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Posts posted by Deimos

  1. 1 hour ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

    I think we need to address the question of whether it’s “Smokey colbert “ or “Smokey cold bear” cause ngl I can hear both when he say it 

    Doesn't it just say "Smokey called bear" or am I missing the joke

  2. 18 minutes ago, Canucklehead said:

    Yeah, the Stephen Colbert, " Smokey The Bear ", has been going for quite some time now. Maybe McGruff, The Crime Dog, could replace it...... Here's a question for you, about this ad: What song is " Smokey Colbert " referring to, when he says " The song was wrong, we did start the fire. "?


  3. 5 hours ago, Vigrid_ said:

    Nah, I have a legacy account, just returning to the game and learning it all again.  I could be off base, but it feels like that. you are saying that at any point in the day you can watch the ads, then when the event of the day is over you can immediately watch until they stop you again?  Hmm, I swear something was funny, I'll have to make sure I'm not just making it up, I'll have to reply in game 'tomorrow' as I watched all the ads for the game 'today'.

    Yeah, you can watch like 25 daily ads and then it resets around the same time a new event comes over.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Vigrid_ said:

    I wish I knew how many ads are too many to watch.  It is counterintuitive to allow the watching of X amount of ads, yet the next day tell them that was too many and now they can't watch any more for a week.  Well, why did you let me watch that many in the first place!?

    If any of you have a number as to how many you watch, please tell!  ❤️

    Is that a thing for newer accounts? If so that's dumb. We have a daily limit and it resets every time with the daily event.

  5. 11 minutes ago, mohamed Alpatal Khalaf said:

    I won't ruin, don't think I'm stupid...

    We're here to build a welcoming environment so... But I want to sign in carefully, unfortunately it's gone now.

    please Pavke organize a tournament again to see what we have got here.


    I'm not sure if that is the case but Pavke even seemed to delay the signing up period so that more people could get in (the deadline was supposed to be on Monday) so stop whining, it is your fault alone you missed it, there was plenty of time to prepare.

    Also I wanted to ask, did I get in or not? My message was sent on Monday but I have no clue if I made it in or just barely missed the deadline because I received no response. Thanks.

  6. 16 hours ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

    Don’t watch so many ads for tokens and they won’t ban you from ad rewards

    Is that a thing? The ads you can watch for tokens per day are limited, you can't watch too many.

  7. 2 hours ago, Tesla Surge said:


    But The Thing I Don't Understand Now Is That Since Its A Damaged Armor Annihilator I Would Expect It To Also Do Armor Damage To You Instead Of HP

    Sadly that's not a feature in the game. All weapons that have the "damaged" or "broken" prefix simply do backfire in form of HP but it sure is an interesting idea.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Tesla Surge said:

    Why Is The Distance Shredder Called Distance Shredder But Its Other 2 Counterparts Are Called Space Invader And Party Crasher And The Perimeter Protector's Other 2 Counterparts are Called The Distance Generator And Distance Controller? It Just Seems Logical To Have The Distance Shredder's Other 2 Counterparts Named Distance Controller And Generator Instead Of Party Crasher And Space Invader.

    Idk about you but I like those funky names more than boring variations of the phys one.

  9. 5 hours ago, JamAnime said:

    The thing about these deals is that they will be just sitting in the UN-open boxes because i need more inventory. 200 more.  This is actually a great deal, yet not buying.

    It's not a good deal because it's a complete gamble. You can be left with nothing but food, but I guess it'll be always good for new players that need any good items whatsoever. Still, the best offers are the ones that guarantee at least one item you need.

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