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Blog Comments posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 1 hour ago, Jesper said:

    I noticed that too. It will probably be due to the fact that at that time everyone or almost everyone still trusted what Alexander wrote. Now, with hindsight, it is obvious that he made it up and said total bullshit. Maybe he's having a good time because he said in February but didn't say what year... 🤣

    During that time, we understood that Battle Dawn and everything GATO was working on would either never be completed or would take an infinite amount of time to complete. Therefore, the question arises, what does Alexander actually live on? It certainly won't be from SM. So he only has SM as a hobby, which he enjoys, because of writing with children. He naively thinks that this is the real community. He also naively thinks that writing with Alexander is what the community needs. But when someone is "almighty", he succumbs to this self-delusion.

    I wanted to write for people to vote:

    When will we get an upgrade?

    A) this year

    B) in 2023

    C) concurrently with the Battle Dawn upgrade (around 2094)

    D) this game is timeless and does not need to be modified

    But then I thought it was pointless… 🖖

    do not know. for sure need some small adds like L250 open to 1000 to have more progress and every 50 or 75 levels a nice grant of weapon or pick item in need. It was my thing and for 2 years waiting and is boring. use of silver coins options enhancing something else in the factory etc or exchange for gold relics or anything come to players mind that add sense. Sure, we need now to go back to portal and start to release few weapons I will say by October or so been 2 years. For pay to win, let's start to sale some items as before good weapons and of course some in the mid-range for starters low tokens. Few more tokens for starters so can motivate them to push. Also, there is low motivation with the top players and lower participation on the game. I can see that on my acc and is a lot lower of what I can see when I started.  Game is fine but need few things to make players a bit happier but also it is a business so no perfect world. 🤔🤷‍♂️🙂

  2. 8 minutes ago, Grosboss said:

    many items are not respected

    put back as before, traditional weapon ,distance 2-4 no energy


    lack item heat add now




    normally, weapons legendary  superior that epic?

    so I see completely mixed up




    put back as before, traditional weapon ,distance 2-4 no energy

    do you mean how used to be in legacy time?


    lack item heat add now

    I see. 


  3. 17 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Why not new items for new meta? 🙂

    But clever name can't get em cuz DO U WANT TO HIM UNBEATABLE LIKE B4?

    If players are asking for rebalance now and keep adding more parts will be out of balance again because takes time to understand the change in the arena. The numbers can be one thing but reality in pvp and players current capabilities differ. 

    I like the idea to have others new weapons but let face that just few players have massive capabilities or better say massive inventory in the sense to have enough parts to make 3 mechs identical by masses and the ability to get the necessary gold to make them to sustain changes or go fast for new changes.

    I do not think in one player or two, I think in the full arena. I can buy or get items if I really want to go in that way but it is not my way instead I like to farm and see a basic progress to not get bored having all fast. 

    Now, as a player who play for fun and test not even for rank, I have to face all ranks around and can tell that nerfing or buffing parts without proper understanding of the changes many will suffer in the game and in particular the free to play because they normally cannot adjust to fast changes.  

    Sure like I said, few items need a tinny buff because are premium and are worthless at this point and just are good now to use them as meat which should not happen but constant changes in the game create lots of issues so need to observe and that takes time. 

    Sure new parts will be cool but how many people have enough inventory to request new parts when barely can build something with what the game currently have. Yes, I want portals with new items like many here and in particular older players since they have a lot of parts around and with a new item maybe they will improve their game. 

    Anyway, I just make parts for fun and entertainment.🧑‍🌾


  4. The game it should be out of balance to build different mechs to balancing them. Why so much nerf and buff ? No one will be happy since shift about what the other have. If adjust to one then the other player gets angry. 

    Oh well, I will stick to make parts like I do and play noob. 





  5. What balance you guys are looking for?

    Takes time to analyze the arena after a change or two and see the effect. With the tinny change made last time the game changed a lot and have more balance since can see more energy and heat mechs around and with the most recent items from TF there still a lot of progress to do. Every tinny change skew a lot the current arena condition and for new players changes like that create a lot of issues since need to modify progress costing a lot to them. 

    Any future change need to be well planned before create another mess. Few premium items require a micro buff to have few more options to use them because there is no use of the items now. Old players playing since 2017 etc can deal with changes since the weapon maybe are in their arsenal and can make quick change but others can suffer a lot. 

    If you have a particular item for your personal benefit, that won't work. It is the overall picture. 🤔

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