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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. for me will be fine to give it to you. I meat rock very frequent because I get them often. About Hollow I do not have many or often but I think I can spare one or two in OD.FARM account but can't from OKI DOKI been limited with them but Rusty I can spare having few extra remaining after meat some.
  2. Interesante la evolucion. mucho antes que yo en el juego 10/19
  3. nice legacy videos and box opening. Music it is cool and intros are fine.
  4. I have seen them in the 500+ but not 600 so far. Average mid 350-500 very uncommon below 300. With FRANTIC and recoil or frantic spartan or frantic nightfall with good drone still destroy 3.1k mechs with decent resist 80-90. The stability is better and can trust more in the output and the confidence in the players increased a lot because before they used to doubt in last shot praying for a good one and tell you " in your face". R5-R3 are common as usual but the heat/energy mechs usage increased a lot in the arena. I think the substitution of frantic with the nerf and the vest resist increase it created same issue. Before too much power 600-850 in frantic now weapons barely can harm vest mechs. I think vest it went too far getting out of balance. I have them too so testing in my accounts to see the damage against them I surely say need a bit nerf not much but a bit. The enhance was a bit too much.
  5. yes, it is better option than crimson you can do something like this.
  6. I think I will max this incomplete test mech used last 3v3 season in OKI DOKI acc. It will be changed a bit but I will just enhance if is possible the weapons, Ni much gold or parts to use but let see. I think I will max this incomplete test mech used last 3v3 season in OKI DOKI acc. It will be changed a bit but I will just enhance if is possible the weapons, Ni much gold or parts to use but let see. Looking better now. I ran out of parts so I will have to grind a lot. Have fun making parts.
  7. not that bad. Not good but fine for what I created as R3 mechs combo. 4 wins, 1 real loss and 1 loss test for position. Future configuration to be change in phys mech and modules to work on. Just ok for R5-R3. I might use this for season fun as they are till later improve them.
  8. Well, I will say no. Maybe with VEST can be better and a swoop to heat up faster post swoop recent enhancement. I will say can be R1 with players that want to be R1 and play for it not like me playing for fun to just make parts bit by bit. With the last game update in few parts the game changed a bit again and the heat and energy mechs are coming back a bit more than the past 5-4 months ago. In the way I have set up as the standard as all knows I think it is just a mech for R3 in my personal opinion. Windigo torso became another option with swoop post parts enhancement of course need modules to support configuration. I am not worry of R1 ways just do things as can according limitations. Will take time to improve them so no worries for an 11 months account. Ok, fun completed. All weapons max out. Now need to increase gold reserve and meat to be able to work on supporting modules for 2v2 basic set. I will test with the incomplete partner. It will change how it is but I will give a test drive both together incomplete and get some losses just to see what can hold.
  9. I am working in this in my O.D. FARM, I think I will max out parts for fun.
  10. that it is the idea for players wanting to be at top.
  11. I started to play with family members during a sad moment in my life.
  12. It is possible that some players are playing lowering their ranks to pvp more wins. It is normal strategy that I saw when I started the game and I was wondering how was possible every time I will cross a level suddenly mechs twice hp and power came to hunt me pushing me down all the time. About your torso I do understand. One of my original it is the heat version terrible in reg/cool but good in heat output. Will be hard to deal with so many energy and heat mechs at your rank. I had that issue reason I ended up using mix mechs to compensate lack of weapons and power. Did what I was able to do with what I had. The other is NAGA and was weak as well with low HP. Ok, good to use your common and rare parts to enhance. Careful in wasting epics. You might need the weapon. Use epics to make legends. I even used to use common to make rare and from rare to make epics to make the legends. I had not much but that helped me a lot to move fast. I keep doing the same and now I have 129 MYTH and will keep growing fast. Never stop campaign. That it is your butter and bread. PVP will complement to add extra gold at your rank. It is not much but that helped me a hell a lot. In low rank it is important at list as I see it and what happen to me. When you are in a higher rank the gold granted it is better so by default the pvp can be reduce or if want to keep at high pvp will make tone of gold and some not even farm. I do both. Farming will level your account faster. You make tone of gold in the level up and you open more storage space plus get more energy bars capacity and will help you to farm even more. Improve your arena shop properly. Do not get down but look forward about what can get. Search for proper opportunity to grind during the day.
  13. Actually 3X will be fast. With 2X in OD6 insane 1V1 will be enough speed. Now, can be 4X but I doubt they will change the option. Commercials.
  14. It has been said many times in the past. Maybe a 3x
  15. hmm, if you are ftp it does takes time. In the beginning for me was to get focus in grinding as much I was able to do everyday none stop and still doing the same. Just it is about timing and where according your personal life. Strategy to farm it is key regardless parts given in the game. During my low rank there was another factor to complement the advance and it was pvp. I was doing lots of pvp to gain extra gold and buy silver boxes since my acc it is original a silver box account. PVP helped me to advance with the limited parts. I was not trying to rank up fast neither try now. I was letting the mech to rank itself step by step. I level up one level at the time per part not one all the way to L50. Doing L50 takes long process having low resources in gold and parts to meat. Leveling parts to L20 it is fast then average one part at the time 1 level up. The mech will be gaining stability step by step controlling your gold. Another factor it is your arena shop to enhance mech. It is very important at your rank to have 5 wins every day and get the commercial to capitalize the maximum in arena coins to enhance acc. The biggest problem I had was not having energy/heat modules to move up. The rest was about the farming and leveling up fast for faster grants. Do not forget to get the achievement area and will get lots of extras specially tokens that you will need.
  16. Hmm, maybe different pilot but at high ranks there was someone with same name and some regular behaviors reason I might related the name as flash back. but it is an old stuff. About been high rank, nah. I am a regular player not top player just making parts farming. I am a farmer
  17. I love the contrast between the picture and avatar.
  18. Hi pilots, As I can see the pilot ways according their clan members their is no harm. Now I can understand when she use the the word. Like I said, I truly do not know if the person it is in the wrong doing or just a fun side without bad intention. Not knowing the person due to no interaction as others members here in the forum that can make a joke against me since I have been able to read and interact in some ways so there is no issues because I like jokes and else and I do not take it personal. When people do it not know others it is when need to be careful because misunderstanding. For example I know Lord use the word but I get his way so I do not mind if he ended up using the word responding to me or else. I just avoid to use terms because culture differences and there are level of interaction between minors and adults in the game. Been a top player as her, I do watch her videos for fun with a beer and pop corn as many others just like a movie for entertainment not others intentions. So be sure I do not hold anything against the pilot or clan neither had that in mind but not knowing well so ending fights and then saying words that create the possible bad flavor of having a pvp with the person it is when things happen. Anyway, all is cool, love the clan and the pilots there of course the videos and youtubers and I have lot of fun with them normally losing . Please do not add more here since all it is cool now understanding pilot ways. Thx OKI I know the guy. I had one or 2 fights with and said the same. The person might get in trouble soon. No harms my friend. Now I do understand. Thanks a lot for the explanation. Like always very kind to me. Well I remember the person and moved to different clan. I haven't seen the person in long. Hope is doing better tho. got you Thx my friend.
  19. I do not have issue with him/her and I do not know if his word it was with bad intention but I assume since previously said same when losing against me in the last moment so I guess. I do not know if he/she is a toxic player and I do not have much issues but just in case it is been few times already. For me it is about to make friends with everyone losing or winning as solo players or clan members and help if I can. All is cool since cool guys are there so not because one will harm anything against the rest but at list I let people know if read the message. Hope all was a misunderstanding.
  20. Vajayjay, Hmm, just in case or misunderstanding. Telling me "KUNT" in the last second because you won the fight against incomplete mech scare to lose the fight it is not proper. I am a respectful player and so far your clan have nice people there and are cool guys and I enjoy to play against them and lose a million times all the time and I am fine and I enjoy the pvp winning or losing like picture below. I truly do not care to lose a fight because I play for fun but for an American person words like that have different meaning. I hope you are not using the improper connotation toward my person. All your mechs are op not mine. I know well I can lose one after another but I do not say improper or act improper toward others in the game. This is not a clan matter since I like yours and many others it is about a person toward a person. I will ask you as favor to refrain and it is not the first time you using same word against me you almost losing or losing. I hope you can understand a bit. I do not have a beef against you just in case. Lets be friend like your cool peers that I enjoy having fun with them. Thx OKI
  21. Hmm, not flexing in reality but holy moly, so many top changing to Vest Torso. I do not know how many I used for meat. Lucky me I always save about everything a bit so I might have to work in few of them. OKI remaining Vest stash OD.FARM Vest stash I think someone should make the picture of Monkey no Vest in and phys no Heat/Energy in. Lots of heat and energy back in line. Magma, bunkers, vest all over. Lots of mele with Heron, Terror plus FBA now. Old players are having some fun with accumulated stash around back in line. I am hopeless . Thx I play for fun if not I will be frustrated player.
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