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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. Yes, you are very annoying, even though I hardly read post here. You wanted us to answer yes, so there you have it.
  2. I'll tell you the best to stay in. For Beginners: - Stay in rank 20 to 16, until completed a 75% of your first mech. Mainly Maxed out 4 weapons to Myth, Maxed out legs and torso, and have at-least 4-5 modules full legendary. - Stay at rank 7-6 if you have 2 mechs that can stay in that rank. - Stay at rank 3 when you have 2 mechs that are 95% completed, or better. Rank 3 prize boxes are better. (I never gotten a legendary from a rank 1)
  3. It's not dead if you are more active here. You basically have to read every thread and post on them, to get Notified.
  4. The interesting thing about that, it was not always a percentage bar. It was a XP number bar. It let you know how much XP was needed to get to the next lvl, in numbers. So, it was easier to math out. Then when it turn to a percentage bar, that messed it up. What is funny about that is that a little before it turn into a percentage bar, Some of us TS members created a thread about how Much XP to each lvl. I don't remember who created that thread, yet a lot of us pitched in with that thread. So, I think TS didn't want others to know how much XP was needed to get to the next lvl.
  5. Nothing really. I just see flex everyday. That is what everyone does. How fun.
  6. That is actually a great idea, yet would not happen. It would be awesome though. It would play out fair for all users who can still lvl up, especially new players. It could play out fair for those who are still leveling up. You have those who are at a certain lvl boarder. Right on the edge. One more campaign, and they get refueled. The down side when that happens is that when that lvl up happen they already had a lot of fuel. They had only gain like 6 fuel. To explain it more easy: Say you log into SM, and one more campaign mission and you are right on the brink to the next lvl. You have 66 fuel, and use 6 fuel. You complete the mission, and are refueled. You only gain the 6 fuel. It be cool if you can have fuel tanks or something. Yet won't happen.
  7. How much $$$ have you spent on SM now, since the 1st of January?
  8. Well, lets just say that it is soon to happen.
  9. That is tomorrow, dude. I Think they end this Saturday. The 13th. Then 14th starts with gato events.
  10. That ain't nothing.... My record of f2p in legacy time was 20k. That was when supersonic was around. Last year, I saved up, about, 8k f2p for about 3 months, yet if I add it all up on the whole year, It probably be 20k or more again. Now it is hard to do that with the browser gone. Another thing about that 20k tokens that I saved in the legacy time is that at that point the big change happened. Then I decided to spend almost all of it. Then I was dumb to give my acct info to someone. But now, I don't play.
  11. If I'm not mistaken, if the top HB is in use, it can over heat range 6 right. Is that entry range 6. Maybe I am wrong.
  12. Anyone play this racing game. It is so addicting. It is awesome. It has a lot of missions. I been playing it for weeks now. I played it before, yet was not into it much. Gave a go a 2nd time, and learning more as I go with the game.
  13. Wow, serious. Pyra leaving. Wow.....
  14. I feel you @L4K3... That is why I stop playing SM. It became a p2w. The adds are ludicrous, now. Join the club, and stop playing. See if the game lives or goes under. I play other games that give out better rewards, even though they charge more. Still, they are better.
  15. Serious, ... Are you being sarcastic or what???
  16. Even though I am not playing, this is not cool. (Just let you know, the healing drone existed in historic time of the game.) This has been brought up many times, especially on TS. Many were against it. Here is why we don't need a healing drone: - There is no point in use of it. Last time I played, most weapons did over 300 - 500 damage. That means that the max healing would have to be around 500. - Having healing drone, would mess up the "RAID". That means the game will be a full on f2p. Even if healing were only 1, you win with over heating. - There is no point to use it anyway. One turn with two weapon use and a drone does over 1k damage in high ranks. That also means that the healing needs to reach over 500. Anything under, does nothing. The only positive that I can see it use in is the campaign. A healing drone that can only be used in campaign. Other than that, no.
  17. Forced to use mobile more like it. I like using Browser for games, yet can't.
  18. My advice for new players is to stay at rank 16, until you have maxed out your Torso, Legs, two side weapons, and Two top weapons. Concentrate on one build in either heat, energy, or physical. Don't try to max out two builds at a time.
  19. Must be on your end. I can reach it fine.
  20. I'm actually been following it non stop, since the beginning. It is awesome. I need to re-watch from the beginning. Watch it on www2.kickassanime.rs
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