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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. Lol I got that on my alt and I didn't know what to do with it, guess I'll use it a myth food
  2. I got the lpv now so I'm gonna use that fir my second, now for my main, I'm gonna need windigo, cus my module aren't that good
  3. Mah build has exactly 1000kg with zarkares, so if I put windigo I could put some extra stuff on my mech
  4. As poeple have said before, don't use your misfortune to make a reason to not like base, infact you can just watch ads to get extra card which has chance of EPIC and you don't even need to craft rares to get these ads, if you need an item just farm od8, I've gotten premiums out if those fortune boxes it's a pain but one well worth the effort
  5. Got an Lpv out of a fortune chest, from the free boxes, I'll be putting that onto my second mech
  6. As a zarkares( I already upgraded to max mith) user, idk if I should keep grinding for windigo or just max a nightmare.
  7. Honestly idk what to prioritize, first mech modules or upgrading my second mech, I just recently got to rank 12, and then there is the third mech no where near ready for battles. So should I first upgrade my modules or my second mech Oh here are the mechs
  8. I been farming for a windigo, and magma recoiler, i just farm od8 or when crafting in base sometimes I can watch and add for extra card tha has chance of being epic, it's a pain yes, but you can get way better stuff out of base, like ez kits.
  9. Ok um yeah idk how to create a topic in a club, that is I technically know how, but I can't find my club in the list of clubs to post my topic in, is there something in missing, like rank req, since I made it and it has been approved, I haven't been able to post a topic in it, so any1 know how I can make it appear on the list of clubs that appears when creating a topic
  10. I'd also like to know, so I can add every item, and that mean maxing cr4p, for science, just so that you can see what stats you'd have at every tier, this though is gonna take quite some time, don't think it's possible alone, but I will do it some day
  11. They don't do it much anymore, they are focusing on the update
  12. Exiled Kingdoms Mindustry Magic Rampage The ps one and two games I got And sometimes whatever is on my pc
  13. Ye I'd use it except that my second mech, has to low hp and already has a backfire weapon, the elec unrepaired cannon thing, I need to work on my second mech lol, Welp ima start the grind 4 that
  14. Got a legendary out of a fortune box and I divined my corrupt light
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