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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 51 minutes ago, Kiwi Bird said:

    Screenshot_20240420-121652.png?ex=6635fe4f&is=6623894f&hm=a7454247f63bdf487cb891f9993221d383f45eba5d4f4f6a8c92c567eb884490&=from easy mode, from hard - Rolling Beasts and 2 legendary relics

    congrats on your items

    Now, Overheated will overheat your mech and opponent but sadly also does have backfire costing too much for mutual damage. If you are under development, it is not a part to use. Generally speaking, the weapon can be decent but not that functional like the energy case. Save your gold and parts away from. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Ace Red Baron said:


    Get ready for retirement 

    please don’t leave us 🇺🇸 

    I prepare myself for retirement, that doesn't mean I will. I like to work, and I am not a rich boy. I do the prep because as age, medical things come alone with and we here specially in USA, medical bills are way too expensive, and you lose your undies in just one thing. People here lose their houses etc because of it. Unsustainable. 😣

    For America standards, I am way too young for retirement but to get a job then they see us as too old and don't want to pay experience and else. 🫡


  3. 12 hours ago, Sasha412354 said:

    I did that already lol (thanks anyway)

    Do i screenshot entire mech build?

    What are chances of getting fortune boxes in silent waters?

    chances for F.B.  we do not know. Every account and the system wok a bit different for everyone. 

    Yes, the players can help better if you provide your full account parts and current set up.

  4. 13 hours ago, LORD CHAOS said:

    Okay so without taking any longer i would just want to remind you of a fact that i had to reach 200+ to make my family proud 

    Here are the results

    69.7 Native language 

    72.4 Mathematics

    89.2 English 

    The total.........



















    congrats dude. now is time to play games then bubble will burst. 🤭

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