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Misty tiger

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Misty tiger

  1. Got a legendary from fb box on my first one the rest were epics and rares
  2. bases commons cost more than crate ones when it comes to quantity for 1 common its 3k but for 6.5 k i can get 4 cards instead of 2 and for also it cost way more for 15 cards than it does for crates and you get a few rares and an epic from crates also ive seen youtubers like fire water without base and it seem way cheaper for leveling power kits The rares cost 18 k man while i can get those for 6k with crates
  3. Im dont have it maxed mine is at level 15 but i have a friend who live 2 houses away and he base is maxed and when i hanged out with him he went on supermechs because he got a notification that crafting was done so he clicked it entered the base and open crafting machines and out of the 20 cards he got 1 legendary and not a good one The legendary was the physical version of hysteria beam and awfull epics so awfull it made me wanna cry :*( how about instead of random chance there 9 diffrent card that change every week amd you get a pool of cards to choose from that is garrented :)))) Well mine is at 15 doesnt feeo productive :((
  4. Well i think since you spend do much money on the damn thing it should be garrented to get a legendary because 90 percent of the time its gives epics and not even the good epics like selfish protector no those trash epics You know the kind of epics that are generally trash and cant go to legendary for mythic food atleast give us the good epics and the small chance it gives your legendary those are generally trash too like a legendary repulser
  5. Well i wouldnt buy epic/legendary those are trash i have a better chance of getting legendary in premium box also wut do people use bases for anyways because the epic/legendary thing is trash
  6. I think we should be able to sell our trash too like epic for 200k and legendary for 400k
  7. Man 400k for an epic bro are you outta your mind make it 50k if its not a garrented legendary why would i spend 400k on it And aslo its not some its like 999% thinks its dog water only high rank with lots of gold thinks wow this is good but the rest of the casual player think its trash bro
  8. Bro i had kin on my account but it got removed whyy
  9. Fun fact:you earn more rewards the weaker your clan is and the stronger you are :)))
  10. :))) Read my last post and decidefor yourself :)))
  11. Is clan smurfing wrong cause im rank rank 10 but i stay in clan of rank 18 so i can get better loot and easier clan war battles but at the same time i help my clan alot :))
  12. Does it not ??? Hmmmmm wel he was dropping below 20 tho
  13. i know this friend who im not gonna mention by name that goes to rank 20 while being at rank 10 does that make him a bad person?
  14. Fun fact:it only takes me 3.5 days to get a premium pack without spending cash
  15. Id focus on hp to be tank and ein most fights because i do more damage than they do to me
  16. I have energy version of armor dissolver
  17. Fun fact: you earn 100 tokens a day for watching ads nonstop :))
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