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Evelyn Rose

Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by Evelyn Rose

  1. Hello guys and girls it's me again, I come to tell my current progress.

    I start with my mythical level 50, I did my best to level it up as slowly as possible since I am saving as much gold as I can and epics along the way.


    In the meantime, I achieved it, I reached 300 wins this season, after two unsuccessful months I fulfilled my achievement 😃


    The bad thing is that I plan to leave my clan, I appreciate all those moments of support and happiness that they have given me, but I am falling far behind and I need to improve, maybe I will return when I feel sad or be very strong to support more than I am. now = (.


    If you see that I keep sending responses it is because now I am connected, I have received many responses, for now I will be here answering UwU.

    On 5/14/2021 at 6:05 AM, MasterChief said:

    the premiums are items that start at legendary tier and go straight to mythical. if you click here you will go to workshop unlimited, which has every item available to see and test.

    I was watching, I had no idea of the things that SM had, so "in my mind" I would do these builds, hopefully =(.







    It's not the best but it will be fun to make it happen =,D

  2. Hi guys and girls, it's me again, I come to tell you about my current progress =D.

    Finally I reached 2k of clan coins, by the way I had 670 tokens, so I had the luxury of buying three Premium Packs, and this they gave me.

    These are from the clan.


    These are tokens purchases.



    I wasn't really expecting much so I'm not on the regretful, I'm not interested in having many Premiums, I only collect epic-legendary for future mythicals =D.

    Here I have the objects that I sacrificed.


    And speaking of which I have a new Mythical, I will upload it slowly to have more epics UwU.


    I'm really tired of 56-114 explosive resistance enemies.


    This rank is very random, or they give me enemies of rank 20-5, it's funny that I win against people of rank 5 for joke.


    Finally I will finish making my base to full lvl 20, after a lot of time invested =0.


    Now I answer the comments.

    On 5/13/2021 at 9:16 PM, OKI DOKI said:

    Nice progress. I think some loss are related to top players de-ranking and you have to face them making all difficult to move up rank. I had same issue when trying to enhance my mechs. 

    Thanks for the support, and it is true, many high-ranking people tend to go down to make many wins, It is annoying but they find it useful for them, Once I have my second mech ready, I will win in my corresponding rank, although it costs me but I will give my best attempt.

    P= @OKI DOKI Congratulations on your +1000 points, I give you one more to support you.

    This is all from me. If you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I'll be here.


    Boys and Girls, Take Care 😃

  3. Hey guys and girls, it's me again, today I come to tell you about my current activity.

    I managed to make my drone level 50, It really helps me a lot, but it's backfire is a bit expensive, Although the damage it does next to my weapons is very good, I almost win 1vs1 against a rank 5 =/.


    Unfortunately I don't think the next fight against the titan will be assured, but the next round even losing I will finally reach 2k =,D.


    Meanwhile accumulate as many tokens as I can to see how many I win, I am not really interested in the "PREMIUMS" because I have neither epics nor legendary to improve them, who knows, I really do not know the premium items yet.


    Now I answer your comments =).

    On 5/11/2021 at 12:32 PM, MasterChief said:

    nice! i've used the energy version of that drone, and it SLAPS. the heat version bust be a lot better :V but yeah, keep up the good work, and maybe divine it when your finished maxing it.

    I do not know if it is better or worse, but it really is very useful, many enemies have the desire to use their second mechs, the drone and weapons help me to eliminate them quickly, having weapons to spare for their first mech, now I need something to do myself more resistant, but I do not regret making my drone mythical =).

    On 5/12/2021 at 3:40 AM, AudiGodzilla111 said:

    Great to see you growing stronger as time pass. Soon you will become strong as me and can kill a bunch of more mechs on the arena.

    It is true, I only make some last improvements and now I will dedicate myself to improving my second mech, sometimes it is tiring to do 1vs2, and many current rivals have everything improving to level 50, including their modules, I do not know how but luckily I win even so, not all.

    If you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I'll be here, That's all from me UwU.

    Boys and Girls take care =D.

  4. Really if it can be annoying that they insult you every game for false accusations, in my case if I lose they mock saying something like "GG P2W Noob", but if I win now they complain saying "You only win for P2W" even though for now I can't give myself the luxury of spending, everything I have I earn by luck and the paint is because sometimes I have tokens left over from events, giving me the luxury of acquiring white paint.


    I think putting white paint on my mechs was not a good idea.

  5. Hello guys and girls it's me again, today I come to summarize my current progress.

    I sacrificed these items to make my next Mythical.


    I was thinking about Basalt Dissolver but I began to doubt because the drone helps me a lot, and I asked for help with friends and it was that we reached that conclusion.


    At level 1 it seems weak, but at 50 it will be much more valuable than it is.


    As we lost against the titan I will have to wait for the next one, I hope we win because I am already very close to the box =D.


    Now he answered their comments.

    On 5/9/2021 at 10:21 AM, Dark conon mech said:



    If you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I'll be here, that's all from me.

    Boys and Girls Take Care =).

  6. Hello guys and girls it's me again, today I'm going to talk about my current progress =D.

    Finally I made my Desolation level 50, the next Mythical will be Basalt Dissolver since many people have a very high cooling and a lot of Explosive defense.


    And I may have a new Divine, but I don't know when.


    And finally I achieved it, I have my base at level 20 after a lot of gold invested in it, I should regret it or feel proud?.


    Now I answer your comments.

    On 5/6/2021 at 10:07 PM, OKI DOKI said:

    nice progress. How often you grind?.

    I use items of high damage and generate heat, since many rivals have too much heat capacity but no HP, while I take advantage of improving what I see as useful.

    On 5/6/2021 at 10:07 PM, OKI DOKI said:

    You are moving fine. 👍

    Oh, thanks for the support.

    On 5/6/2021 at 11:26 PM, Soviet Union mech said:

    Nice good luck in the journey to 300 wins.

    Thank you even though I do not feel motivated to do 300 this Season, although I will try.

    On 5/6/2021 at 11:26 PM, Soviet Union mech said:

    And how you can Get that much legendaries

    I really get less but it's not my thing, luckily I would say if you mean premiums, since I manufacture legendary to generate mythical, and if you ask me how to get so many epics? Well, I see ads to have a chance, or in fortunes with the boses or the free one for each free chest, while in the campaign I want to be given epics, and I spend in boxes of 75 tokens to have guaranteed epics, hence I have legendary premiums of luck.

    If you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I'll be here, That's all from me, Boys and Girls Take care =D.

  7. Hello boys and girls, it's me again, today I come to tell my most recent progress of the game.

    To begin I will tell about my new mythical, these are the items that I sacrificed.


    I'm not entirely convinced by his stats, but I decided to keep improving.


    Anyway, a high damage weapon with no energy cost was very much needed, especially people with low HP builds.


    And in the end it was worth it, I managed to be rank 9, I could even beat him some counters, and when I didn't have Desolation it seemed impossible, but I finally did UwU.


    As my clan has already reached 1k of wins, I no longer think that I am interested in doing 300 wins, but I do not regret this achievement =).


    Now upgrade my first mech by removing the Heat Bomb and an epic heat Hook, the space it has to spare is better filled with decent modules that it has, that if I get a chance at one =/.


    The second mech I removed a Night Eagle for a Heat Bomb, and I put the same Hook that the first mech had, incidentally I got a Heat and Energy Engine, so I implemented them.


    The third I only put two new modules, but nothing else.


    Now I answer your comments =O.

    On 5/5/2021 at 12:34 PM, MasterChief said:

    i'd recommend doing this build:image.thumb.png.5fd87add75d5b50860a539b375382018.png

    id say its a decent build for damage, not rlly a boiler. 

    best i could find :V


    I don't think building helps me much, there are people who stand on a wall to pull me towards them, and they have elements that I don't have, I would improve it, if you want I'll show you my complete inventory to give you an idea.

    I think that's all from me, if you want you can ask me anything sooner or later I'll be here, I'll keep improving until I don't know how far to go, and remember, Boys and Girls Take care =D.

  8. Hello boys and girls, it's me again, today I come to tell a little about my activity, I don't really have much to tell, but I'll tell you anyway.

    I finally have everything I need to make a mythical, that means I will be a little stronger =).


    There is little left, I will finally break my Record of wins in the arena.


    Now I answer your comments UwU.

    On 5/1/2021 at 12:26 PM, MasterChief said:

    tbh, i dont think you even need the deso. while it is energy free, i think you woild be better with a savagery on top, and a dawnblaze above the dissolver.

    To be honest it is true that Savagery is very useful, but it will serve better for my second mech, and DawnBlade, well, I don't even have one =O.

    On 5/1/2021 at 9:08 PM, Soviet Union mech said:

    niceeeee build

    Thanks, but I don't think I will use that build that I put together, it needs a lot of mobility and energy..

    That's all from me, if you want you can ask me whatever, sooner or later I'll be there, Boys and Girls Take Care =).

  9. In one night I and my companions were playing in our rest hour, one would have to represent a warrior, I played the Persian, but my way of being was similar to a girl, that's where my name originated "The Girl Persian "At first it seemed like a joke, but I decided to put it on Discord and my friends took it well, and my colleagues seemed to use it as an alias of mine to save time with my real name.

    While with "Sailor Mars" it originated because I love watching Sailor Moon, and Mars was my favorite character, from the Name.

    That Alexander doesn't help me with the Names =/.

  10. Hello Boys and Girls it's me again, I think I am going to expand my progress so that it does not look simple.

    I started with my collaboration of wins in the arena, 50 wins I did, yesterday 20 and another 30 today, that means that I will be able to improve the clan for real, I plan to break my record now by doing 300 this week =O.


    The war was complicated yesterday, but today I don't know how the enemies progress.


    This is titan that we face, currently we defeat him.


    I what collaborate UwU.


    Every day I am closer to reaching 2k coins =).


    My base is almost ready, I can have more gold in the mines =D.


    Ready, I already commented on my activity today, now I answer your comments =D.

    16 hours ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Gimme that rare mod 😃


    But my nightfall take care all(400 dmg when in the time that I will lose) 

    No thanks, I need the items to improve.

    I don't understand much about the second one, but it's okay.


    If you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I will answer you, for my part this has been everything.


    Boys and Girls Take Care =D.

  11. Hello boys and girls, as I said I will connect shortly.

    I didn't really win anything good, but who cares, I'll give them a use to make my Desolation mythical =).


    And I plan to help my clan again = D.

    Now I respond to people's comments UwU.

    6 hours ago, MasterChief said:

    persian, i think your next myth should be your drone. lately, drones have been my savior in arena.

    I would but I think not, its damage is already good, first I do the mythical Desolation and Basalt Dissolver, with those mythical now my drone will be very useful when it is mythical too.

    5 hours ago, King gdora said:

    Sometimes drones fight more than the mech itself

    That is true, but weapons are very fundamental as well.

    I think there is no more to answer, If you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I will be here, that is all from me.

    Boys and Girls Take Care =).

  12. Hi guys and girls, it's me again, today I'm going to count my activity today.

    Soon I will be able to stay in rank 10, and tomorrow my activity will return to normal, so I give many wins to stand out again as before.


    Now I will answer your comments.

    22 hours ago, Electrick010 said:

    Do you really want me to ask you something? So I give you a question, what kind of questions will you not answer?

    It would be the following, My name, Where I work, Where I live, they are too personal for me.

    I will connect again tonight because today I will receive three boxes, the one from the sand, one premium and another that I will buy with my tokens.

    On 4/29/2021 at 12:06 PM, Pink555 said:

    Nice torsos.


    On 4/29/2021 at 12:19 PM, Dark conon mech said:

    Nice mechs 


    Thanks guys.

    If you want you can ask me anything, take advantage of the fact that I will return when this season ends.

    That would be it, Boys and Girls Take Care.

  13. Hello guys and girls it's me again, today I will talk about my new things and I will answer some things.

    To start today there was an event that give tokens and when I acquired them I bought a premium box and won a legendary, it will be my next mythical.


    I have upgraded the modules again and the first one has more heat, but less cooling =/.


    The second I removed the rare module and now I put a legendary one, a little less heat but in return it has a better cooling =).


    I think I already commented on one of my current advances, now answer comments.

    21 hours ago, MasterChief said:

    why, uh, why do u say UwU ? i thought that was a dead thing :V

    The word seems cute to me, I have used it even before I joined SM, and I will use it from time to time.

    From here I have nothing more to comment, if you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I will answer you, Boys and Girls Take Care =).

  14. Hello, how were you, I am currently very close to recovering and I can say a few things.

    I finally have my Claw level 50.


    With saying that my claw is level 50 I will be able to make my team of mechs in the war =).



    Yesterday there was a tokens event and they gave me this drone in legendary.


    And finally I finally have my base at level 19, my gold mines give me 100k daily 😃


    Now I answer one thing.

    On 4/24/2021 at 12:24 PM, Dark conon mech said:

    Do you want fight me in game?

    I don't think it's possible, I'm usually a very busy person, sorry for answering so late =(.

    I think that's it, if you want you can ask me anything, sooner or later I answer, Boys and Girls Take Care UwU.

  15. It will be little information but I summarize it =).

    After defeating a boss in 3vs3 I got what I have always wanted, a Heat Engine, it is literally the first I have, I improve it when I finish making level 50 my claw.


    This is how I will organize my team, with the first.


    This will be my second.


    And the third UwU.


    I have decided to return to my clan because I see that it is falling a lot, I think I am recovering, that implies that I can return to my activity, help the clan and my work.

    That's all from me, Boys and Girls Take Care =).

  16. Well, I'm having a hard time helping clans, I'll make some improvements to my mechs.

    Starting with the third, I sacrificed these items for my new mythical.


    It does not convince me much but it will serve me for many missions in the campaign.


    Soon I will post a screenshot with the item at level 50 painted white.


    That's all from me, Boys and Girls Take Care =)

  17. On 4/19/2021 at 9:19 AM, OKI DOKI said:

    Espero que te recuperes pronto. 👍


    On 4/19/2021 at 9:34 AM, Electrick010 said:

    Cuídate mucho también y recuperate pronto, el clan te extrañará tu presencia y colaboración, eres bienvenida nuevamente cuando te sientas mejor.


    23 hours ago, MasterChief said:

    geez, well, take care, and i say this from everyone here, we hope you get better soon.

    I appreciate all the support you are giving me, I don't think I can comment often, but I feel safe with you, I love you guys and girls.

    Take care.

    12 hours ago, Electrick010 said:

    @La niña persa Hice este dibujo para ti para que no te sientas sola, disfrútalo, Si crees que falta algo no dudes en comentar =).



    Me encanta este dibujo, no te hubieras molestado, estaré bien =).

  18. Well I'm very late but I summarize like this.

    I have left my clan, the reason was that I could not collaborate much, the only thing I could do was only make 5 wins, and I want to be a good example for my clan and my leader, sorry for those who want to add me, I can only do 5 wins nothing more =(.


    My current rank is 11, I don't really want to be rank 10.


    The good thing is that I made my base level 18, only two more and I reached level 20 =).


    And finally, I have done a mission that gives me 100 tokens, I bought two premium boxes and I received two legendary, they are not useful, but I can use them for my next mythical =).


    That is all of my activity for now, if I am not active it is because I have a very heavy illness and it prevents me from collaborating so much with work and SM, do not panic, I do not have Covid, I took a test and it came out negative, yes, I will be in my house recovering, and maybe I will walk in the hospital from time to time, but better to recover as soon as possible instead of being late, now I will answer answers =).

    On 4/17/2021 at 12:17 PM, Dark conon mech said:


    Thank you.

    On 4/17/2021 at 12:44 PM, JamAnime said:


    Amazing, it's a nice picture UwU.


    From here I have no more to answer for now, Boys and Girls Take Care Much =D.

  19. After this season was over, I put some improvements to my first mechs highlights.

    Before I had two rare modules and I changed them, one electrical and one cooling.


    The second one had rare modules, now I put two legendary modules on it, they are hot =).


    I am still sick but I am recovering little by little, my mechs will soon be big and they will be in a decent clan, or better than the one I have, I am currently rank 11, that's all.

    Boys and Girls, take care =)

  20. I did it all yesterday, but I did not have time to publish, well, my progress.

    It will be very useful for my second mech, and it really serves me a lot.


    Sadly today I can't do more, for work reasons, and I have a little cold out there.


    But I'm happy that my clan is proud of me, I have a rival in wins, but I love him too, I think that's it, soon I will have my base level 17, that means more gold in my mines, and a little chance to finally reach level 20.

    Boys and girls, take care =).

  21. Hello I am The Girl Persian, or in SM known as Sailor Mars, Here I will simply be telling my entire journey, from today and how I am.

    This is how my mechs are currently formed.


    This is my current clan.


    And my base will finally be level 17 =).


    I have wishes? Of course, I want to be better than my leader even having difficulties with my time and work.


    Having only one medal, it does not matter if it is bronze, silver or gold, being in a top clan or helping mine be top.


    My position is rubbish, but hey, remember your idols used to be in these ranks too.


    I want to be a great person and show my best effort, at least in a game, if you need me I will be here, although I am not very good at this game for now, I will be commenting on my progress if it is interesting, and in case I see that it is impossible, my friends will be here to help me rank high for myself, remember boys and girls, take care UwU.

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