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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. If ure going for Phys or even for elec mech massive shocker feet are way better 4 hp I'd say put the shocker feet on Ur main mech, they are way better than dynamic stompers
  2. English pls, not everyone understands that, Arabic right? This is an English forum so try to write on English pls Ty And not everyone can translate
  3. That name is quite cringe ngl, but the intent is a good one, and no i wont be joining, I have my own clan, so Welp GL ig
  4. Lol something similar is gonna happen with me, Been playing too many games like 3, do I gotta dial it down lol, I need to study 4 highschool,(3rd year)so I won't be so active for a loooooooong time
  5. That's just a heat counter, that would die quite fast to ant decent drainer. Windigo is way better, you can even use nightmare. But every except modules and torso is good. Since it has no Res or regen, and I'd put a charge,
  6. Keep on dreaming legacy player, that is never happening, what could happen id another reset, even that's a stretch, and it's still fun, just don't play like it's your life.
  7. That what you call low patience cap, what I do is not give a fuk bout rank, and use chance of rare option in the basr
  8. That top weapon and swoop, nice bruv, the to weapon is decent, and the drone is op
  9. I think that nightfall is better than blood weep, atleast it's more used, now with last resort Vulcan I've never seen any1 with more than one, ok only saying from what I've seen the top rankers do, im in rank 12, but stars look good, but I think you need atleast one top weapon, Spartan seems to be popular among Phys mechs, even frantic brute ( yeah you may not like it but you can't deny it's quite strong) and I'd say you need a push weapon like the recoiler, to keep them in range of your stronger weapon. Like I said this is from what I've seen the top rankers do . And also the back fire drones seem to be used alot with Spartan, or frantic, either the prem one or the e-m one, idon't remember their names lol
  10. Corvus

    Should i?

    Nemo is pretty good it does heat cap dmg, and doesn't need to be put out every 3 turns
  11. Hybrid as in energy+heat(wich is not advisable, only for fun) or any of the two +Phys, or even all of the together, in any case it's more for fun but Phys is mostly ok with anything. Separately I have no real preferance it depends on the items I get
  12. USA mark II... I think idk I never played legacy
  13. That's exactly what mith food is for, making miths, so when you max a legendary you need 5 other legendaries, I do advise that you do the torso first, especially if it's a Naga, Windigo, or If you have luck one of the vests or monkeys
  14. You do know that in-game purchases actually help to fund updates, clearly you don't know anything about Devs and game development. I'm f2p btw
  15. Yeah bruv but the one asking is in lower ranks, so it's still viable from ranks 20-11, after that though it begins to decline in usefulness
  16. All I see is free mith food, and that is always welcome
  17. Anyways on with the topic, I think it's coded in either java or one of the C programming languages, they are the most used nowadays, sometimes python is used too.
  18. Yes pls, I never tried it, I'd like to see that
  19. They will work, windigo is the best torso for f2p, then use nightmare on Ur second mech, also very good torso for f2p, Grim reaper is not so good, it's good mith food tho
  20. Massive feet are way better, use those on Ur mech, I don't recommend you mith archimonde, if I was you I'd wait for a windigo, did the mistake of mithing zark, but do what you want, though I strongly advise against the mithing of archimonde, atleast until, if ever, gets a buff
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