor rebalance due to the profound changes to the game, although I'd have been fine without it. I rather Gato produce something new instead of a rebalance in regards to their profits.
    Now to your comment above, I can see where you’re coming from when you mentioned I criticized Alexander, in regards to the extreme wait time for the introduction of new items. However, that isn’t what I was thinking.
    When I mentioned the long wait time, I simply wanted to see something new. I don’t think a lot of people will find that an unreasonable expectation. After all, we’ve been waiting 7 months and counting for a new item. No offense to Gato, but Tacticsoft was producing new items every month. I know that’s not the best comparison, but my point is Gato is taking a very long time to introduce new items.
    Now, in regards to your comment below, I want you to know if you didn’t criticize Tacticsoft to begin with in this appreciation topic, I wouldn’t have anything to say to you.
    Rescuing and the intentional misspelling of Tacticsoft’s name clearly show your dislike for Tacticsoft.
    So, you’re welcome to criticize Tacticsoft. But when someone criticizes Gato, it’s wrong. That’s what I call hypocrisy or double standard.
    Your comments below, is the definition of hypocrisy.
    Let me plant your quote here to emphasize my point.

    Isn’t that a criticism of Tacticsoft? So once again, that’s ok for you to criticize Tacticsoft. But that’s not ok to criticize Gato? To be clear once again, it was not my intention to criticize Gato.
    Turtle hit it on the nail there. Exactly, what I was thinking. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered to reply to SawzAll.
    Yes, it was cool to appreciate Alexander. On the other hand, it wasn’t cool to disrespect Tacticsoft in the same sentence, in my view.
    Regarding the comment below, you don’t call that trashing on Tacticsoft?

    That’s my exact feeling for Tacticsoft.
    That’s ditto for me as well.
    With the exception, you had to bash Tacticsoft while appreciating Alexander.

    Although I criticized you, I treated you in an adult, civil manner. I never cursed you out.
    Maybe you want to enlighten me on what you consider I said to you in a toxic manner.
  9. Like
    S_k reacted to THUNDER GOD in DEWASTATOR, Dewastator   
    he probably dropped ranks to troll noobs
    or maybe he just spent 500 racks on the game in 1 minute
  10. Like
    S_k reacted to DecepT.com in Hey question alexander... you will be doin the 4th of july event right? Perhaps?   
    Im not yankee but I also want the 4th of July event
  11. Like
    S_k reacted to Dark conon mech in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Happy birthday turtle :))
  12. Like
    S_k got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Well, in this case you know that I appreciate Tacticsoft , But that doesn't mean that I hate Gato 
    btw Gato means cat ,in Spanish
  13. Like
    S_k reacted to Furry Scavenger in Memories of an old pilot....   
    lava scope...yes i remember it like yesterday ... a mythical torso..my favorite ever, i used it throughout my journey until i lost it accidentally and an item conversion event ... now..he only exists in my memory....
    forgive me if i did something wrong i still don't know how to use the forum fully)
  14. Haha
    S_k reacted to Dark conon mech in Alexander Appreciation Thread   
    No >:c
  15. Like
    S_k reacted to Turtle in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Aren't you the same guy trashing on Tacticsoft?
    Listen, just stop posting in the topic if you don't want to appreciate anyone in your posts.
    With that being said,
    I appreciate everyone in my old clan, Vibes. Not many of you still play anymore, it's primarily just @epicspeedster, but he has grown way more than I did since the clan ended.
    I think we all helped each other as much as we could, and that's what a clan should be about, in my opinion.
  16. Thanks
    S_k reacted to rc in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    After my first reply to SawzAll, I washed my hands. Anything afterwards, I leave in it SawzAll’s ballpark. 🤷‍♂️
    You ought to say something to SawzAll as well if it really bothers you. Like I mentioned earlier, I already washed my hands. 💧🤲
  17. Like
    S_k reacted to Zy Theck in We Need Urgent Changes!!!   
    I propose new changes for the game
  18. Like
    S_k got a reaction from DecepT.com in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Well, in this case you know that I appreciate Tacticsoft , But that doesn't mean that I hate Gato 
    btw Gato means cat ,in Spanish
  19. Like
    S_k reacted to rc in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    But we’re discussing our appreciation for our respective companies.
    SawzAll wants to get into the finer points, which I’m happy to oblige him.
    If you don’t want to read any of it, you’re welcome to ignore it. Please do.
  20. Confused
    S_k reacted to MasterChief in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    bro tactisoft was awful to us. they never listened, and never banned people. not to mention the droprates were shit and there were so amny new items added you could never get an old item. it took me two years to get a single night eagle.
  21. Haha
  22. Like
    S_k reacted to Atusiff in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    What does this mean?
  23. Confused
    S_k reacted to SawzAll in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Yeah we were talking about Gato Games' recent acquisition.  Legacy was 3 years ago.
    Also, it seems from what I gather from others that someone created SuperMechs initially and sold it to TactiSoft.  So really I don't think it can be said that TactiSoft "made" legacy.
    So yeah....
    1) Yes, there was something to rescue.  TactiSoft made bad decisions, especially towards energy mechs.  If you think this, you must not be aware of the many changes Alex has made.
    2) I don't know about a 5 month grace period.  I feel like you're exaggerating.  But at the same time, in those 5 months we got the non-premium backfire resistance drainers.  Some have argued that these are pointless items, so I don't know if I would act like the 5 months that TactiSoft had planned for SM were all good things.
    3) Again, you haven't been paying attention.  I can say a new item is already being planned, though I can't say what it is.
    4) Businesses don't move at light speed.  Gato Games deserves at least a break for the time being because of all the turn-over and set-up they need to do.
    Let's see,
    - Base prices have been adjusted as an experiment (and this experiment will likely be finished soon I imagine)
    - Legacy drop rates were increased.
    - Gold portals were made a lot more lucrative (more tokens and more challenge, even though the Karens out there shot down the challenge aspect recently)
    - Ban waves
    - Balance changes
    - Moving people's accounts over from Kongregate
    - Dealing with the flash sunset effect
    I think you might need to hang out on the discord more in #general so you can ask Alex what he's been up to and/or see it as it is discussed.
    At least here's one good reply to me 🙂 
  24. Thanks
    S_k reacted to rc in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    To stay on topic, I’m grateful Tacticsoft made this game. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be playing it right now.
    There was nothing to rescue when everything was fine to begin with.
    At least Tacticsoft was producing new items every month. I can’t say the same for Gato. When are we getting new items from Gato?
    Gato took over this game around October last year, and to boot Tacticsoft planned in advance events and new item releases until the end of March. That gave Gato a 5-month grace period to come up with something.
    Now, 7 months has elapsed. During that time, there were only a few balance updates (and bans) to show for Gato’s 7-month ownership.
    How much longer must we wait for new items? How about an item portal? Whatever Gato has planned, it’s taking forever to produce something, anything.
  25. Like
    S_k reacted to a sweaty tryhard in What should I divine: legs or hammer?   
    So as the title says, I have enough epic ascension relics and I'm wondering, which one should I divine? Massive stone feet or Viking hammer? I'm aware that recoiler is better than hammer but I haven't had any luck in getting one so far. Is it worth divining the legs? Thanks.

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