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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. You are welcome. 

    Sure, you can make basic energy and heat mech but modules still not enough as they are now. Sure, you can make it work to some rank. I do not know what rank you are but no need to be frustrated on rank. 

    Players frustrate themself because can't pass a rank with smurfs etc the reasons. I see that as an opportunity to get stronger in different angles as farming gold to be ready for a good drop or to finish to enhance something and to have a lay out basic plan in the workshop area leveling up parts slowly for the future possibilities. 

    I can see you have few parts around semi developed. You can use them now and hold a rank for stability. As you level up weapons specially torsos and leges that add HP, as more HP you get, as stronger mech with more HP will show up to shut you down. Do not rush because other players are doing some things that will make you feel that you are not advancing. Forget about them and focus on what you can doon your own personal situations. 

    The torso that you are using image.png.1aba9b4e9b5db64e4a1dc469c65c68d5.png it is a torso that require a lot of modules to make it work properly. 


    It is a torso that provide a lot of heat/energy cap and help in power output reason it is a battle torso. That torso it is helping you out right now because you do not have heat modules good enough, so I am guessing you selected that one for that reason. No bad choice not having heat/energy modules. The bad thing it is cooling and energy regeneration. It is totally bad on that and hard to enhance to be just average mech with some cooling and regen.

    I know well because I made my second mech using that one because looks fun to use it because the look. 🤣 Sure I knew what will happen but was for my own fun. Sure, it does give some strategy in that side but in the long run will be bad. I made recently a mech with it for my kids fun and I wanted to collect more data with some modules set ups that I change often after they play in that way. 

    Kepp using mech for now till you develop parts around. 

    You can make some mechs around. Some ideas. You do not have to make them but can give ideas and then think what it is best for you and what it is preferred to have your own fun on your fancy style. 

    1- Lack of rock recoiler you can use the others but create some physical limitations but can work for now as temp set up. Do not copy. Just look for your own fun and possibilities. 

     a- I know you do not have resistance phys drainer but just an idea to be change as fit. 

    b- Also, when built, you need to ensure you can build to max damage. In this case those weapons can help but are not optimal to damage shields just talking about the side weapons. The Frantic it does damage shield but will be weak if their shields are too high but the important is to get into a rank that you can predict gold to be accumulated having stability. 

    c- it is not the best in cooling or regen, but the cap can help mitigate a bit the lack of. Sure, will have some issues but might help to move up some. 

    d- the reason of phys is that require less energy to operate but depend on. Even generate heat using weapons, it is less than to use heat mech that will be a lot more plus attacks against and you lack on that to recover in cooling and regen. 

    Side weapons can be changed to use the BackBreaker but it is just ideas as illustrations. 

    e- The weight will be 10 different because using a premium as example that weight 5 less and using 2 of them you should have 10 extra in weight but same set up that will change with a part exchange. 

    f- Using the phys leg because that one adds a bit more HP than the red one. We use the red one for the majority of set ups because weight less and we can use better modules making the legs better but the phys it is great too and for you helps a lot if goes with legs. 






    Like I mentioned, this is only an example idea for directions of what you are capable to do but can do better in different directions. Use what you had developed for now. Just be careful to no make too many parts without sense and lack of direction. This is one of the reasons I say to players to work hard on modules because weapons will come and go but modules will be base stability for all of them. 

    You can make energy mech. Just illustrations. Do not copy because can be different and better set according to preferences and what you have in pvp match maker. Also, you have to understand that some modules are premium not having the basic in the storage, but resistance will be lower and will weight 10 more. Also, my arena shop it is maxed so the numbers for you will change to lower a bit more. 



    or but will have to change a weapon image.thumb.png.eccd636eb6956c15b4ed25fb83691387.png

    or to focus a bit on resistance damage




    maybe heat as well. all can be change according to the need. So, get a Nightmare torso, that will be decent for combos because lower weight but decent on states and wendigo that you have there. 

    Players can give ideas and change all around. Just ask around. Do not follow what I'm saying. The idea is to read and think what will be best for your own person and acc. 

  2. 2 hours ago, asdadada said:

    There is a cheat where you can farm both Gold and XP, I think that this user used said hacks to reach level 250 and have that amount of gold, why have such an exaggerated amount It takes centuries of legal farming 

    It is all depend as the player can manage the farming.  You can take a look of my farming stages in my progress threads.

    It is not impossible. I did make OKI DOKI account from L1 to L250 in 9 months and 3 weeks. 

    Because OKI it is my older account, it is the account that I use to learn and create my own strategy to develop my other accounts. As an example, my O.D. FARM account reached L250 just in 8 moths exactly. 

    And yes, 8 months even.  There was another player that I surpassed on speed at the last corner. That player started one week before or after me and was hard to keep up with him because work and family and he been a young guy with a lot of time to play. I think he did it in 10 months legal. 

    If I decided to save gold and reduce the making parts back then, I can tell I will have easy 1 billion or more in gold reserves farmed and I started at the end of 2019 meaning that those guys that kept the progress from legacy till now, sure maybe surpassed the 1 billion without telling. 

    And yes, I can make the 1 billion if I decide to go for it in 2 years from now, but I will not go for it because I am focused to save to open boxes and eat a lot of gold in the process. 

    check my threads all legal. click in both and check the time frame that it is there. There is record from 2020. 


  3. It is a hard work for you and me to level up parts grinding. Those options parts in progress now are good to do. Also move them to Myth status soon. Do not do many parts as torsos or legs and weapons as crazy that sounds. 

    You need to know where to invest your hard work. 

    Always focus into make your first mech strong enough. Your second will be the one to get the remaining parts but no need to develop them depending on your current rank. The distribution will weight into your best mech possibility. 

    You have some limitations right now in modules to provide heat/energy caps and regeneration plus cooling. 

    Parst to work on now are the one circulated. You should not be afraid to invest in them now. Those right now are totally essential for your account. Those modules are the one that will sustain damage against you and will allow you to use your weapons to attack. 





    About Power Kits. image.png.122559cece0b0db1be4b8847949a7d7c.png

    Just keep them as L10 and the others as L20 and use them when are in need. 

    What I will say now about power kits does not mean it is the right thing to do or how to see it because those have the function as strategy to manage account.

    I will tell what I do.

    I eat parts after I accumulate 800 mix boxes image.png.7f3a601f9eb702082ce91e7c084e2136.png

    That means, I farm, and the numbers keep going up as you see there at 500 right now in this account. 

    I like to level up the parts straight from my farmed boxes during my grinding time. 

    Because I am an eternal parts maker, I need room in order I can level up parts. 

    I do not see the point to use power kit to L10 and L20 because it is the same action to do to level up a weapon and in my case it is pointless. 

    For a player that does have to wait for what it wants as part to max out and maybe to keep a lower but powerful inventory waiting for those parts, Power Kits work perfectly because the player it is very selective to make a part. 

    In my case, I want to max the part as I want for my fun in a steady way, and I am fast making parts. 

    In other words, I cannot tell you in reality what to do with the power kits. Now, I advise you to no transform them because you spend gold and parts in that process costing you more. 

    If you are not sure what part to develop, then use power kits for it but at some point, you will run out of room unless pay for and level account to L250 for more space grants. 

    L10 and L20 are the basic status for players very selective and in the process, they also accumulate a lot of gold to be ready to use the kits. 



  4. On 4/3/2024 at 9:29 PM, JamAnime said:

    It's more random... We use to keep tabs of history of it.  What the daily thing was. Was not my idea. I believe it was Atusiff who was doing it.  Don't know it it's still happening


  5. Sad but man, I do have to work my account every day and still do and yes, it is hard, but it is a game.  If the game does not satisfy your needs, then should play others and not to affects others honest players around. 

    Even not updates, why it is so boring thing, how many parts people have maxed so far and completed the extras.....  

  6. On 4/10/2024 at 5:45 PM, Dark_Emperor said:

    I used the free Nickname change, and im wondering if I pay the 100 tokens for a name change, will the price of it increase the next time i change it?

    You can change the name to Raul. 🤡 Maybe then he will give you a free ride. 🤣 He is administrator you know.....

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