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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 12 minutes ago, Kiwi Bird said:

    its true? I lvl 78 now

    well, back when I was under development it was true. Jam was already an advanced player as top. 

     There was a particular place, but I can't remember been so long ago and we lose the comments from the previous forum that was written back then.  I know I commented and others too, but I commented after passed some time because I was already pushing level very fast. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

    Main acct at 241. Been there for 2 years. Never pushed to finish. 🙃

    if you are having your fun, that it is fine. You can still be able to see some of the top tops not at L250. I did because it is my fun. Never interested into be a good player and ranker but just the fun to make parts farming. 🤣 What a waste of money but it is my distraction instead to be in a bar drinking talking no sense about football, basketball or baseball about who scored or drug addict artists and the ones that show more skin. 🤣

  3. 6 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

    You get blue upgrade kits in the Boss Boxes. They are Blue kits. The 1st boss is 2 level 5 kit, 2nd boss is a 3 lvl 10 kits, and 3rd is 4 lvl 15 kits. Kinda of sad.

    I only do daily missions on both accts. Now this 3rd, will see where it goes.

    Don't remember, think it was silent waters, that fortune boxes appeared. I also remember they were dropping like crazy when reach lvl 70. All through 70-79, you get fortune boxes.

    That is sad. 🥴

    Blue kits-pathetic 😡

    Oh, you still doing missions in the old ones. That it is something. You can have like 400 parts and 600million in gold already way more than me.

    Yeah, I think was Silent Waters around the 70-79. You are right. Yes, a bunch of fortune boxes and a particular spot. After passing the levels moving to 80 or so, the F.B. then stop to be grant in that area. 


    3 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    Congrats 🎉 on this achievement account 😅

    yes there less than before see you out there …

    We the three of us should compete to see who reach L250 with new accounts. I should make another to beat you. 🤣 



  4. Nice to see that. 


    So cheap now? That is bad for newbies. Every boss there was a box. Sad. 

    Can you handle that account? You are busy guy. Also, you have multiple accounts if I am not wrong. 

    Let see that progress. Easy to do. 👍

    Do you remember the spot at 1v1 to get the fortune boxes? I forgot. You can collect enough till reach level 40-60 or something like that. I no longer remember. It was the place I got tons of legend parts when I started. My O.D.FARM was very lucky, and I got a hell of good ones then nothing but was great. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:


    Clan request 

    please join up for a few week LOL 😂 



    I will join OD.FARM for few weeks. I am at work right now. My daughter does not want to join clans. My son said might join bumbum clan and this time was more like will do it and will request entry this week or next week with his affirmation. 

    I will join OD. with his bless and will join OKI with bumbum even my daughter does not want to join but my son might play some basic OKI for her time to time. 

    I am not sure about O.D.FARM what will be in his terms, but I will join 2 weeks in your clan for fun then will move out to see what he will do. I need gold relics for sure, so I have to look for a clan to get some but because they do not play much, and I do not do pvp will be hard to accommodate. 

    If no luck for a clan, then will be solo because it is their ways. 🤷‍♂️

  6. YES.

    A day like today you can earn...

    1- Tons of gold. Every 2hrs you can farm in full. 

    2- Because the farming, you get mix boxes apart of gold.

    3- Because the farming, you might get some epics possibilities

    4- Because the farming and if you still under level 250

       a- When you level up account, you will gain 

             1- More Fuel CAP

             2- More storage space

             3- Will get few items

    Image result for smart thinking



  7. 8 hours ago, Yuki_20 said:

    Hey Yuki

    I am doing great at 632.  Killing everyone 🤣.  Maybe my kids can increase just a little 🙂 . They not even try and stay fooling around playing to get destroy and they not even want to go for R5 or at least basic R3 because they do not get gold relics and they do not see the point to basic easy R3. 🥴 This is sad. image.png.72856dae6c62e5c482f192cbd46699ab.png I can't divine parts. Oh well, that it is life. No surprise on it because I intended to play solo from start. My daughter does not want to join clans and my son just told me "Maybe" again this week. He will look into next week and will tell me. That it is a progress. I can't force the account to join clans because they are the one that time to time play the pvp not me. 🤷‍♂️ 

    The account has been solo with OKI one year and few months in CANDELA and O.D.FARM in CANDELA for months then in RF close to a year no other. 

  8. Hmm...

    Every player plays as feel to play. There is no right or wrong just entertainment. It is just a game.

    Now, looking about the way to progress, it is all depending on your amount of farming you do per day/week. 

    As basic...

    1-The BASE HQ should be level up until can get the 4 gold mines and no more. 

    2- The gold mines can be worked to reach L20 in order can get max gold grant per day that it is 100k.

    3- The BASE Factories-- Everyone will tell a different comment. Now, I will say keep the factories in L2. There is no need beyond level 2 if you are not a heavy grinder. Factories at L15 are for players that grind a lot. Crafting power kits as example in L15, it does cost a lot to recover back grinding with just 400 power kits to get them in full in 1 day and 5 hours and will cost 2.3 million to craft them as basic. 

    Even for me at full grind in my best time 24/7 not missing hours, it does drain a lot of gold resources and need to be balanced with mixed boxes collected during farming. 

    Do not forget that will require to use gold to max a part and crafting it is an extra expense. 

    You need to calculate how much gold do you farm per day/week. 

    Normally "not all of them", it will cost 1 million to max one part from MYTH LEVEL 1 to MYTH LEVEL 50. 

    That it is not including how much cost from L1-L40 as legend and epic if was an epic item. 

    For lower grinders, factories at L15 are a waste of gold or can be ok for just one and the rest to be kept on L2. 



  9. cool. you can make this your personal progress thread. In my side, my progress threads are my motivations to keep going and see what I have done and my mistakes. You can update time to time. 👍

  10. Jam said the basic reality. Now, do not feel sad. You can try to make your clan. 

    It is hard to get active players and to be communicative and, in some ways, decent person or better say not a troublemaker. 🤡 Sure there are many around to join because not everyone plays for ranks, and some are just for fun. 

    Keep trying here and go to the game chat and ask. Many will ignore but it is about your personality and approach. You seem to be a decent one. I wish good luck to you and hope you can fine good mates to have fun. 

    Also, some people join but they park their account and do nothing and take advantage of other people hard work. 

    Even for top ranks they have some hard time now to get players for combat and desire to play at high level. 

    If not a good clan, look to have one or two mates that can have fun between each other. 


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