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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Maybe a better arm. Maybe can take out one and hit the opponent.
  2. False. Holding a Smart Phone. Cell Phone Smart Phone Battery Life Next Person will move to R1 by the end of this season
  3. Game owners need to enhance capabilities and knock them down fast and furious.
  4. 156 but I am not competing. Just naturally. I think the faster growing in comments etc was or still is Spam then maybe Yukiya in short period of time. They wanted to move fast on forum rank.
  5. Probably a terrible player even with super-duper resist
  6. True. ---No longer play but my friends for over 20 years playing together still play and I have accounts and call each other. Next person will be destroyed by my kids.
  7. My kids play just a bit. Few days then stop playing the rest of the week. They do the Raid and a bit of farming. They play other games with their friends. They do not have friends playing this one. If I can, I do a onetime grind if I remember when I connect to the forum. At least the account it is not fully dead. It is sad to see the accounts in that state but I can't do anything about it. Too much work on real life.
  8. não há mais armas por enquanto.
  9. The game provides one premium pack when start if not wrong. The game provides premium box 2 or 3 during the month. In both cases, you might get lucky getting a good part or regular or maybe terrible luck. Everyday, the game can give gold, tokens. energy and few others in a month 1-31 or so. Every day since you started will count 31 days of grants and every week passing, the grant increase. It is not a lot but it is something. The game provide fortune boxes during that month plus the game will grant 1 fortune box every 10 silver boxes grants or better say grant 9 then the number 10 will be the fortune box and can provide a good to a just simple food part. Sometimes during Portals events, it can provide tokens or relics in a premium box or few of them. You can also farm fortune boxes in some places according to your rank at the campaign area on 1V1, 2V2, 3V3. For fortune boxes, you will consume the energy granted with the hope to get one. Some accounts are lucky granting, and some are unlucky granting enough. Few other options can grant you also premium boxes but will take time as free player. 1- Joining a clan and fighting TITAN or playing TITAN on your own account as solo player accumulating clan coins then if you accumulate enough, you can use them to get a premium pack or few other items. 2- Playing every day 3 fights the game grant silver coins very important when you are on development, plus will grant 10 tokens plus commercials grants some. You can accumulate the tokens then buy the premium boxes or packs or keep saving for the game offers that might give to you a better bang for the tokens. To get clan coins, you need to play THE TITAN but you need to create your own clan or to join one as mentioned. To get fortune boxes you will be granted at SHOP are option in the game. Every 5 hours or so will grant a free box then every 10 will be a fortune box. Farming fortune boxes will be in the campaign. Someone can indicate you where to go depending your power and position at the campaign. You will have to reach that spot to farm them. You can buy them too with tokens and to get tokens can get them for free limited and playing the game or with real money buying tokens then using them to get boxes. and can get offers in this area and change every day for things to do or a purchase. This time it is XP so when play campaign, you can level up your mech level faster and become stronger step by step. If you play Raid, you will get tokens when reach some power. It is good to play raid. The game will grant different offers targeted you your account apart of the offers that show time to time on top of raid area. Picture below is an offer to my account just now. That it is different than to go to tokens area and buy them. This offer is better cost effective at 25% discount. So, there are options for free and to buy. The free require daily play and I recommend playing 5 pvp arena and win 5 of then at your power level and rank not missing a single day of play for those 5 wins. That will help you to enhance your account with silver coins. Anyway, some options to get those boxes for free. People here can help you out giving you direction. They are helpful.
  10. The problem that you might be facing to win battles are the modules. We all started like that. Sune you need to max out the torso to help on energy/heat regen/cooling. This module can help on energy storage and energy regeneration and it is a need. This module can help to increate heat and energy capacity but won't help to cool down or regenerate making the part dependent from modules that can regenerate and cool down adding more weight. It is good if have few extra parts to combine and make it work. This module it is a part like the second listed just for heat storage or better say capacity but won't help to cool down. Apart of been limited on parts like anyone new around and us in the past, you will have or better say, you are facing constant shut down over heated and lack of energy to combat. The cooling part and regen part circulated on red, indicate that you are killed very fast without been able to use your weapons. 1- Your hybrid weapons use energy to generate heat and your energy base at 289 is really low for now and the worse part it is the regeneration at 99. That 99 it is the big issue using those weapons that consume a lot of energy usage to make an attack. 2- The recoil use energy and if you used the flaminator you will be almost drained to use the recoil weapon. Do not feel bad. Just max the parts as they are. Will add a bit of more capacity but for sure will be limited. Have fun and enjoy the ride maxing the parts available. It will improve step by step. Play for fun and do not get frustrated. Does takes time to make max parts and to get them as well.
  11. If not wrong, back in 2017, the game was upgraded to current format and parts without the BASE. Sure, not all parts were added, and new parts were released step by step through portals. The old version was called Legacy and people who used to play on those days, the kept the same account and converted parts to get new ones. Some people decided to keep some of them allowed to function in the current game version RELOADED. There are still accounts in full Legacy version because players got upset with the change and decided to no longer play the game, but they still have their accounts around and sometimes they play with them. Basically, old accounts belong to old players.
  12. all depend on parts available in your storage. use what is best suit for now. weight is a factor plus your limited energy and heat recourses.
  13. Face shocker will be a loss of one turn at some point. Used to be my first drone ever in my OKI first mech. Back then, was ok to regular. Now, the game changed a lot and won't be the best for your mech. Rail gun will be better. If you do not want to use Rail, the Electro but will be limited at distance. Having a Valiant might work or not. Energy parts are heavy reason I used F.S. and for distance. Works better divined. Right now it is about modules limitations but if you do too little farming and PVP, can be a loss. Look the funny videos with a Face shocker plus others and observe what can do. Videos are just for fun I just did. WOW, first play since last year. Configuration never changed. weight affected. just see damage. Next drone Unreliable protector Using Electrolite same configuration. weight affected Using Rail
  14. Even I am not playing since last year, seems like the account will progress a bit. Super slow but keeping both alive OKI DOKI New adds O.D. FARM New adds
  15. My daughter played few weeks ago and told me when she used Damaged Armor against a player with around 50 of shield to drain, it drained nothing. I told her it was not the first time I have seen that happen in the past. Also, again the players blocking other players turns unless the weapon back then in Legacy or something else. Anyway, someday I will be back if can get free time. do not post those things here. report to the moderators adm not public.
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