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  1. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to yarin in When The problem with Facebook will be fixed out?   
    I used to play on my facebook account
  2. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to AtomusX in bug or cheater?   
    tis a hopeless endeavor, I doubt anybody would do anything about it
  3. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Suzaku_Kururugi in bug or cheater?   
    Is that a bug or cheater? also his name 💀

  4. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to wartman7 in WE NEED A TRADING SYSTEM   
    Why aren't we able to trade weapons and items in this game
    Let us trade items
  5. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in WE NEED A TRADING SYSTEM   
  6. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Shredderr in WE NEED A TRADING SYSTEM   
    Very bad idea
    Will be exploited if it becomes a thing.
  7. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in WE NEED A TRADING SYSTEM   
  8. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Venix in I didn't know RedGriffin was a Hacker, as soon as he was losing, poof.. Magically the client stops working.   
    Now, not only RedGriffin but also Mauri_Paz enjoys using hacks.. I was about to win and I wrote nice perks and poof.. Disconnection, you suck, shame on you.

  9. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to noㅤ in I didn't know RedGriffin was a Hacker, as soon as he was losing, poof.. Magically the client stops working.   
    You can't know who crashed it unless they tell you right before crashing it. I'd be careful accusing someone based on just that.
  10. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in I didn't know RedGriffin was a Hacker, as soon as he was losing, poof.. Magically the client stops working.   
    well, it will keep going. 🥴   I created a file and my kids time to time if remember they take a capture and save the image. Sadly, some of them are old players that played at top retired, and others are old players playing at lower ranks for long not advancing much just playing by mood. The others oh well..... 
    Red it is an old player around older than me in the game. 😶
  11. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Venix in I didn't know RedGriffin was a Hacker, as soon as he was losing, poof.. Magically the client stops working.   
    Shame on you, for people like you a permanent ban would be the right punishment.

  12. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Pumpkin portal drops   
    not broken. Last year or before last year I got none neither my first year. 😶 This time I got them, but I have them already.
    This was for OKI. As you can see, one was nothing and was the FB. 

    O.D.FARM GOT 3. 

    It is not like before you can try for more. Not sure. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to khan in Pumpkin portal drops   
    You have to play the portal some more, the pumpkin perk is an uncommon drop, aka not guaranteed.
  14. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to 2008ToyotaCorolla in Pumpkin portal drops   
    I have played the pumpkin portal and beat every mode 3 times but have not received a pumpkin cosmetic yet. Is this just me being unlucky, can I not get it or is something broken?
  15. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    cool flex you have there 
  16. Like
  17. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    nice 🤣. you are loving to play with a lot of hugging against the other players. come close to me shall we   😘 i will give you a warm hug you say to them.


  18. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Shredderr in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Maxed out Red Rain! :]

  19. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Hi Pilots. 
    Hey, I do not know why but keep this thread moving forward alive and flex your achievements. From the best thread in the game dropping to almost not in use. This is sad. 🥴
    It is sad that my kids are playing less and less my accounts. My daughter has not been playing my account for long already and my son not even touched for over a week and my acc's are seating collecting dust. I saw my kid playing few yesterday, but my daughter does not have much interest to keep playing. Her R1 personal account is seating there for months and just grind and raid rarely and my son is doing the same with his own R1 account. 
    I am too busy to do others and last few weeks has been harsh on me about work barely doing grinding, but I try to do some raid and the titan with low ticket. This TITAN is too high again, so I do not even try to collect tickets because takes long and my farming dropped again getting a lot less even still moving a bit but missing days and 2 or3 times only a day. I am no longer trying to collect tickets beyond 250. Sad.....😭
    Ok, let see OKI.
    OKI- Finished old items never maxed and finally completed. In reality I do not use them, and I have enough data with their use. I just want to finish them that it is all. 

    For O.D.FARM- I was able to complete the TRIO set having 3 of them. 


  20. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in 🎃Halloween art competition!🎃   
    P.S.: so you don't need to search them in the thread ... you are welcome 😜
  21. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from SGVOID in 🎃Halloween art competition!🎃   
    P.S.: so you don't need to search them in the thread ... you are welcome 😜
  22. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Enemy in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    fr that is dead ASF
  23. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to shockwave333 in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    this is a shit offer 
  24. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Stelight in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
  25. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Shredderr in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2000 Tokens FINALLY COLLECTED! :]

    Dunno how i got the patience to collect so many lol
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