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Everything posted by That1Guy

  1. Yes, he is, but that's not his actual arena mech. His real one uses nightmare, magmas, and orb
  2. Yes, but being able to activate/deactivate without using a turn also seems like a bad idea and for some reason inherently wrong.
  3. SM was bought by Gato Games, which is why there have been a lot of changes recently, yes, including the forums.
  4. I mean, this is my slant as a legacy player, but I feel like shields should be left to the past. Also, items generate too much heat/drain too much energy to make them viable without making it drain almost nothing. Sorry, but that's how I see it.
  5. Again, you're acting like this is the only buff. Currently, we're buffing around 5-10 items at a time. Also, heat as a whole doesn't need a buff, but then again, phys definitely doesn't need a buff, and yet I think even you can agree that desert fury does, despite being phys.
  6. Once again, you act like this is the only thing we're going to buff. Energy will get buffed. These things take time. Deso does need a buff though. Unless you have spare weight, which rarely happens in top ranks, deso replaces energy cost with dropping a module or utility, plus, as a damage-based weapon, it's not very good, since it can't actually kill the average top rank mech, which has at least 3.5k HP.
  7. Lol you realize the original pvz was a "weird tower defence version" right?
  8. Yes, the range can be solved, but that involves wasting a turn. Yes, I want to make it a meta weapon. I want every weapon to be a meta weapon. And yes, it's en free, but it simply doesn't deal enough damage, statistically, to survive in top ranks. It's also extremely heavy. Apparently, spending 15 weight to make something energy free seems broken to you. Statistically, Spartan uses 31 energy per shot. Assuming you drop a regen booster to make room for deso, you lose at least 65 regen, so it's almost as if it costs 65 energy per shot.
  9. That's not what I'm saying about divine. What I'm trying to say is comparing premium to non-premium should be like comparing divine to non-divine. Better, but you don't absolutely need premiums to survive. And no, I don't think deso will be broken. Even though comparing to Spartan is pointless, since they aren't used in the same way, I'll do it anyways. Deso is in a much trickier range to maneuver into(4-8). Most battles occur in ranges 1-4. In addition, even with the new buff, it weighs 15 more than Spartan, which is actually a lot. It also has massive heat cost in exchange for being en free. If we assume that putting Spartan on a mech puts it at exactly 1000kg, Using deso, you would have to drop something, most likely a cooling or regen booster. So essentially, you're losing 65 cooling/regen even without buffs just trying to fit it on, plus, it's also much harder to get in range, typically involving wasting at least one turn using a utility or repulser. The new buff will make it viable and competitive in top ranks, where its damage output just isn't high enough, even though it's a damage-based weapon.
  10. All I'm going to say about this is that our goal in rebalancing items is to make all items viable. I'm avoiding the word meta because a meta is what we're trying to avoid. Deso is not as good as other weapons. True, premiums should be slightly better, but only very slightly. Like, divine boost slightly. Yes, @TALΩS, the proposed buff would give it the same minimum damage as mighty cannon. But mighty cannon is also not nearly as viable as other physical top weapons. JUST BECAUSE ONLY A DESO BUFF WAS PROPOSED HERE DOES NOT MEAN ONLY DESO WILL BE BUFFED.
  11. Also, huge shoutout to @Raul for getting the new data into WU!
  12. Absolute poggers. Please report anything if you find something to be far too unbalanced.
  13. We already have two meme topics. Please don't make useless threads.
  14. Ok that's literally premium packs. Gold boxes are basically premium packs now. What we need is: A) an individual item shop B) An ultra-mythical box that has at least 1 guaranteed mythical or C)The *idea* of the ultra-mythical box where you are more likely to get premiums you don't have.
  15. I thought this was known for a while. Happens for most jumping weapons, if not all.
  16. Honestly my only complaint about that is that most of the time in low ranks you won't even need all three shots. maybe 2 shot spartan with 50-100 less damage.
  17. Ah yes, two of the rarest epics. Still, I see your point.
  18. Ummm... have you not heard Alex is gonna buff them?
  19. Dontcha know Alex helps the hackers? C'mon, I thought that was common knowledge
  20. perfect number: 42.0. Not enough to spam everything, but still enough to give meaningful likes
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