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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. both of you are banned for having a useless banning session
  2. i actually have a better one. hold on, lemme find it it transforms 2 myths, rest to max legendary.
  3. well hey, at least ur not ugly this is not me being gay tho XD. not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but one of my pet peeves is people saying im something that i am not :V
  4. ooh, the two hazard symbols finally meet
  5. both of you banned for being idiots
  6. persian on a scale of 1-10 how much do you like halo? and which one is your favorite one to play? ive played all except for ODST, 2, and 3. also, what is your favorite weapon? mine is either the Answer(halo 5) or the halo 2 battle rifle.
  7. im keeping the beasts because how else am i going to move throughout the map when my energy is out?
  8. well still, ur build got u to r7, so who says that combined with my build as a primary/secondary wouldn't get me to r6 or better?
  9. i want that heatbomb :V im working on a build very similar to @Tirreggregars's build.
  10. banned for banning people who are banning other people
  11. banned because you arent a mythical pilot
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