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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. This Project should be now super advance thanks to the top players. 





    and realized that 



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  2. 2 minutes ago, politewond_54 said:

    i bought it :)))

    image.thumb.png.a9a2a9e829049e32fea64a8d48666504.pngi was talking about this

    there are few different similar offers but differ a bit the items but cost the same. 

    Generally speaking, all offers are good when compare with regular prices. 

    The offer is decent for starters. 

    1- Fuel provided it is good to farm and get mix boxes to enhance parts. Also, can help for campaign progress.

    2- The tokens come handy if are used properly.

    3- The silver coins for new accounts helps a lot for account progress to make stronger the mechs, faster items and less costly.

    4- The power kits, for those having a lot of problem in the farming area, can help to advance few parts but cost money when level up. Need to ensure to eat the fuel first then use the power kits if need.

    5- Not everyone can spend $20 so be careful with your money if does not come easy. 


  3. Yeah, when I was building OKI, it was really hard to get modules. I got good parts, but modules were terrible. 

    I was able to use free tokens to get those 500 tokens offers if you remember them in order to get them. Later on, after buying those offers spending the free tokens the game started to give me modules.

    It was like, "I want you to spend your tokens reserves in order to give you modules in the future". 

    The BASE was not there during that time. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, JamAnime said:


    DAY 13

    Not much Difference, just got to 69 experience bar, and updating Item factory to 10.  Will start crafting epics tomorrow.


    bandicam 2024-04-29 22-26-22-046.jpg

    bandicam 2024-04-29 22-26-33-718.jpg

    Hmm, I do understand why you have 3 factories to get into the 3 gold mines and to keep moving the HQ till get the 4 mines. How many factories will you upgrade to craft epics? Looking for modules? 

  5. 9 minutes ago, DustSans said:

    even they are bad it can be good if you use the right builds and all that, even they are bad, it can be good sometimes

    correct. Even can't get the best around, there are plenty combos to make that can get you to top R5-R3. Also, require a good pilot. Many complain about some parts, but they are not as super pilots or not best combos because lacking the right stuff to make them work better. 

    Many pilots at mid rank even lower ranks, they are a true R1 guys if they can have the goodies. Some others having a good stuff and can't get out of the geto. 

    There are many mechs using regular parts and are awesome pilots with them. 👍

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