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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. cool, sounds fun with the name. Join guys. The King is here.
  2. check Sawall account and there are pagers of old meta and ideas to follow when no premiums available as substitute. He works hard in the development providing guidance to players at all ranks in particular for those starting or are in the middle of the road and stuck. His information it is proper and reliable.
  3. For a 53 level, it is normal as it is for now. It will change soon.
  4. No, do not waste the gold and parts to level up. The drone requires a buff and there are others already making the work. Let the forum know what it is your set so can help you out better.
  5. well, it is hard to determinate without know the mech or mechs current set.
  6. Hi Pilots How are you? Sorry, copy and paste from OKI progress. Not much time available. It has been a while without updates. I will be adding the quarterly update and will skip the recent month update. I have been too busy to play the game missing about everything not on purpose but the work environment according to market it created a lot of changes in the company and is very stressful at this point to play the game. My kids are not helping so I do what only I can do if for a miracle I can do something. Farming dropped to half and wins barely making them or rank etc. My focus now is having been to ensure the farming as best I can even barely can keep up with 50% or less of what I used to farm. There have been not many upgrades and remained close to the same as early this month. I am increasing gold reserves now not developing generally speaking focusing to increase that gold to be use and divine some parts around. I need to reduce epic relics and divine few premiums, if possible, but the cost is high, and I will do it slowly per week. I increased the gold reserve to 232 million first times at that amount on reserve. Factory it has been idle all of this time and leveling up parts with regular farmed mix boxes. I got an offer this month. Current inventory CHEERS- Good luck in the portal
  7. What do you mean? Are you asking what will be the next part to myth?
  8. Hi Pilots How are you? It has been a while without updates. I will be adding the quarterly update and will skip the recent month update. I have been too busy to play the game missing about everything not on purpose but the work environment according to market it created a lot of changes in the company and is very stressful at this point to play the game. My kids are not helping so I do what only I can do if for a miracle I can do something. Farming dropped to half and wins barely making them or rank etc. My focus now is having been to ensure the farming as best I can even barely can keep up with 50% or less of what I used to farm. There have been not many upgrades and remained close to the same as early this month. I am increasing gold reserves now not developing generally speaking focusing to increase that gold to be use and divine some parts around. I need to reduce epic relics and divine few premiums, if possible, but the cost is high, and I will do it slowly per week. I increased the gold reserve to 233 million first times at that amount on reserve. Factory it has been idle all of this time and leveling up parts with regular farmed mix boxes. I got an offer this month. Current inventory CHEERS and have fun playing for fun.
  9. torso. looks good. any power levels? sorry, i do not have more likes. later.
  10. great idea and version progress as drone. second version can be heat version with chest shot or single eye laser making heat color progress under the head belly or chin lower area as prep to shot.
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