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    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Regular price ...
    335 tokens x 15 = 5025 tokens

    ... that's arround 60 % discount ❗
  2. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Shredderr in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Forgo to take one of them ( had a Legendary Electrolyte, other stuff was food ), but here are the things I got from the 2000 Token Offer!


  3. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to GORGONA in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Where is level with a lot of structures?
  4. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Slow but progressing. Pushed to 425 million. OKI 😘

    Just one maxed



  5. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to copper flame in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    is 2000 tokens for 15 boxes good
  6. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
  7. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    This is a good offer. It has been rare to see 3 items in an offer and are good items. I have been seen just few offers like this one on raw power since I play the game but not as great as this one and token wise. One was the drainers 3 of them never again post the week of the portal when were released and few items' modules combo and few weapons in an offer maybe 3 or 4 times no more than that. If you missed not having the parts oh well. 
    Adding another not included.

  8. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Yoshiharuuu in 👾   
    I hope this game has a report button 😄
  9. Like
  10. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to JoeWho in When is this game gonna get an update? 🤔   
    It has been centuries since we had an update, now I’m questioning. When will the next one come?
    or maybe an admin explain why there hasn’t been an update and only portal and special tasks for so long 😶
  11. Haha
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Pyra pinky slayer in are these cheaters?   
    non of them are hackers your WiFi is just not good 
  12. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in are these cheaters?   
    Sumerian Tablet. rare about him. possible when he is losing but he plays as he can with his limitations. He has been there for many years. I did not have issues with him. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Mr Smit in are these cheaters?   
    Please note that sometimes clans are repeated

  14. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to JamAnime in Are they hackers ??   
    What up with the game? Keeps reconnecting.....
  15. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to JamAnime in Are they hackers ??   
    And probably not updated when needed....
  16. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in bug or cheater?   
    I know you play well but my friend, many other players if wanted to play for medals during those days they were able to do it too. They are simply not playing with desire and semi-retired and the odds to win will be really tuff for you and them if they were playing for real.
    Ok you got the medals, and you are well known for long as good player but please do not look like you are better than many others here that are just playing relax now that are also real pro and can be on the 3 spots in the current environment or in the AP harder era. They are not even trying or even playing. Actually, there are just few playing for R1 and no motivations at all. 
    I am not pro, and I do not care about that, but it is a bit too off about reality against if they play in full for top. 
    About AP, even me I have been in the top 3 all spots to able to win in the 3 seasons in the era of super AP and just dropped helping clan decisions not divined with weaker mechs balanced never counter or inflated HP and I am just a goofier player here. 
    Boosting recent era was nothing against the hardest and best era that was the AP era of 250 above minimum requirement to achieve beyond 300. There are just few guys around now playing and do not care much about to be at top.  
    Nany of those guys been called no one else actually can do it cross clans. 
    Be a bit humble. 

  17. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in bug or cheater?   
    5 ... great ... well done
    But you know that 32 > 5 ❓
    (just a "little" bit)
    You notice it yourself, don't you ❓
    To shorten this here ... send me a pm, we can discuss there about ❗
  18. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in bug or cheater?   
    That's very funny ... I will not write any word about all other stuff you wrote, because all other stuff you wrote shows clearly that you try to defend somthing, you even cannot defend (which is for itself again ... very funny) ❗
    As well as that I will clearly refrain to start a fight with you here about this topic ❗
    You know exactly what you and your "friends" ("we") are doing, as well as I (and many others) know exactly what you and your "friends" are doing ❗
    BUT what I will do is ... I will ask you some questions ... if you are able to answer one of these questions with yes, I will glady admit
    that "we are better than you" ...
    There was a player in the past who had access to about +800 (❗) Legendary Ascension Relics, when ALL other players could only have around 50 - 70 of these very important items in the game with fair (with no cheating) and normal gameplay ...
    - Would you say that was fair to all other players who had even not the chance to get 1/10 as much of these Legendary Ascension Relics ❓

    (I help you with your answer a little bit: you have a boxing match, but you decide to come with a gun ... hard to win with the gun ? 😜 )
    - Would you say there is no cheating at SuperMechs ❓
    - Would you say that Arena Points Boosting at SuperMechs does not exist ❓
    I could go on with these question, but (my) time is not worth it ❗
    Try to win 1 (❗) weekly tournament clear and fair (without any boosting, without having the replay list emty the last few hours of the tournament) and after we can talk again ❗
    P.S.: the level of that account speaks for itself
    P.P.S.: the chosen nickname of that account is a clear no go and speaks as well for itself
    P.P.P.S.: "we" is very funny 😄
  19. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in bug or cheater?   
    It is a person (or group) from Canada - as the flag shows.
    "Veteran" players know who it is.
    And they have around 20 - 30 fully cheated accounts.
    Everybody can see it clearly cos of the Level of all these accounts with full meta stuff,
    which is simple not possible in this short time, even not possible if you invest a fortune ❗
    They cheat tons of accounts and new accounts.
    They cheat wins.
    They cheat the weekly tournament (Arena Points).
    They cheat single Gold Medal wins.
    They cheat clan Gold Medals wins.
    So all they win is worth nothing - really nothing.
    The opposite, its a shame that they invest so much time, just to win, with total unfair methodes.
    It even makes 0 sense.
    Unfortunately the developers stopped taking care of all these cheaters.
    As well as they stopped developing this game for reasons.

    P.S.: as info for the moderatores, I simple stated facts, without calling any name nor accusations for specific players,
    but what I wrote is a simple fact and +70% of the players know this and unfortunately nothing is done against this.
  20. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to 0.0_Algeriano_0.0 in bug or cheater?   
    I won't wast my time eaither and i know u talking about clever name and yes its fair money is one of the skills 2 
    And relic don't mean anything since u can always counter hem 
    + I win more then 5 medal without bosting  when boster was around and i even pass them in arena points in my main and that u or no one else can do
    Only me and Lannister achieved that 
    but i really don't care do u know why ? Bcs all top ranks clan bosting including inmax .RR
    + i am not trying to make fight or anything i just want make point
  21. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Stelight in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    From a random arena 10 box 

  22. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from shockwave333 in bug or cheater?   
    It is a person (or group) from Canada - as the flag shows.
    "Veteran" players know who it is.
    And they have around 20 - 30 fully cheated accounts.
    Everybody can see it clearly cos of the Level of all these accounts with full meta stuff,
    which is simple not possible in this short time, even not possible if you invest a fortune ❗
    They cheat tons of accounts and new accounts.
    They cheat wins.
    They cheat the weekly tournament (Arena Points).
    They cheat single Gold Medal wins.
    They cheat clan Gold Medals wins.
    So all they win is worth nothing - really nothing.
    The opposite, its a shame that they invest so much time, just to win, with total unfair methodes.
    It even makes 0 sense.
    Unfortunately the developers stopped taking care of all these cheaters.
    As well as they stopped developing this game for reasons.

    P.S.: as info for the moderatores, I simple stated facts, without calling any name nor accusations for specific players,
    but what I wrote is a simple fact and +70% of the players know this and unfortunately nothing is done against this.
  23. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Megalodon in "Slightly lucky"   
    Thanks for the advice
  24. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in "Slightly lucky"   
    That it is an awesome loot. congrats.  
    Welcome back to the game. 👍
    Platinum plating it is a key component in the game. The drone and plating can be max out. 
    For arena shop items, it does have some personal decisions and luck directed decision plus basic decision.
    The reason why that comment it is related to the luck of parts dropped to play from early stages that decisions might change about power granted. For example, if your account provided you better physical parts, then you should upgrade a bit more that side. Don't have to be like that but the tendency might happen.
    My recommendation doesn't have to be right. You have to understand that all of them are important, but I will say something that might others will say something different. One of the reasons is that older players had originally less items to max than now then they maxed having tons of coins saved no in use and used to max the new added parts.
    I will mention this as a player well known as farmer looking for gold to enhance parts as fast possible. My ways are not necessary the best for you, but you can use it as reference in one direction mentality. 
    But let see..
    1- The items in the picture below, will be less important for now depending on the way you will play related to grinding for gold and daily play. 
         a- If you are a heavy grinding all day long opportunities, do few advances in the gold area. Forget about the others for now. That will help you on gold advances that will help max parts faster. At early levels, the coin use will be very low but as advance will be very costly and hard to get those silver coins and will have to be wiser to allocate them. You have to play literally 5 wins every single day 7 days a week without misses if want to progress on that. It does takes very long to finish them, and I mean can be years if you do not play those 5 wins daily.  

    b- If you still in the grinding side maximizing opportunities during the day also will need this one below picture. The top one, not circulate it is very important too, but you can decide if want to go for it. The one circulated is to improve the fuel recovery. Without it, to get fuel during the day will be slower. The other is to max the capacity of how much fuel can have or better say is the fuel cap. The maximum in the game is 95 fully maxed. Starting will be less. 

    2- For defense, let's check basic 
         1- The one circulated it is very important because that will help increase the HP of your mech. Let say just for say if the torso maximum at divine status is 1000 on HP, that will add 350 to it having then 1350 and that it is an edge to win the opponent "maybe" with just HP advantage even with less powerful weapons or mech overall in your side. So, this is one of the first to go for or maybe the most critical for your account. 

       b. Basic shields are important. Sometimes or some recommendations are based according of what I said, your luck getting parts and you desire as robot preferences. Those are the shields improvements. That makes your robot harder to physical attack against that particular element as phys, heat or energy base mechs. The 3 of them are key to survive. Every torso has shield base except the Monkey type torso. Shields progress as you level up. Let say just for say max shield of a torso is 30 then that will add a lot more to protect your mech on that element attack against your mech. Many people will say phys as primary, but all depend on the element that your opponent is attacking you. My recommendation is to advance them in the early options first 4 upgrades then will be too costly on silver coins and will have to choose what will be more important to you. So, level them up equally to the 4 level up but you will decide what is best for you. 

    c. As mentioned previously, your element of preference is important. Is based on parts granted and how cool you see the mechs and like to play with. I am a Hybrid player for preference but that does not work that supper in the game, and you need to go as you progress to build elements pure mechs. Sure, some mix can happen and win. First picture below is an example of element area that will help your mech to cool down faster after using weapons or a heat attack.

    What I did was the basic. I level up them 4 stages and then select because will be costly and will have to play 7 days 5 wins to maximize coins collections.
    Note: At early stages, the coins grant regardless the 5 daily wins it is lower than to a higher rank. What do I mean is that to at some point as you progress your mech on rank, the drop will be a bit more but not much but when count of daily play it does make a huge difference been under development. 
  25. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to noㅤ in "Slightly lucky"   
    Wowza, that's amazing luck for sure!!!
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