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The "Sprite Stealer"

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Hello, everyone.

Today, I'm here to talk about something a bit special... It's about my drone. As it turns out, RIDVAN22 has confirmed that the sprite wasn't for my drone but rather, it was a top weapon that's been collecting dust in the item libraries. Now, I would leave it off on this note... But RIDVAN22 did something else that I really want to make clear.

He's framing me out to be a sprite stealer.

So, I'ma start things off by talking about my rough draft. RIDVAN22 says that upon noticing the sprite, I "made a topic about it". Let me emphasize to you all that my topic outdates his post by a month and when I did make the topic, the concept was spriteless. It wasn't until he showed the sprite in General Chat 2.0 that I was intrigued by the sprite. However, he failed to mention anything about it being a top weapon... Actually, he captioned the sprite image with "some kind of drone?" when he revealed it if I can recall correctly, so where in the hell was this idea that it was a top weapon? (Keep in mind that he was one of the few people that retrieved the image from the game files, where all of the information about what the sprite is should be.)

The next point -- The Profile Picture. If you didn't remember, I made a Exponential Equinox.gif on the forums and used it as my profile picture. If you also didn't remember, I was also constantly asking everyone as to if they knew the artist of the sprite because I wanted to verify if it was actually the sprite of my drone. Surprise surprise, no one answered... Until RIDVAN22 came along and spilled the beans behind my back just a week or so ago. And in case you were wondering, I made that pfp shortly before the new forums were made, not when I noticed the sprite (do you see where I'm getting with this?).

If I'ma be honest about this... It seems that RIDVAN22 assumed things rather than doing a short search to find the context behind the whole thing. I would be fine with this if it didn't frame me as some kind of thief when in reality, it's all been nothing but me asking questions into a void while the one person with answers just sat nearby until a few months later.

I didn't want to do this topic in the first place, either, but since he decided to do that, there's no other way to clear things up rather than make a topic to counter his post.

With that out of the way, I hope everyone has a nice day.

And remember...

To expect the unexpected, pilots. 


I couldn't fetch the image and make the topic at the same time, so I made the topic and decided to add the image after... Oh, and RIDVAN deleted the "new item sprites".


Real classy, mate, really classy.

If you want context, that little smiley face had a full catalog of item sprites that he listed.


Like this.1458178660_Screenshot2021-02-01at10_48_52AM.thumb.png.44eca455017a7235d38c7f7626ae2308.png

And the "I wanted to show this again" addition has the "drone" sprite that he failed to emphasize about.

RIDVAN, if you're reading this, try looking at context before you go on about how I could be a sprite stealer.


Oh, and that link shows the topic where I asked for the artist of Exponential Equinox. RIDVAN didn't show this at all.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for late respond, i rarely check forums.

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

He's framing me out to be a sprite stealer.

 Show me at least one word where i directly called you a "Sprite Stealer". I made that post to clear wrong knowns about this sprite, tell where "Exponential Equinox" name came from and describe your love and connections towards this sprite. Sure, i'm not a native speaker and that was a short paragraph so you may misunderstood it, if this is the case i would accept my mistake but what about your mistakes?

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

So, I'ma start things off by talking about my rough draft. RIDVAN22 says that upon noticing the sprite, I "made a topic about it".


 This is the "rough draft" that you are talking about but didnt show at all.


 This is the first topic that i referred by : "upon noticing sprite, Whiteout made a topic about it". Everything was innocent till you start making several contents with the sprite :


 By this topic some people thought that "drone sprite" is yours, especially that line: "I took my three Equinox drones and threw them into a single .gif." See where i am going with this? I'm not calling you a "thief", you didn't inform people enough.

 Now the biggest surprise:


 Even the @Raul thought sprite was yours although he remembers the real owner of it. After then you responded with true facts but it was too late, no one had interest in that topic anymore so not many seen your post.


 This is the topic that you gave life to "Equinox" in WU and again you didn't inform enough about the sprite. I wanted to check the file to see is there any note in it but your drive link says "unavailable".

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

the concept was spriteless. It wasn't until he showed the sprite in General Chat 2.0 that I was intrigued by the sprite.


 Extreme intrigue. I don't judge it by knowing your personality because it's like "dreams come true" but see what your overreactive posts caused:


 Just after 3 posts, even @Lord Gorgon thought it's your "design". After then:


 But unfortunately no one cared about it... Now think how many could have thought it was your sprite?

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

I was also constantly asking everyone as to if they knew the artist of the sprite because I wanted to verify if it was actually the sprite of my drone. Surprise surprise, no one answered...

 As i said no one calls you a "Sprite Stealer", you just didn't inform people well enough but at the same time no one informed you either especially me while i could and i accept my mistake but listen:

 After seeing your love and curiosity towards this sprite, i started researching about it. First, i found out game had different libraries for different item types and the sprite was in top weapons category with 3 elements and transform ranges. I regret not paying attention to this... Then searched entire "SuperMechs Sandbox" thread to find it's artist:

 Unfortunately don't have any proof to show it because all photos in old forums are deleted but as KilliN said "Maxy" was the creator of this sprite. Maxy was a quite calm user in old forums, usually was in fanart section so Maxy probably didn't even see your "Equinox's Artist?" thread to prove it.

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

I wanted to verify if it was actually the sprite of my drone. Surprise surprise, no one answered...

 When i discovered all of this i decided to pm you but, i found out you got suspended. Don't remember exact suspend time but i checked your profile every day for 1 week in hopes for an early end of suspend because i wasn't able to pm you and i didn't had any other way to reach you. Then i had to leave forums for a long time due to school. Sorry for not informing you later because i forgot about it and i accept my mistake. Then i saw things went too far and we are here now.

 Now few things i want to mention:

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

However, he failed to mention anything about it being a top weapon...

 I accept my mistake, as i said i didn't pay enough attention to it but:

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Actually, he captioned the sprite image with "some kind of drone?" when he revealed it if I can recall correctly



 Show me one word that says "some kind of drone" here, you are slandering me on this part.

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Keep in mind that he was one of the few people that retrieved the image from the game files

 And i regret doing that...

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Until RIDVAN22 came along and spilled the beans behind my back just a week or so ago.

 If you felt offended by my post i would apologize and can edit it properly. Personally i felt offended by your post because you created a whole new thread to blame me and load all your faults on to me. To me, you are a dear person that tried to create new ideas and do something for the community. Anyways i respect your choice but still i felt offended. Leaving the choice what you want to do with your post. Btw one thing i'll ask, why you never bothered to reach me from forums,discord etc. ?

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

It seems that RIDVAN22 assumed things rather than doing a short search to find the context behind the whole thing.

 So a whole "wall-of-text" of info here is just "assuming" for you huh? And these are what i remember from past, i just had to find correct links.

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Oh, and RIDVAN deleted the "new item sprites".

 I kept that post just because greed for those stupid likes, i regret it... Will delete it sometime.

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Real classy, mate, really classy.

If you want context, that little smiley face had a full catalog of item sprites that he listed.

 I had a childish habit of putting "smiley" emojis at almost every end of post, fortunately i stopped writing like that.

On 2/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

RIDVAN, if you're reading this, try looking at context before you go on about how I could be a sprite stealer.

 And @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T if you did read everything, now think about your own faults first before making a post. I had mistakes too and i accept them. I apologize you for my own faults.

 If you want to continue this arguement, dm me on discord. No one has to read our "dramatic" messages.

 Also @MasterChief please learn who and what you are supporting first. I believe you had no idea about what was going on.

Thanks for reading.

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2 minutes ago, RiD22 said:

Sorry for late respond, i rarely check forums.

 Show me at least one word where i directly called you a "Sprite Stealer". I made that post to clear wrong knowns about this sprite, tell where "Exponential Equinox" name came from and describe your love and connections towards this sprite. Sure, i'm not a native speaker and that was a short paragraph so you may misunderstood it, if this is the case i would accept my mistake but what about your mistakes?


 This is the "rough draft" that you are talking about but didnt show at all.


 This is the first topic that i referred by : "upon noticing sprite, Whiteout made a topic about it". Everything was innocent till you start making several contents with the sprite :


 By this topic some people thought that "drone sprite" is yours, especially that line: "I took my three Equinox drones and threw them into a single .gif." See where i am going with this? I'm not calling you a "thief", you didn't inform people enough.

 Now the biggest surprise:


 Even the @Raul thought sprite was yours although he remembers the real owner of it. After then you responded with true facts but it was too late, no one had interest in that topic anymore so not many seen your post.


 This is the topic that you gave life to "Equinox" in WU and again you didn't inform enough about the sprite. I wanted to check the file to see is there any note in it but your drive link says "unavailable".


 Extreme intrigue. I don't judge it by knowing your personality because it's like "dreams come true" but see what your overreactive posts caused:


 Just after 3 posts, even @Lord Gorgon thought it's your "design". After then:


 But unfortunately no one cared about it... Now think how many could have thought it was your sprite?

 As i said no one calls you a "Sprite Stealer", you just didn't inform people well enough but at the same time no one informed you either especially me while i could and i accept my mistake but listen:

 After seeing your love and curiosity towards this sprite, i started researching about it. First, i found out game had different libraries for different item types and the sprite was in top weapons category with 3 elements and transform ranges. I regret not paying attention to this... Then searched entire "SuperMechs Sandbox" thread to find it's artist:

 Unfortunately don't have any proof to show it because all photos in old forums are deleted but as KilliN said "Maxy" was the creator of this sprite. Maxy was a quite calm user in old forums, usually was in fanart section so Maxy probably didn't even see your "Equinox's Artist?" thread to prove it.

 When i discovered all of this i decided to pm you but, i found out you got suspended. Don't remember exact suspend time but i checked your profile every day for 1 week in hopes for an early end of suspend because i wasn't able to pm you and i didn't had any other way to reach you. Then i had to leave forums for a long time due to school. Sorry for not informing you later because i forgot about it and i accept my mistake. Then i saw things went too far and we are here now.

 Now few things i want to mention:

 I accept my mistake, as i said i didn't pay enough attention to it but:



 Show me one word that says "some kind of drone" here, you are slandering me on this part.

 And i regret doing that...

 If you felt offended by my post i would apologize and can edit it properly. Personally i felt offended by your post because you created a whole new thread to blame me and load all your faults on to me. To me, you are a dear person that tried to create new ideas and do something for the community. Anyways i respect your choice but still i felt offended. Leaving the choice what you want to do with your post. Btw one thing i'll ask, why you never bothered to reach me from forums,discord etc. ?

 So a whole "wall-of-text" of info here is just "assuming" for you huh? And these are what i remember from past, i just had to find correct links.

 I kept that post just because greed for those stupid likes, i regret it... Will delete it sometime.

 I had a childish habit of putting "smiley" emojis at almost every end of post, fortunately i stopped writing like that.

 And @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T if you did read everything, now think about your own faults first before making a post. I had mistakes too and i accept them. I apologize you for my own faults.

 If you want to continue this arguement, dm me on discord. No one has to read our "dramatic" messages.

 Also @MasterChief please learn who and what you are supporting first. I believe you had no idea about what was going on.

Thanks for reading.

At the time of creating the topic, I was just furious that I didn't see anyone tell me the reality of things before the time that you made that post. The whole time, I believed that the sprite was considered as the sprite for my drone concept but the sudden reveal that it wasn't simply broke me.

I sincerely apologize for it now that I see your side of the deal instead being stuck in a one-sided frame of mind. I don't wish to continue the drama any further since I've moved on from trying to bear a grudge over something like this. Even I can see that what I did was petty and stupid for something like a sprite for an item that isn't likely going to be in-game due to the SuperMechs ownership change.

Forgiveness is optional but at least we can put this thing behind us knowing that we buried the hatchet. 


If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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2 hours ago, RiD22 said:

Sorry for late respond, i rarely check forums.

 Show me at least one word where i directly called you a "Sprite Stealer". I made that post to clear wrong knowns about this sprite, tell where "Exponential Equinox" name came from and describe your love and connections towards this sprite. Sure, i'm not a native speaker and that was a short paragraph so you may misunderstood it, if this is the case i would accept my mistake but what about your mistakes?


 This is the "rough draft" that you are talking about but didnt show at all.


 This is the first topic that i referred by : "upon noticing sprite, Whiteout made a topic about it". Everything was innocent till you start making several contents with the sprite :


 By this topic some people thought that "drone sprite" is yours, especially that line: "I took my three Equinox drones and threw them into a single .gif." See where i am going with this? I'm not calling you a "thief", you didn't inform people enough.

 Now the biggest surprise:


 Even the @Raul thought sprite was yours although he remembers the real owner of it. After then you responded with true facts but it was too late, no one had interest in that topic anymore so not many seen your post.


 This is the topic that you gave life to "Equinox" in WU and again you didn't inform enough about the sprite. I wanted to check the file to see is there any note in it but your drive link says "unavailable".


 Extreme intrigue. I don't judge it by knowing your personality because it's like "dreams come true" but see what your overreactive posts caused:


 Just after 3 posts, even @Lord Gorgon thought it's your "design". After then:


 But unfortunately no one cared about it... Now think how many could have thought it was your sprite?

 As i said no one calls you a "Sprite Stealer", you just didn't inform people well enough but at the same time no one informed you either especially me while i could and i accept my mistake but listen:

 After seeing your love and curiosity towards this sprite, i started researching about it. First, i found out game had different libraries for different item types and the sprite was in top weapons category with 3 elements and transform ranges. I regret not paying attention to this... Then searched entire "SuperMechs Sandbox" thread to find it's artist:

 Unfortunately don't have any proof to show it because all photos in old forums are deleted but as KilliN said "Maxy" was the creator of this sprite. Maxy was a quite calm user in old forums, usually was in fanart section so Maxy probably didn't even see your "Equinox's Artist?" thread to prove it.

 When i discovered all of this i decided to pm you but, i found out you got suspended. Don't remember exact suspend time but i checked your profile every day for 1 week in hopes for an early end of suspend because i wasn't able to pm you and i didn't had any other way to reach you. Then i had to leave forums for a long time due to school. Sorry for not informing you later because i forgot about it and i accept my mistake. Then i saw things went too far and we are here now.

 Now few things i want to mention:

 I accept my mistake, as i said i didn't pay enough attention to it but:



 Show me one word that says "some kind of drone" here, you are slandering me on this part.

 And i regret doing that...

 If you felt offended by my post i would apologize and can edit it properly. Personally i felt offended by your post because you created a whole new thread to blame me and load all your faults on to me. To me, you are a dear person that tried to create new ideas and do something for the community. Anyways i respect your choice but still i felt offended. Leaving the choice what you want to do with your post. Btw one thing i'll ask, why you never bothered to reach me from forums,discord etc. ?

 So a whole "wall-of-text" of info here is just "assuming" for you huh? And these are what i remember from past, i just had to find correct links.

 I kept that post just because greed for those stupid likes, i regret it... Will delete it sometime.

 I had a childish habit of putting "smiley" emojis at almost every end of post, fortunately i stopped writing like that.

 And @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T if you did read everything, now think about your own faults first before making a post. I had mistakes too and i accept them. I apologize you for my own faults.

 If you want to continue this arguement, dm me on discord. No one has to read our "dramatic" messages.

 Also @MasterChief please learn who and what you are supporting first. I believe you had no idea about what was going on.

Thanks for reading.

i had some idea, and i still believe @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T on this.

One Mech to rule them all

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15 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

i had some idea, and i still believe @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T on this.

Ridvan and I came to the common conclusion of just ending the conflict before it can get any worse and admit to our mistakes.

But for the most part, Ridvan's case holds a stronger point.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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