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Posts posted by Deimos

  1. 18 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

    Is it currently 2v2 season in Top Ranks? If so, there's a chance that the game doesn't know how to accurately differentiate the low-mid ranks 2v2 matches and the top ranks ones.

    It's just a guess of mine but considering how smurfs manage to trick matchmaking by using epic torsos and legs to get matched with low leveled players with an epic torso and legs despite said smurfers usually having mythical/divine weapons + modules + drone while the player they matched with doesn't, the way matchmaking works doesn't seem to be all that consistent.ย 

    Based on the screenshot, it seems like the matchmaking system took a look at your opponent and likely mistook them for an appropriate match due to the nearly similar HP level. Outside of that, I'm not sure how something like that could happen outside of just the plain chance that you and that person entered matchmaking at the same time and managed to match up like that.ย 

    Oh absolutely, 2v2 season has been broken like this since forever. If the game struggles to find you an opponent to match you up with you can end up facing people several ranks higher/lower than you even if that shouldnโ€™t be the case given your equipment level.

    5 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    Yes, there are some players at those level with power getting wins. Sure your match possibility due to your drone and roller. If you check your opponent might have torso and advancing legs and weapons are in the legend state. The energy and heat stats are not high and a match HP 1100 vs 1500 it is not uncommon and I was playing those level and the match those happen often. In my progress was something normal and I hated.ย 

    Right now I am playing at R8-R6 average and my mechs at 1900 and 2400 max and my opponents with 2400- 3200hp and fully developed and my mechs are not fully developed but in progress leveling up parts.ย 



    My mechs are in current power level and rank according their own power in current development. Sometimes I they move higher and sometimes I am bullied.ย  I have been developing those parts for months and still lots more. Normally I removed a part developed and replace it with another epic or legend L1 and start again. Modules also were developed in those mechs step by step.ย 

    You can see HP contrast. If you check carefully I have develop some parts already at L50 but mechs are not designed for combat instead it is a a bunch of parts I put together to max little by little not meaning will become a mech in the future.ย  Now, you can take a look to my opponent and do have some issues too. It might be able to develop a torso but the mech as it is will have issues at 3V3 to get wins. It will be in trouble and also at R5 1V1 will have some problems. The player is keeping lower rank to be able to fight with mechs having some deficiencies as his/her. No much choice even with high HP in the case for claw energy but sure can play at top rank.

    For the phys claw hp increased to compensate for lack of resist. The game check those differences then make an average against me having a bit of resist and developed parts even I am at 2400 VS 3000. The match is possible to happen.ย 

    My energy mech was crushed easy against the energy claw.ย 

    Oh, the claw. I remember when it used to be meta, good old days..

  2. 3 hours ago, nikolas said:

    Hello i have question. What mechs should i make it? Electric physic or heat. Cuz hybrid is not working for me




    Make it a physical or heat, you donโ€™t have items good enough for an energy mech.

  3. 3 hours ago, Jahy Sama said:


    You say that yet:anklav.png.5fbbb6e629aea10adc21dbe95f1c447c.png


    How old is that screenshot? This must be ancient, neither of your builds are rank 1 material nowadays.

    29 minutes ago, Jahy Sama said:

    Seems like you didn't see he was also a heat counter with good range control


    Why would I wander anywhere near top 10 when 1v1 is always boosters in top 10 lol, not worth the effort

    Range control means nothing, thatโ€™s what burning shower, charge and hook are for. The bane of builds like that are huggers, not pushers.

  4. 11 hours ago, Zutchse said:

    this is all imho

    The Naga, Windigo, and Nightmare is pretty comparable when it comes to rarity and stats.

    The Energy free armor should be around A+ (middle of S and A) but cant place it so its onย  A.ย 

    feel free to judge my list.


    EFA is still the best choice for any build that doesn't use energy. Now even more so that energy builds in the top ranks are scarce. S tier, only thing keeping it from the top is lack of versatility.ย 

  5. 26 minutes ago, heller said:

    oh will it still a little bit hard to get the L-M (AKA premium items) for new players due to its price but overall you get my point we need factories to work as it supposed to work so base feels more rewarding

    or i swear god if i got silver boxes back i will use all my money to upgrade my mechs and kill every single person in the arena to finally get to rank 5

    because after all base kinda slowed down the prograss

    You can still craft power unit kits, those are way more efficient than silver boxes.

  6. 54 minutes ago, DArkVold said:


    Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 3.24.34 PM.png

    I could use rock polisher but i have no interest in losing any of my health or resistance.


    Max those cooling boosters and replace the storage unit with a heat engine. Space invader instead of burning shower and add an abomination to get rid of that blindspot. Replace some of the dissolvers for backfire version if you the weight limit doesn't allow it and you should be good to go.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Dark conon mech said:

    255 isn't that bad I just have to cooldown sometimes and when I max the perk I will have 276 cooling which is one of the first things ill max

    also what would you say is enough regen?

    300 and above is ideal. Idk what rank you are but any decent boiler would absolutely destroy you with cooling that low. Also some use weapons that decrease cooling so that's why it's important to have a surplus.

  8. On 12/6/2021 at 2:27 PM, Energy Boi said:

    save up your tokens. you get 10 each day so every week is 70. also in Sundays and Saturdays events happen to get 100 tokens from a limited achievement so 170 is a lot for each week. in two weeks you can get a premium pack witch usually give legendary or have bad luck like me and only give epics. about 5 cards in those chests. and raid exists too so that gives tokens too. its grindy but it works

    fortune boxes legendary are rare too not consistent but yes I've gotten legendary that way.

    You can also watch ads daily for an additional 50 so that means 350 a week.

  9. 15 minutes ago, heller said:

    yeah but for newbies its hard to cover all of that EDIT:also WTH i just opened another card andย  got another epic the drop rates are bad man


    yeah i thought about these prices but some players have a HUGE amount of gold that they will be able to get all the items they need and build meta mechs in no time

    yeah the price are cheap for top players thats why i thing 3M is good (you dont rush and it keeps the game fair)

    I don't see how that would help the newbies making it 3mil lmao, you can farm 4 mil within a couple of days without buying refills and still have enough to upgrade and progress.

  10. 8 minutes ago, heller said:

    oh right turned out i was using the light parts

    so i tried swapping every part of the hugger mech with every energy part and what i noticed is

    heat have better stats IN EVERY THING in wieght.damage.heat increase are alawys higher than energy drain

    the only solution is to buff energy weapons

    EDIT:the only thing i found that energy was better was the energy cap and thats it

    Yeah, either a slight buff to energy drain or weight limit could make it meta again.

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