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Misty tiger

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Misty tiger

  1. Well it taje months to max and about 20 mill
  2. Yeep i grind alot alot thats why i find its extremely slow and but the devs taking too long to disable
  3. Thats a tiny amount of gold i could make more gold in story mode or multiplayer faster and theres a massive inbalance with bases vs silver boxes.My opinion is that they r terrible only player who started during the update wouldn't notice the difference and about high speed idk bout that chief. Well your lucky i dont have max base cause its too expensive :(((((
  4. Are you playing the same game im playing because there r no pros for base.I grind everyday all day and make about 500k max but usally around 360k a day and thats not enough to get you anywhere with the base if i only make commons and rares i get on average 120+ items a day i refuse to waste money on those 30k+ cards where some of them arent garrented and wasye hours of my time while i could get 325+ items a day without wairing long hours for them carft and it being a garrentie you sound like a cash vow so im not surprised you say that while new player can get anywhere without spending real life money making it pay to win Hmmn how long have you played
  5. Why did they invent this crsp base in the furst place and firce it on players I agreee its a cash grab and i cant take the prices for a item like 30k for 1 card i spent millions on base and my progress is still unbelievable slow about 3 to 5 million on upgrades snd items buts its still trash
  6. You have to fill out a form?plss explain further where should i be filling it out this form How do i fill out a form
  7. Im tired of supermechs bullshit yesterday i asked them to disable my base and they said this
  8. How long does it take for supermechs to disable base ive been waiting for 2 days wity no response i need some help
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