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    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from VB in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Most (I guess around 90%) is right what you wrote ❗
  2. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Ruben in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Most (I guess around 90%) is right what you wrote ❗
  3. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Soon ❗
  4. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from zakaidze in Any "News" about the game-development ?   
    @all & @Alexander
    Since there is an other thread with some simular questions AND it seems many players are confused about the history of
    SuperMechs, future of SuperMechs and it's last 2 - 3 years of development incl. the owner change, I would like to kindly ask, if the main developer and Ceo of Gato Games Mr. Alexander could give us please just some words about (here in the forum) ❗❓
    Not all players use discord and I hope that this forum here still has it's purpose ❗
    P.S.: as well as many new players seems not to know who I am, which is not so important, but what I can defenetly say, I know pretty much most of the history of SuperMechs of all players ❗
    I can as well tell pretty much everything - from a players perspective - what the 2 player-groups "big whales" and "F2P" would like to have on positiv changes of the game, since I played now for many years on both sides ❗
    Feel free to ask ❗
  5. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Fordekash in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    You are totally right. Don’t let these people who dumped a ton of money in the game get you down. We all know the state of the game.

    They just can’t accept reality because they have invested so much in a company that has provided zero gratitude to the paying customers.
  6. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Kendall Passionate Polaris in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    i am glad SOMEONE with experience as a top rank pays attention. Thanks besty
  7. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Fordekash in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Please answer my question, instead of trying to blame others about counting skillz (which makes as well no sense, saying this to me, since I am the one correcting mistakes at counting and counting threads most of all) ❗
  8. Haha
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Soon ❗
  9. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Fordekash in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    And ❓
    That was 2 years ago ... what does that have to do with the current situation and that the players (not all) are waiting of a real update (new items, meta-change, another needed balance, another ban-wave cos still a lot of cheaters are playing, improving the enjoyment of the game itself, etc.) ❓
  10. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Most (I guess around 90%) is right what you wrote ❗
  11. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Kendall Passionate Polaris in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Soon ❗
  12. Haha
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from OKI DOKI in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Please answer my question, instead of trying to blame others about counting skillz (which makes as well no sense, saying this to me, since I am the one correcting mistakes at counting and counting threads most of all) ❗
  13. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to s1ngul4r in Quest Completed   
  14. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Kendall Passionate Polaris in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Please answer my question, instead of trying to blame others about counting skillz (which makes as well no sense, saying this to me, since I am the one correcting mistakes at counting and counting threads most of all) ❗
  15. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to RON CANA in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    I need some gold. 
  16. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    I am fine but tired. Work has been tuff and little to nothing personal time. I recently posted in O.D. FARM thread. Hmm, I am hoping to get a Sabbatical approval to take time of and work with my parents' drama and fix everything. At least I can deal with and not thinking on work time. 
    I played limited and farming was not that great, but I was able to reach my goal of 205 million. Took some time but I am happy with it. No is time to work on few things and I will decide tomorrow what I will do without dropping gold reserves beyond 202.5 million and recover back to 205. I will be in this mood for some time. Saving gold does hold back crafting and leveling up parts but for now I am in a good spot to do whatever in the acc no having worries of lacking parts for R1 any season. I will keep my basic mojo of farming and leveling up parts and I have to go for few items and divine them depending on my day mood.  

    Base haven't touch in a while.

    Maxed Parts

    Transformed Parts

    WAR/RANK- Missing few I think...


  17. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to RON CANA in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    I need that Shower. congrats on the gold reserve
  18. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi dear pilots
    How are you?
    I hope all goes super-duper for you.
    For me, I have been really busy at work missing some play days including farming.  My kids still not playing the acc and are back to school. Sadly, I was unable to enjoy time with them on summertime. 🥴   Last night I was tired, but my co-workers wanted to go ad eat post work and because I normally I say no because I am too busy and the little time, I have for me I like to use it to rest as my body ask, this time I decided to go and spend a bit of time with them.
    Let see, I got for dinner Ribeye Steak with salad, fries, shrimp and some chicken whatever was starter and the company because I did not want a strong beer, I got a Stella draff with the starters and another with the main dish. 
    What I normally hate from our American way it is the constant asking what I want just seating on the freaking chair and a menu not even been read and to have a lady with bad manners because can't wait to read the cart and to know what are the options that will be ok with my stomach at the moment.  She had a jerk face on bad mood, but I cooled off a bit having funny conversations with others 10 peers. Sure, she came later with the bill as normal to get her American selective tips forced with the electronic credit card reader. 
    Of course, I paid $63 for the main dish and the beers not the starter because my friend was the one who ordered and paid for it. Because in the American way you normally give tips, I normally even the attendance is a jerk I am not a jerk to the person and generally speaking you can deny the tip for bad service and bad attitude or give just the lower option. I gave her a whopping 22.5% equivalent of 14 dollars. The total cost $76 for a dinner that not even was enough for my belly and not that good better say mediocre dish, it was a waste of money for no reason except to please my buddies because I always like to eat at home fresh and fill my belly for less a hell less. Anyway, that is one of the main reasons about Americans showing off lifestyles do not belong to them and complaining of doing nothing and wanting more and been a showoff of greatness of their bullshit.  Hope my fellows' American peers don't take offence but they know what I am talking about.  By the way, I ended up cooking some extra food because I was hungry. 😒
    Next time instead to go out, I will get the most expensive offer in SM. At least can last longer the use of it. 🤣
    Anyway...............About the game.......
    Let see. 
    I got bored farming and maxing parts a bit and staying in the same gold reserve main target of 170 million. I decided to increase gold reserve to 200 million as the new basic stash and now pushing to go to 205 million and start to work a bit on parts. Finally, after weeks or a month I was able to reach 200 mark and moving to 205 now. It will take few more weeks or less than 2 weeks depending on my farming and game daily stuff but let settle at 2 weeks to start to make some parts or divine few only. I want to keep 200 million and I won't push to increase that number maybe for very long time. 
    The progress it has been slower because accumulating gold and as I mentioned, less play. 

    I haven't touched the base in a while. 

    Maxed Parts

    Transformed parts

    WAR/RANK- Maybe I have few more in the phone file but lazy to get into it. 

    Now focus into get to 205 million and see what I will do then. 

  19. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Kendall Passionate Polaris in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    And ❓
    That was 2 years ago ... what does that have to do with the current situation and that the players (not all) are waiting of a real update (new items, meta-change, another needed balance, another ban-wave cos still a lot of cheaters are playing, improving the enjoyment of the game itself, etc.) ❓
  20. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Fordekash in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Soon ❗
  21. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from RON CANA in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I "guess" ... close to 10 years (❗) later now, we are old ❗
  22. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from RON CANA in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Congrat ... 👍 ❗
    But if you are original, I guess you played 2013 as well and there you were not "R1" ❓
    Oh wait, yes, there was an other ranking system with Levels ... that was the best SuperMechs time anyways ❗
  23. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from fatarseoncrack in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    Most (I guess around 90%) is right what you wrote ❗
  24. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Kendall Passionate Polaris in When will Supermechs get updated.   
    tell alex stop banning these USEFUL players from the server and stop letting the NON 13 (game required age) kids in the server and letting them whine all the time while the rest of us hide because arguing with a child is pointless and problematic maybe just maybe some of them will know. I was banned from the server due to "favoritsm"  "hypocrisy" and I am choosing hypocrisy.
    Targetting isnt what he meant, you ever heard of smurfs buddy? the low ranks down therr cant do a damn thing without a dual frantic or OEMP or UPC smurf breathing on them. we get it your r3-1 but think about possibilities of how to smurf, not all of these players are dumb enough to get r5 with mechs they cant win with
    alex and the others said they wont be disabling base and its been proven for a while...months? why should it take months when sarah an old base disable forum admin from tactisoft could do it within 3 days...yeah we need a disable button..
    another thing the player base IS going down. There arent multiple servers anymore, they have been merged and the merge was done by tactisoft a year ago. players experienced this by refreshing the game  chatting via discord with actually different player counts and unsuccessful pairings against players in arena and a big EXAMPLE. people were in english chat in 1 server while other players were not able to see them due to the multi server count, if I can recall it was 2-3 servers....lmao camapign doesnt count as a darn server, who told you this?! theres a reason why when sm "slows down" and arena is inaccessable the only thing available without a problem is campaign
    and from experience....ts had less PROBLEMS than gato has...TS never had arena in x1 gameplay speed...as some players have experienced LAG BY A TON may I say this again...arena being inaccessable has been for the 3rd time within a week and the highest? I get it some of you guys dont play as long as some of us do and for like an hour and hop off. but some of us hop on for 2 hours a day consecutively or more to actually experience this, we dont throw complaints and helpful suggestions from the back of our heads, theres a reason no trade topics exist anymore..
    portals are slow...some of these players dont wanna login to do unbeatable fights against smurfs at r15 when they can barely pass r17 if smurfs are active..base being too slow and AUTOMATICALLY added for new players is a dreadful experience...players are DROPPING FROM LACK OF PROGRESS SPEED, get your head out of the clouds man god dam.
    the reason it takes months to disable a base? because NEW PLAYERS GET THEM AUTOMATICALY we need a choice just like FPS shooter games giving the choice and adjustments of buttons for a new player, or do you only play sm? lol
    so as I was saying....if someones stuck on campaign and can barrly win 5-10 battles a day and arent perma r10 material, chances are they will quit before we do. especially those who finished campaign.
    10 tokens a day is too little for some of those people, people who spam ads...idk how they have so much free time, i barely get 10 minutes before I have to do a random chore or get bored. raid as I said has weapon requirements and has not been fair for new players...not everyone has more than 1-2 strong mechs THIS FORCED way of playing is why sm is losing players, THINK DUDE...THINK
  25. Haha
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from Wiqu10 in Please disable my baseee id 55208612   
    Great picture quality ❗
    And good Luck with the disabling your base ... I heard it can take months ❗
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