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He's not even trying to hide hit.😭😭😭


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Yes, it's really terrible that now, in the modern era of SM, beginners cannot develop normally in the game... . In my time, there were none, and I managed to break into rank 10-7, where I can fully compete with mechs of such power.

Smurfs are a big hole in Super Mechs, because of it the game is rotting, slowly dying, but we can't do anything about it ...

The developers also do not offer any resistance. The development of this game has long been of no interest to them.

Edited by Scarlet Lorv (see edit history)



I like Fluffeh 💀

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unless something is done  this problem will kill this game new players as my self have plenty of other choices in games out there

1 minute ago, hasn said:

Yes it's big problem in ranks past 15

Too bad the developer can't do anything about it

God help all people below rank 15

i am grinding at 18 17 i keep running into these smurfs i have no chance

i am now thinking  unless you are one of the og group who played this years ago supermech isnt  interested in new players  because we wont spend money on it at least i wont not for a mobile game 

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It's possible to break through smurfs if you have energy drainers or overheating weapons. With physical it's almost impossible. 

Or - you must have HP more than 2000. 

Only way is grinding missions, I prefer 12-6: its faster than nearby, and have good rate of money and exp.

Second place - first boss, it's only three units and chane to get fortune box

Also, develop your base. Factory level 8 will give you ultra-fast items for small upgrades, level 15 - power kits, level 20 - chance to get legendary items. All is possible.

For upgrading to legendary item you can use Iron Plating from clan shop, it's almost ready. 

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8 hours ago, voyager82 said:

It's possible to break through smurfs if you have energy drainers or overheating weapons. With physical it's almost impossible. 

Or - you must have HP more than 2000. 

Only way is grinding missions, I prefer 12-6: its faster than nearby, and have good rate of money and exp.

Second place - first boss, it's only three units and chane to get fortune box

Also, develop your base. Factory level 8 will give you ultra-fast items for small upgrades, level 15 - power kits, level 20 - chance to get legendary items. All is possible.

For upgrading to legendary item you can use Iron Plating from clan shop, it's almost ready. 

The problem is, if you're able to beat smurfs at the level the smurfs are smurfing at, you're either a smurf hunter or you're a smurf yourself.

I think I should rename myself to Immaculate, that would be a much better name, wouldn't it?

Scorpions are also very cool.

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21 minutes ago, Flawed said:

The problem is, if you're able to beat smurfs at the level the smurfs are smurfing at, you're either a smurf hunter or you're a smurf yourself.

So problem is only ethical. If you stronger than smurfes, but don't want to go to 2v2 - it is a problem, yes?

But there are couple moments, like pvp rewards. My mech so strong because I've collected battle coins and have +17% boost to the heat damage. If player understood this - R10 will looks much more interesting that R16.

Also - you will be limited in divine items creations. 

At least - speed of playing, at R16 it's slooow. Annoying.

.....I remember when I'm leaving 1v1 to 2v2 world - and it was scary, my second mech was extremely bad and main mech was not the best too. With awfull matchmaking I fell myself like ragdoll. It's personal. World is angry, this game is angry too. If you want to win - you need spend a lot of time or donate. It's core pricnipe of all games with arena. 
But I'm still thinking, that if you want - you can brake through less than a months. 

We can create topic for some kind of speedrun challenge - who can reach R15 first from the very start, maybe a good idea, also for newbies. All players can be memebers of one clan, for common actions and to avoid battles with each other. 

What do you say?

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6 hours ago, voyager82 said:

We can create topic for some kind of speedrun challenge - who can reach R15 first from the very start, maybe a good idea, also for newbies. All players can be memebers of one clan, for common actions and to avoid battles with each other. 

What do you say?

Good idea. This can encourage new players to play the game more often, and there could maybe be a boost in the amount of new players on SM! :]

By someone, somewhere.

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H̸͔̆̏̚̕ó̸̩̰́l̴̨̻̺͑͂̄ḑ̶͙̬̲͒ ̶̰͓̘̓͠o̸̭̺̽̚n̷̫̽̀̉̾,̷̨̟̫̍͆ ̵̧̘̯̈́̀̓l̷̞̿e̵̱̟̦̩͗̄m̵̤͓̬̰̄̀̈́̋m̶̧͉̑e̶͕̭̔̋͑́ ̵̬̗̓s̵̯̅̃m̷͔͕͕̥̄ű̸͇̬̇̀͛r̵̛̮̃f̶̹͇̥͂̈ ̴͉̗̮̔t̶̾̂͌͜ǫ̸̡̑̒̚̕ ̶͔̚ḇ̶̛͑è̷͖̼̟͈̊͊̐ǎ̴̙̜̭t̵̢̼͔̯̋̕ ̵̡̫̃̿t̶̡̡͎͛ḫ̴͙̌é̴̘͚̗̄i̸̗̖͙͑͝r̵͖̦͕͝ ̶̰̝͑̈́̀͛ã̸͓͇̥̟̀͂ŝ̵̖͊s̸͙̯̊͆͜ȩ̷͚̮̎͛͐̐s̸̡̲̫̼͊̾͘.̷̙͕͎̤̈́


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On 5/16/2023 at 5:28 PM, voyager82 said:

So problem is only ethical. If you stronger than smurfs (corrected thy spelling), but don't want to go to 2v2 - it is a problem, yes?


Uh, no, it's not about ethics. What I'm saying is, no-one at ranks 16 and below is going to be walking around with a 2,000 HP, twin mythical weapons, really high Heat and Energy mech, unless they are a smurf or a smurf hunter.

I think I should rename myself to Immaculate, that would be a much better name, wouldn't it?

Scorpions are also very cool.

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On 5/18/2023 at 10:56 AM, shockwave333 said:

gonna max out my mech smurfs are killing me i know i aint gonna get above 17 at the moment so gonna farm and grind my mech where i want it to be and go hunting 🙂 for smurfs 

smurfs are annoying but a good enough energy mech and/or some patience in upgrading your mech and continuing to try and try again will eventually get you far in this game, it's all about the grind

Edited by Tesla
spelling mistake (see edit history)
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