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A sudden returning

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Well hello there, I'm AudiGodzilla111 (this is also my IGN), a former Super Mechs player, some of you may have known me a year ago when i was still active in the forum. 

When I quited the game, I just didn't to tell anyone my true reason of quiting the game because it is kinda stupid. Overall of the story is I angered my brother and he decided to take revenge on me using my acc (this is my only acc and it is 100% F2P), he used all items in the inventory (everything, even the maxed ones) to boost well... my only physical axe. When I found out about this I almost had a mental breakdown because I have grinded and reached a lot goals that were truly "gold" for many of us the F2P. I didn't get mad at my brother for too long (it was like 20 minutes bruh).

I have reached a lot goals in this acc, some of them are: maxed out a physical mech and upgrade my 2nd heat mech to 80%, reached rank 4, grinded for over 100M gold, maxed out the base (still hate this system to this day) and got some really good premiums.

On my way I have met so many talent and awesome people: CleverNameSM Atusiff, OKI DOKI, iDaniRF,... All of them gave me the inspiration to continue my journey even though it is a really grindy and long one. My motivation is boosted even more when I got the change to join WLGang, I gotta say that is the best clan I have ever stayed in and worked for. Thanks you everyone! :))

For now, I will be back in the game and try to be more active on the forum. I play casual now. You still can find me on Youtube or Discord (at WLGang channel) when i am online. Feel free to chat with me about any topics in the universe.

And now here are some pics from my currently heavily damaged F2P acc (i'm building my mech strong enough to fight in arena): 





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51 minutes ago, AudiGodzilla111 said:

Well hello there, I'm AudiGodzilla111 (this is also my IGN), a former Super Mechs player, some of you may have known me a year ago when i was still active in the forum. 

When I quited the game, I just didn't to tell anyone my true reason of quiting the game because it is kinda stupid. Overall of the story is I angered my brother and he decided to take revenge on me using my acc (this is my only acc and it is 100% F2P), he used all items in the inventory (everything, even the maxed ones) to boost well... my only physical axe. When I found out about this I almost had a mental breakdown because I have grinded and reached a lot goals that were truly "gold" for many of us the F2P. I didn't get mad at my brother for too long (it was like 20 minutes bruh).

I have reached a lot goals in this acc, some of them are: maxed out a physical mech and upgrade my 2nd heat mech to 80%, reached rank 4, grinded for over 100M gold, maxed out the base (still hate this system to this day) and got some really good premiums.

On my way I have met so many talent and awesome people: CleverNameSM Atusiff, OKI DOKI, iDaniRF,... All of them gave me the inspiration to continue my journey even though it is a really grindy and long one. My motivation is boosted even more when I got the change to join WLGang, I gotta say that is the best clan I have ever stayed in and worked for. Thanks you everyone! :))

For now, I will be back in the game and try to be more active on the forum. I play casual now. You still can find me on Youtube or Discord (at WLGang channel) when i am online. Feel free to chat with me about any topics in the universe.

And now here are some pics from my currently heavily damaged F2P acc (i'm building my mech strong enough to fight in arena): 





Good luck!

Nice to meet you.

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welcome back my friend. Yes, I remember what happened. Is good you can now drop few words around time to time and play relax. Change password

I guess you now have mustache after passing a few....


I have long hair now. 😂  COVID time. 


My lady told me or cut in her time away or will be long hair trouble so maybe I will try this back to the 90's instead of my 70-80's look due to covid. 


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1 hour ago, AudiGodzilla111 said:

Привет, я AudiGodzilla111 (это также мой IGN), бывший игрок в Super Mechs, некоторые из вас, возможно, знали меня год назад, когда я еще был активен на форуме. 

Когда я вышел из игры, я просто никому не сказал свою истинную причину выхода из игры, потому что это глупо. В общем, я разозлил своего брата, и он решил отомстить мне с помощью моего акка (это мой единственный акк, и он 100% F2P), он использовал все предметы в инвентаре (все, даже максимальные), чтобы буст хорошо... мой единственный физический топор. Когда я узнал об этом, у меня чуть не случился нервный срыв, потому что я гриндил и достиг многих целей, которые были поистине «золотыми» для многих из нас, F2P. Я не слишком долго злился на брата (это было около 20 минут, бро).

Я достиг многих целей в этом аккаунте, некоторые из них: максимизировать физический мех и улучшить мой 2-й тепловой мех до 80%, достичь 4-го ранга, заработать более 100 миллионов золота, максимизировать базу (до сих пор ненавижу эту систему, чтобы в этот день) и получил действительно хорошие премии.

На своем пути я встретил так много талантливых и замечательных людей: CleverNameSM Atusiff, OKI DOKI,  iDaniR F,... Все они вдохновили меня продолжить мой путь, несмотря на то, что он очень тяжелый и долгий. Моя мотивация повысилась еще больше, когда я получил изменение, чтобы присоединиться к WLGang, я должен сказать, что это лучший клан, в котором я когда-либо оставался и работал. Спасибо вам всем! :))

А пока я вернусь в игру и постараюсь быть более активным на форуме. Я сейчас играю в казуал. Вы по-прежнему можете найти меня на Youtube или Discord (на канале WLGang), когда я онлайн. Не стесняйтесь общаться со мной на любые темы во вселенной.

А теперь вот несколько фотографий из моего сильно поврежденного F2P-аккаунта (я строю своего меха, достаточно сильного, чтобы сражаться на арене): 





WOOOOOOW! I just looked at online players in the leaderboard along with you, watched your fight with a man of rank 17, who has hysteria and melise beam where you won. I go to the forum and see this topic,,,!

I'm shocked!



I like Fluffeh 💀

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