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    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to RaymondL1747 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Opened 2 

    So uhh..

  2. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Corvus in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    no problem the forum is here to help, if you have any questions ask away
  3. Sad
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Yuki_20 in Do you get a free Easter egg on Easter??   
    Trash, also, this was not a free one. I bought this one. I will be expecting my free one to have better loot.
  4. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Monke King in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    Thank you!
    That will take a lot of time, but I will keep this in mind, thank you very much! 🙂 
  5. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Ruben in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    Thank you!
    That will take a lot of time, but I will keep this in mind, thank you very much! 🙂 
  6. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from bumbum in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    Hi guys! My name is Cole obviously. I'm a returning player under the name of Cole_Since_2012. (I have two ALTs [one with Tier One Heal Drone])
    First off, I am a rank 7-5 player. My first mech is supposedly a META build. DS + Mercy (2 Resistance Drainer Variation). My second mech is a Frantic + Spartan build. High Energy + Heat stats, as I used Lightning Vest to have a little more res against heat, and not struggle as hard against Energy mechs (I HATE using Frantics and Spartans with a passion).
    My First Mech:

    My Second Mech:

    My Third Mech:
    I will not be sending my third mech. All you need to know is that is a gross Boiler Build.
    My Current Plan:
    Idek at this point lol.
  7. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Corvus in Do you get a free Easter egg on Easter??   
    Trash, also, this was not a free one. I bought this one. I will be expecting my free one to have better loot.
  8. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Atomic441 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Man! You guys got so lucky, I only got 2. 
  9. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Yuki_20 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I got it too.
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  11. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Yuki_20 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  12. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to MechHeaters in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    That's some awesome drop 5 legendaries in one pack nice
  13. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from MechHeaters in Do you get a free Easter egg on Easter??   
    Trash, also, this was not a free one. I bought this one. I will be expecting my free one to have better loot.
  14. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Corvus in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    I do advise you, once you max it, use that lpv on Ur main, better overall stats, lighter and it's one of the best torsos in the game, also that windigo would he better for your second.
    Other that that they are very decent and stable mechs.
  15. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Ruben in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    nice mech
  16. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Atomic441 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Every L-M item you get you should keep unless it's a absolute trash one.
  17. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Ruben in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    My pleasure. 🙂 
  18. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I got the same for R3😭
  19. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to ---Soul Burner--- in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Wow its good
    This is gotten in my premium box im very lucky 

  20. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Every L-M item you get you should keep unless it's a absolute trash one.
  21. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Yuki_20 in The Cole Thread! (2023 REVAMP)   
    Give one's regards
  22. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from Shredderr in I have returned! :D   
    Hello guys!
    It's been a hot minute, yeah? Well. Ever since Flash shut down, I couldn't play Super Mechs on my Chromebook. Which is the main thing I use. I also did not have a phone once the Flash shut down happened. But now, my parents had gave me one of their phones and hey, I got Super Mechs back! Now, I thought at this time I would be rank 7-5 because of grinding if the incident didn't happen, but I'm still stuck at rank 11-9. So hey, just wanted to say I'm back, and I'm glad I can finally return to the community. 
    Also I am clanless and I am using this as in introduction to any requests lmao
  23. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in I have returned! :D   
    Hello guys!
    It's been a hot minute, yeah? Well. Ever since Flash shut down, I couldn't play Super Mechs on my Chromebook. Which is the main thing I use. I also did not have a phone once the Flash shut down happened. But now, my parents had gave me one of their phones and hey, I got Super Mechs back! Now, I thought at this time I would be rank 7-5 because of grinding if the incident didn't happen, but I'm still stuck at rank 11-9. So hey, just wanted to say I'm back, and I'm glad I can finally return to the community. 
    Also I am clanless and I am using this as in introduction to any requests lmao
  24. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from rc in I have returned! :D   
    Hello guys!
    It's been a hot minute, yeah? Well. Ever since Flash shut down, I couldn't play Super Mechs on my Chromebook. Which is the main thing I use. I also did not have a phone once the Flash shut down happened. But now, my parents had gave me one of their phones and hey, I got Super Mechs back! Now, I thought at this time I would be rank 7-5 because of grinding if the incident didn't happen, but I'm still stuck at rank 11-9. So hey, just wanted to say I'm back, and I'm glad I can finally return to the community. 
    Also I am clanless and I am using this as in introduction to any requests lmao
  25. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from RON CANA in I have returned! :D   
    Hello guys!
    It's been a hot minute, yeah? Well. Ever since Flash shut down, I couldn't play Super Mechs on my Chromebook. Which is the main thing I use. I also did not have a phone once the Flash shut down happened. But now, my parents had gave me one of their phones and hey, I got Super Mechs back! Now, I thought at this time I would be rank 7-5 because of grinding if the incident didn't happen, but I'm still stuck at rank 11-9. So hey, just wanted to say I'm back, and I'm glad I can finally return to the community. 
    Also I am clanless and I am using this as in introduction to any requests lmao
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