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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by AssClown

  1. It is? Build it, see me in chat for a 1v1 and I'll show why that's wrong. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  2. Us players that use heat huggers aren't afraid of that. Don't believe me? Look at our replays and see what we go up against. We just want to give you warm hugs! Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  3. and? Don't leave us hanging, bro! Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  4. I like warm hugs. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  5. Doesn't help with you creepin on peeps. Just sayin...
  6. lol Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  7. It's that time again. Looking for members to help us grow and win! Membership is open to all. Come join us! Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  8. Same here. Reached 250 long ago and never understood why they capped the levels. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  9. PLEASE raise the max level. So much wasted experience points. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  10. I'm AssClown and I approve this message. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  11. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  12. How do I unread this? Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  13. Can I start mocking you when we fight? Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  14. Well helloooo! Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  15. It's a conspiracy I tell you! Those people know about you now! Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  16. He said he has 5.5 MILLION. He has a longgggggggg way to go to reach a BILLION. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  17. Don't sweat it, most of us have been accused of cheating. Usually by someone getting a beating. lol Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  18. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  19. New clan! Join us! Yes, you! Help us help you to be great! Requirements: Be active in all aspects of a clan- inactive players will be removed Have fun Party like its 1999! No scammers, cheaters or a-holes need apply Current minimum rank to join is 8 BUT promising up and comers will be reviewed by clan members
  20. Yeah, we tried to go the correct route but that didn't work out. Went the route of leaving the clan with wolf being next highest ranked up and SURPRISE!, that didn't work out either. Now they're left with an inactive player being leader. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  21. Can we get a sticky added for the proper process of getting a clan leadership change?
  22. Ok, did that. Twice. No response. Evidently complained about that in the wrong place and got this warning: Note for member Please keep in mind the suggestions forum aren't meant for asking for support. To get your clan leadership change, you have to file a support request _from the leaders account_ with the title (important): "Clan Leadership Change" and in the contents: Your playerID: New leader playerID: The desire to have your clan leadership change. Once requested properly, please be patient. it's not an official feature and is currently manual work, if you're in any hurry, we suggest rerolling (having leaders leave) or starting a new clan instead. Ok, went to account settings and entered the info, only there is no spot for the title. So this leaves me with the question of which support are we supposed to contact- the support here on the forum or on your actual in-game account? Also, a leader leaving changes leadership to the next highest rank if I'm not mistaken. That leaves the other players in the same position I'm in now.
  23. IDGAF, just please something. I'm tired, as I'm sure others are, of sitting at level 250. Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
  24. So, this whole thing is about a bunch of chatterboxes? Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.
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