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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Mr.Fred

  1. this is me but in another acc if ur not or can't get r10 but still want to join the clan
  2. if u can't do one of clan rules( not active, can't do 35 wins/week or not r10)
  3. yeah and that's why i don't go to arena chat too much
  4. you just need more 2 heat res drain(or 3)
  5. then why not remove energy and heat dmg?
  6. 1st and 2nd : use the leg that has same element to the build, bad drone, use tele instead of charge and charge + hook instead of tele( remove energy mass booster) 3rd: bad build.
  7. hes basically booster, and though superb charge and hook help, smart players will kill you by staying range 3 you can get r1 with it, then try to get top 1 :P even though you can get top 1, you can't stay for long
  8. it still die to long range mechs at least
  9. no it would take 3 years to you can get lv 500(even 10 years or longer)
  10. change warhammer capacity damage into cooling/regen dmg and backbreaker cooling/regen dmg into capacity dmg
  11. Mr.Fred


    uhh is optimus prime a girl?( i mean windigo)
  12. Mr.Fred


    but it wont work ngl like nightmare with iron plat
  13. Mr.Fred


    he has no prem res, so no
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