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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by GuningSnipping

  1. Send me pictures of your WORST boxes drops. It can be campaign mission boxes, fortune boxes, Premium boxes, or anything that give you worthless stuff.
  2. I rather use epics to transform them into Legendary items and use those weak legendary items as mythical food
  3. UPGRADE. YOUR. FREAKING. MODULES. P.S The Hysteria is garbage compare to the Malice beam.
  4. This have nothing to do with supermechs but its funny tunder.mp4
  5. That is the worse leg ever. It can't even go to mythical
  6. Replace the Brutality with a Molten palatium vest or a wendigo if you don't have those things get a nightmare. Improve the cooling and the energy regeneration Remove the iron boots with a Massive stone feet and get a spartan carnage or a night eagle And also get a better drone like a tonto or a unreliable protector
  7. It's funny that the legendary Redeemer has better cooling energy generation heat and energy capacity than the legendary Avenger
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