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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. Lol same I always get rares, sometimes I get an epic, I only got a legendary once out of all the ones I opened
  2. That would be abused af, maybe make it transparent
  3. If you want you could join mine, the clan is called Sacri Ordo Luciferiani, it's small now, but we are growing.
  4. With all campaign modes od6 and od8 are the best ones, but I don't think anyone does 3v3 cus it would take to long
  5. Do those perks always drop while those events are on cus I haven't gotten one yet, also whens the next one, or are there some besides holidays, idk I had stopped playing for some months. Now in back and still don't understand how to get them
  6. Banned for banning a banner who bans banners who also ban banners... And so on until everyone has been banned
  7. This offer is rubbing all that in my face, I can't afford it lol, I'll have to wait a loooooooong time before I could buy one of those Tho good luck with the drops from them chests bruv
  8. Yeah wth is going on with it an hour ago it was just fine, this is very sudden, wouldn't know what this means
  9. Obviously od6 on insane is best, you get more gold per fuel, though if you can't do that hard is the next best thing. That's the only lvl, besides od8(last boss), that's is worth doing In 2v2 there are other options, but it's harder.
  10. I listen to way to many things to make a list, from actual bands and artists, to anime osts, to game osts
  11. Banned for banning Ait ima see myself out
  12. Banned for existing Ban myself for reasons
  13. My leader has asked me to get some recruits for our clan, Requirements are as far as I can remember: Minimum rank 18 (the leader lowered it, as the point of the clan is to help out new players) Do atleast 5 arena battles per day, all three titan battles, and if possible clan wars, this last one is only if you can it's not mandatory, but you can always try It's open so all you got to do is search it, and join. If you got any questions ask me.
  14. Think wut you will, wut I said is my opinion, what you said is yours
  15. Oh it was hmm lol Welp here we a go again
  16. Your kind of poeple have no drive, can't wiat for anything, smh good things come to those who wait your kind are the ones who say it's dying because you want it to, you can't wait, only for you, plural you, is it dying
  17. Ty bruv, it doesn't have a drone cus I don't have any heat drone, I'm grinding tokens to buy either an offer or done premium packs
  18. I need help with bettering my mech I used to be in rank 15 almost 14 but have been dropping alot lately. This is my mech This is my inventory So yeah I need tips and advice on how to make my mechs better, if you wanna see the second one just ask
  19. I only have one almost two, in currently grinding items and gold to be able to, not only upgrade my items, but Aldo the base so I can start making kits, the highest I ever got is rank 14, I will probably make a post for some advice on making my mechs better.
  20. Lol yeh try getting to rank 16 or 15 I dropped from 15 so I'm 16 now but should be in 15 again, it's hard getting in 15 but worth it, you are going to need 2 good mechs though, but once you join us it will help you alot
  21. Yeah umm idon't have discord The leader is Sarcedos Tenebrarum Maybe you can try finding him
  22. If You're looking for a clan mine is recruiting, it is called Sacri Ordus Luciferiani
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