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Advice to Newbies


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Ok this is the second time I have wriiten this the first one being hidden by the mods basically for telling the truth on the state of the game 


As a newbie myself I advise you forget the arena for now until your mech is at least myth level preferrable with all your weapons and modules at that level 

simnpl;y to be able to deal with the smurfs which was a matter raised in another post in fact many posts but as since the game management seem to be unable or unwilling to do anything about this problem  we have to live it with when raised with a mod who answer was we could play at different time  some of us have jobs and families to look after and have limited time to play what is basically a flash game the response to me seem out of touch with reality 

It means grinding the hell of out the campaign which I know is boring af but its the way it is 


I am gonna be honest here if this game keeps going the way it is   it will be dead with in a year 


I expect this post to be hidden like the first but I have only told the truth 



Edited by shockwave333
typo (see edit history)
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It wont be dead in a year I can guarantee that, people in middle higher ranks still buy offers, so this game still makes a decent margin of profit. However, in a year, if they didn't update the game properly then it will be less popular and profitable, to which they will be more "encouraged" to make some changes.

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6 hours ago, shockwave333 said:

Ok this is the second time I have wriiten this the first one being hidden by the mods basically for telling the truth on the state of the game 


As a newbie myself I advise you forget the arena for now until your mech is at least myth level preferrable with all your weapons and modules at that level 

simnpl;y to be able to deal with the smurfs which was a matter raised in another post in fact many posts but as since the game management seem to be unable or unwilling to do anything about this problem  we have to live it with when raised with a mod who answer was we could play at different time  some of us have jobs and families to look after and have limited time to play what is basically a flash game the response to me seem out of touch with reality 

It means grinding the hell of out the campaign which I know is boring af but its the way it is 


I am gonna be honest here if this game keeps going the way it is   it will be dead with in a year 


I expect this post to be hidden like the first but I have only told the truth 



Yes, you are right. Myself, I needed about 3-4 Mythical items to get past the rank that smurfs farm on.

Also you need good modules. Max them out!

By someone, somewhere.

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