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  • How can I recover my account?


    Please note all password sharing and account selling/buying/trading is against our rules. 

    You can try to recover your password, failing that, there is nothing we can do. Accounts can not be hacked without knowing their password, if such a hack ever comes to be we'll announce it and provide appropriate support once we fixed it. 

    Do not share your password, username or playerID with any players, not doing so will keep your account safe indefinitely. 

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    what if you dont remember the user name 

    and you have 6+ acounts with the same password and one of them is lost

    because one of my legacy acounts got lost a lont time ago the username was something like    mgpekka  

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    Что делать, если произошла ошибка и мой аккаунт был смешан с аккаунтом друга, и теперь, когда я пытаюсь войти в свой аккаунт, я вхожу в аккаунт друга, но когда я вхожу, я пишу "Добро пожаловать 8858576", но ни мой аккаунт, ни аккаунт друга так не называются

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    What should I do if a bug occurred and my account was mixed with a friend's account and now when I try to log in to my account, I log in to a friend's account, but when I log in, I write "Welcome 8858576" but neither my account nor a friend's account are called that

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    Hi! I used to have an account I created 6 years ago or so and I have forgotten the password. I know the username and the email address, but because I haven't used that email in such a long time, it got erased and someone else is using the same address I used to own. All I am asking is to be told if the account still exists and if there is any way I can recover it (I can answer questions that will prove that I am indeed the owner of the account, we can even check the ip address the account was made on to be matching mine, if you have it stored, etc.). The account username is Cake007.

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    Был похищен Гугл почта/аккаунт моего сына, с которого он регистрировался и играл в вашу игру. Невозможно восстановить Гугл, Вор заменил номер телефона. Вернуть игровой аккаунт сыну есть возможность? Подробности подтвердим в приватном чате.

    Edited by Symbiosis
    Ошибки Т9 (see edit history)
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    hello, I am requesting help about my legacy account named (marioluigi12) it got hacked back in 2017 through a chat scam.
    the guy said he'd give me 600 tokens if I gave him my account pass so he could go on and do it. at first he told me to reload the page and I did and after I couldn't get back in so in panic I went over onto my alt account I made (yes I have many back ups) and viewed it in the clan and it went from (rank 5) to (rank 3) somehow and I was like how is he doing this afterwards. I found him online in chat again and he wouldn't respond. it is my fault for giving my password away, however I don't think it can be changed cause I used a random email on it I think (but I remember the password for the account and user I just cant log in again. here's me right now on one of my alts viewing it ( I still care about the main account cause that is pure legacy) worth hours of grinding so yeah. 

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    On 3/13/2022 at 4:55 PM, Spoon said:


    wth are you laughin for skippy?  Laughin at the guys misfortune for dreams of tokens?  Its comical but i know a dude who tried to sell me an alt acc of his and was even wiling to give the user/pw of the main acc for the transaction of tokens for alt acc.  Those dreams of toke tokes....

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    Hello, i have a problem with facebook because when i connected facebook to my account OneSec and then i log out to check if it was working and then it didn't work and i didn't had any email on account so i need some help.

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    On 7/1/2021 at 9:42 AM, Whiteivi said:

    Что делать, если произошла ошибка и мой аккаунт был смешан с аккаунтом друга, и теперь, когда я пытаюсь войти в свой аккаунт, я вхожу в аккаунт друга, но когда я вхожу, я пишу "Добро пожаловать 8858576", но ни мой аккаунт, ни аккаунт друга так не называются

    Мужик та же самая проблема вот только у меня через свой пароль заходит на акк брата


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    Dear developers, please help! I lost a good account with the name lll_Tr1dent_lll , the problem is this, I went into the game and my game account was unlinked from my Google Play Games account, this account was no longer linked to anything, not to facebook, not to super mechs, help me with it return! please!

    (I'm Rus)

    Edited by Ventylator911 (see edit history)
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    My account got mixed with another. If I try and enter my username and password than I get sent to the other account, which makes no sense whatsoever. Anyone got tips/tricks to untangle this annoying conundrum of mine?

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    Что делать если ты привязал аккаунт игровой к гугл аккаунту а потом этот аккаунт гугл удалили и теперь нету доступа к аккаунту в игре


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    Hello! I've been playing your game for a long time and then abandoned it for a year, but now that I'm back I can't log in to my account. I don't remember my email or password. Only the username and that is not accurate


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    Hi I lost my account "ultimus primus" because I changed my Google play account just to play the other games in my other account and when I used the account that kept my super mech account  now

    It said error 4

    Pls help 

    Edited by Ultimus primus
    Wrong spelling (see edit history)
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    Por favor ayúdenme a recuperar mi contraseña sin culpa borre mi cuenta de play juegos y intento iniciar sesión con mi cuenta de super mechs y no me acuerdo la contraseña y cundo le doy a recuperar contraseña me sale esto por favor ayudenme llevo jugando 3 años 

    Dejo mi nombre 

    Nombre: THE TITAN



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